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SC Board of Pharmacy. Tips to be an Excellent Pharmacy Intern. SC Board of Pharmacy. Phone: (803) 896-4700 Fax: (803) 896-4596 www.llronline.com/pol/pharmacy Lee Ann F. Bundrick, R.Ph. Chief Drug Inspector/Administrator. SC Board of Pharmacy. Composition of the Board
SC Board of Pharmacy Tips to be an Excellent Pharmacy Intern
SC Board of Pharmacy • Phone: (803) 896-4700 • Fax: (803) 896-4596 • www.llronline.com/pol/pharmacy • Lee Ann F. Bundrick, R.Ph. • Chief Drug Inspector/Administrator
SC Board of Pharmacy • Composition of the Board • Functions & Responsibilities of the Board • Duties of the Board Staff • Interns / Externs
SC Board of Pharmacy • Established in 1876 • Currently licenses 7500+ pharmacists • Currently permits 4500+ pharmacies and drug outlets
Composition of the Board There are nine members on the South Carolina Board of Pharmacy.
Functions & Responsibilities of the Board The purpose of the South Carolina Board of Pharmacy is to promote, preserve & protect the public health, safety & welfare by & through the effective control & regulation of the practice of pharmacy; the licensure of pharmacists; the licensure, permitting, control & regulation of all sites or persons, in this State, that distribute, manufacture, possess or sell drugs or devices within this State, as may be used in the diagnosis, treatment & prevention of injury, illness, & disease of a patient or other individual. The Board also permits all sites located outside of this State whose primary business is mail order pharmacy services engaging in the sale, distribution or dispensing of prescription drugs or devices in this State.
Duties of the Board Staff • License Pharmacists & Register Interns • Register Pharmacy Technicians • Permit Pharmacies & Drug Outlets • Visit & inspect biennially all permitted facilities in the state • Compliance, Investigations, Inspections • & Discipline • FOIA Requests & Licensure Verification South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation Board of Pharmacy
Interns & Externs • An EXTERN means an individual currently enrolled in an approved college or school of pharmacy who is on required rotations for obtaining a degree in pharmacy. • An INTERN means an individual who is currently registered by certificate in this state to engage in the practice of pharmacy while under the personal supervision of a pharmacist and is satisfactorily progressing towards meeting the requirements for licensure as a pharmacist.
Practical Experience Requirements • Intern certificates may be applied for no more than three months before entering pharmacy school and must be applied for before beginning any rotation or practical experience. • Certificates must be displayed at all experience sites. Proper ID must be worn at all times by an intern or extern. • Intern certificates are issued for 6 years for a fee of $50.00 and may be extended at the end of the 6 years if necessary.
Practical Experience Requirements • 1500 total hours of practical experience • 1000 externship hours • 500 internship hours (institutional or retail) • There is no minimum number of hours/week • There is a maximum of 40 hours/week • Hours may be earned at any time.
Practical Experience Requirements Reporting of these hours will be done in the Certificate of Externship Rotations which shall be completed by the Dean of the College of Pharmacy and submitted by the applicant for licensure along with the examination application.
South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation South Carolina Board of Pharmacy P.O. Box 11927 • Columbia, SC 29211-1927 Phone: 803-896-4700 • Fax: 803-896-4596 • www.llronline.com/POL/Pharmacy/ Certification of Clinical Experience This is to certify that __________________________________________________________has completed (Name of Intern) _____________________hours of clinical pharmacy training approved by the College of Pharmacy at the______________________________________________________________________ as a prerequisite to being granted the degree of ________________________________________________________________. ____________________________________________________________________ (Date) (Signature of Dean) A maximum of 500 hours of practical experience credit may be given for clinical externship upon completion of the B.S. degree program. Up to 1000 hours of practical experience credit may be given upon completion of a Pharm.D. degree program consisting of six or more years of collegiate studies, provided such program includes a minimum of 500 hours of structured experience in retail or institutional pharmacy practice.
Practical Experience Requirements • A Notification of Employment must be submitted to the Board office within 10 days after the beginning of each calendar year, if the student is employed, and within 10 days after the beginning of each employment. • Even if a student is at the same employment as the previous year, notification must be received each year.
South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation South Carolina Board of Pharmacy P.O. Box 11927 • Columbia, SC 29211-1927 Phone: 803-896-4700 • Fax: 803-896-4596 • www.llronline.com/POL/Pharmacy/ Notification of Employment (This form is for internship in South Carolina only) (Print using black ink) I hereby certify that I am a licensed pharmacist in the State of _______________________________, holding license number_____________, and that _________________________________________ (Name of Intern) began employment under my personal supervision, direction and instruction in the practice of pharmacy on ___________________ in the _____________________________________________ (Date) (Name of Pharmacy, Site or Program) at _____________________________________________________________________________ in (Address or Location) (Phone) ___________________________________ with permit number____________________________. (City & State) I further certify that the experience gained by the intern shall be in accordance with Chapter 43 of the South Carolina Code of Laws and Regulations promulgated there under. ________________________________ ______________________________________ (Date) (Signature of Supervising Pharmacist) --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I hereby certify that I began employment under the personal supervision, direction and instruction of ______________________________________ in ________________________________________ (Supervising Pharmacist) (Name of Pharmacy, Site or Program) In the practice of pharmacy on ________________, Intern SSN: __________-________-__________ (Date) _____________________________ _______________________________________ (Date) (Signature of Intern) My Intern Certificate Number is______________________ My mailing address is_______________________________________________________________
**This form must be completed and returned to the Board by mail or hand delivered only (fax not acceptable) for the following reasons: 1. Within ten days after the beginning of employment AND 2. Within ten days after the beginning of each new year 3. Within ten days after transfer within the same company **It is the sole responsibility of the Intern to insure that this Notification is completed and returned to the Board within the required period of time. Lack of knowledge of laws and regulations does not constitute an acceptable excuse.
Practical Experience Requirements An Affidavit of Practical Experience must be submitted to the Board office within 10 days after the beginning of each calendar year, if the student is employed, and within 10 days after the beginning of each employment with the log of hours completed during the previous year. Even if a student is at the same employment as the previous year, affidavits must be received each year.
New Proviso Implemented by the General Assembly for Pharmacy Interns was Effective July 2012 The Proviso is a part of the 2014-2015 State budget. All affidavits of practical experience must be accompanied by a $10 fee. 81.11The Board of Pharmacy must accept affidavits of practical experience from interns whose practical experience internships occurred in this State. The affidavit must provide that the supervising pharmacist and the site of experience is licensed and in good standing with the board and that the internship falls within the criteria for internships set by the board. The affidavit must be accompanied by a ten dollar fee to cover administrative costs associated with compliance with this proviso. Practical Experience Requirements
South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing and Regulation South Carolina Board of Pharmacy P.O. Box 11927 • Columbia, SC 29211-1927 Phone: 803-896-4700 • Fax: 803-896-4596 • www.llronline.com/POL/Pharmacy/ AFFIDAVIT OF PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE (This form is for internship in South Carolina only) Form to be completed when either occurs: (1) within 10 days after the end of each and every calendar year if the student is employed (2) within 10 days after the end of each different employment (3) within 10 days after transferring within the same company Proviso 65.11. The Board of Pharmacy must accept affidavits of practical experience from interns whose practical experience internships occurred in this State. The affidavit must provide that the supervising pharmacist and the site of experience is licensed and in good standing with the board and that the internship falls within the criteria for internships set by the board. The affidavit must be accompanied by a ten dollar ($10) fee to cover administrative costs associated with compliance with this proviso. Check or Money order only Affidavit of Licensed Pharmacist Under Whose Supervision Intern Worked This is to certify that I am ___________________________________________________________, a licensed pharmacist in the (Name of Supervising Pharmacist) state of ____________________________________________________, with license number_____________________________ and that ________________________________________________, with Intern Certificate Number________________________ was under my supervision, direction, and instruction from ___________________________ through _______________________ at the ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ (Name and Location of Pharmacy) _______________________________________________________________________with permit number __________________. (City, State and Zip Code)
During the period of practical experience, the Intern named herein was engaged in the practice of pharmacy under my supervision. The experience gained by the intern was in accordance with the SC Pharmacy Practice Act. I certify that all statements given herein are true and correct to the best of my knowledge. Signed:________________________________________ (Supervising Pharmacist) (NOTARY STAMP) Subscribed and sworn to before me this_______________ (Date) Notary Public:___________________________________ My commission expires: __________________________ I certify that all of the information contained herein is true and correct, and that all hours listed on the reverse were completed before this Affidavit was signed. Date: ________________________ ______________________________________________ (Signature of Intern)
Log (Year)____________________ Enter the number of hours of internship credit earned daily. It is the sole responsibility of the Intern to insure that this form is completed and returned to the Board within the required period of time. Lack of knowledge of laws and regulations does not constitute an acceptable excuse. A total of 1,500 hours of experience is required for licensure. Students enrolled in an approved Doctor of Pharmacy program consisting of six or more years of collegiate studies may receive credit for up to 1,000 hours for practice related experiences upon completion of such program, none of which shall be used to fulfill the requirements that a minimum of 500 hours of practical experience must be obtained in a retail or institutional pharmacy. Reporting of the 1,000 hours will be done on the Certification of Externship Rotations form which shall be completed by the Dean of the College of Pharmacy and submitted by the applicant for licensure along with the examination application. No more than 40 hours per week of internship training will be allowed. Indicate actual hours worked, such as 8, 8.25, or 8.5. Board staff will determine acceptability. Day Jan Feb Mar Apr May June July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Practical Experience Requirements The Board office will maintain a copy of these records, but advises students to also keep copies of all forms as well.
Interns / Externs Duties • §40-43-86(T)-Duties that must be performed only by a licensed pharmacist or a pharmacy intern or extern under direct supervision of a licensed pharmacist include, but are not limited to: • interpretation & evaluation of medical orders; • participation in drug & device selection; • (3) provision of patient counseling; • (4) performing drug regimen reviews; • (5) provision of pharmacy care; & • (6) receiving telephone or verbal medical orders from licensed practitioners.
Licensure Packets containing the SC Board of Pharmacy Examination Application, NAPLEX Registration Bulletin, MPJE Registration Bulletin, Certification of Externship Rotations as well as other pertinent information and instructions will be provided by your College of Pharmacy office shortly before your date of graduation. Some information can be obtained from the NABP website:
Fees • NAPLEX • $505 • MPJE • $210
Licensing Fees • Once you have graduated & completed licensing requirements the following fees are required by the Board: • Initial licensing fee is $70.00 • Renewal fees are $70.00. • A late fee of $50.00 is due if renewal is received after April 1.
SC Pharmacy Practice Act It is imperative that all those who are in the practice of pharmacy be familiar with the laws of South Carolina. Pharmacists may refer to the SC Pharmacy Practice Act if there are any questions about law and/or contact the Board office for any clarification.
Questions? Questions can always be addressed to the Board staff. Feel free to call, email, or fax.
SC Board of Pharmacy • Phone: (803) 896-4700 • Fax: (803) 896-4596 • www.llronline.com/pol/pharmacy • Lee Ann F. Bundrick, R.Ph. • Chief Drug Inspector/Administrator
Board Staff • Sally Green – Licensing of Pharmacists & Registration of Interns • Michael Rowland –Registrations & Certification of Technicians • Beverly Gould – Facility Permitting & Changes of Employment • Alison Gratton, R.Ph. – Inspections • Martin Chan, PharmD, JD– Inspections • Cynthia Reich, PharmD, MBA – Inspections • Ray Trotter, R.Ph. – Investigations • Tanya Styles – Compliance Division • Marilyn Crouch – Program Assistant, Liaison to Board • Stephanie Calhoun – FOIA Requests, Lists & CE Audits
South Carolina Department of Labor, Licensing, and Regulation ThankYou