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Cervical S pondylitis. 63 year old man . A sixty-two-year-old male, first seen on June 15, 2001, has stiffness in the neck diagnosed as cervical spondylitis . He cannot move without difficulty, has arthritis in knee joints. The stiffness is worse from drafts and in the evening.
Cervical Spondylitis 63 year old man
A sixty-two-year-old male, first seen on June 15, 2001, has stiffness in the neck diagnosed as cervical spondylitis. • He cannot move without difficulty, has arthritis in knee joints. The stiffness is worse from drafts and in the evening.
A sixty three year old male consulted on 15.05.’01 for stiffness in the neck which had been diagnosed as cervical spondylosis, and arthritis of the knees.
The conducting thread of his life is being useful, meaningful, meaningfully useful. That is my biographical note. When something does not allow him to follow that direction he feels a sense of dissatisfaction, worthlessness. Largely unusefulness.
He searches for the meaning of life, this haunts him. So he learnt meditation and is studying different religions. He goes regularly to Hrishikesh to learn meditation. It gives him a reference for guidance. Previously he used o ask others. Now he asks himself and follows that. It gives him respect. He honours what comes from within; it creates harmony with himself, gives dignity to the self. When he is not able to to honour a call due to his incapacity he feels he is insulting life and that creates a conflict within. If there is something that he does not follow he feels there is a war within.
Remedy Suggested by Assistant Anhalonium lewinii
P: I am facing spondylitis at this moment. I have a strain in my neck, and I am not able to work fully. • D: What happens? • P: am unable to move freely. Now it is sprained on the left side. • As the patient describes the sensation of stiffness, it is important to understand that sensation, its effect on him, and how they connect. • D: Describe the stiffness. • P: It gets more and more straightened, and I am not able to move my neck both ways. • D: What is the effect on you? • P: I am divided in my work. I'm less efficient. Rather than going ahead in my work, it brings attention to my neck. I have stopped working.
D: How do you feel? • P: I feel I should get relief from it. • D: How do you get relief? P: I just rest for a while. • D: What is rest? • P: In a chair, that is I am sitting. • D: How? Straight, bent backward or forward? P: Generally bent backward. • D: You stretch your neck? • P: If I stretch my neck, it pains more. I am worse as the day progresses. Then I put a collar on my neck; that gives some relief. • D: What is the nature of your work? • P: I move about in the office. I am self-employed. I am chairman of a group of companies. We make and export tools. Even when I am resting, on holidays, there is strain on my back. In the morning, I do my yoga and meditation for about two and half hours.
D: What kind of meditation do you do? • P: One part is giving thanks for everything from which I receive my nourishment. The second part is to become aware of everything. I have meditated for twenty-five years; I am a teacher of meditation. I go to different masters. • D: So what does meditation mean to you? • P: It means quietness, stillness, acknowledgement of interdependence. It is an acknowledgement that everything I do happens because of many things, that I don't exist in isolation. Once upon a time, I felt that things happened because I was doing them, but over time I realized that things happen as a result of so many things. So many factors contribute to make things happen. Sometimes things happen not as I plan. So all the time I feel grateful to so many forces, to so many people. It produces a harmony inside me, a sense of peace.
Describe that peace. • P: I feel a sense of harmony with people, less and less of divisions - divisions in the sense of hatred, jealousy. I feel like being silent. With speech, there is internal commotion, but I allow that to pass off. • D: It was different before? • P: I was reacting to everything; it felt like being caught. • D: What was the effect on you? • P: I wouldn't move from this being stiff. That is, things pulled me in different directions. It was a compulsion of feeling. • P: It was as if I was in the middle of traffic, in the middle of a traffic jam. I feel like I'm in traffic. • D: How is that feeling? • P: The feeling is lack of movement. • Again, he says the same thing: cannot move, caught, stiff. He meditates over two hours a day so he does not feel this. Now is the time to explore dreams.
D: What dreams do you get? • P: Sometimes I dream of situations I am in. I do not remember my dreams. • D: Any dreams which were pleasant? • P: Can't think of any. • D: Any unpleasant or frightening? • P: I generally do not remember dreams. • There are no dreams so look for virtual dreams; in his case try meditation. • D: You said that during meditation the feeling is quietness, peace and harmony. Can you describe the best experiences you had in meditation? • P: On a daily basis I include everything: people, environment, everything. It increases my sense of everything. It produces a good feeling. I feel that I am at rest. I feel that my wife, son and neighbours have problems, and possibly I can help. • D: When you say everything looks nice, what do you mean? P: It does not look disturbing; it doesn't catch me. • He says he is much better by warmth in the neck. The knee and back pain come in one position, and are better from warmth and moving about.
Main features of the case • Stiffness: not able to move, must stop working. Stops movement. • Meditation: felt like I was caught, imprisoned, something was not free. Caught in the traffic, as if in a jam, no open space, no freedom. • Now nothing to catch me. • Pains better from warmth and moving about.
From previous case history • As if his enclosure has burst. • As if a trap in his body has been broken. • Enclosed again in his body. • Something within him wants to come out of it, yet something binds him. • Freedom from many compulsions. • Something within him got released.
The Levels • 1) Name • 2) Fact • 3) Feeling • 4) Delusion • 5) Sensation • 6) Energy • 7) Seventh
Sensitivity and Reactivity Plant kingdom
Sensation in the case • Unable to move. • Caught. • Imprisoned. • Not free. • In a jam. • Trapped, enclosed. • Bound.
Reaction in the case • Breaking/bursting out of his enclosure. • Released. • Wanting to come out. • Freedom. • Better from moving about.
Family Anacardiaceae
Miasm • It limits him in his work. • It is not curable. • He must accept the problem and live with it.
Miasm Sycosis
REMEDY Mangiferaindica
Mangifera indica • Spondylitis, cervical region. • Stiffness, cervical region. • Pain, cervical region, morning, on waking. • Warmth ameliorates. • Motion, beginning of, aggravates.
Mangifera 1m - Follow up after 1 year • I feel much better , my neck pain has decreased tremendously • I have had some cold and cough, with a feeling of body weakness. A sensation as if my body is not moving. My neck pain is much better. • Emotionally I feel very relaxed and calmer
Case of Backache 34 year old man
Case excerpts • I am experiencing a lot of back pain , due to slipped disc • Every time there is pressure at work , deadlines to meet , the pain comes back . • When I work long hours , my back hurts
Describing his nature • Since childhood , I am quite anxious about everything • Everything should happen on time • Mainly whenever doing anything new , unknown I get anxious
Describe the backache • Like a deadening pain in centre , radiating pain • Have to be very careful about my posture and work • Describe careful ? • See I have to be careful , as it is not enabling me to function as a normal person • It plays on my mind , not comfortable when unable to function normally
When you say not able to function normally what you mean ? • Not able to do things I would do before • What is the effect of that on you ? • It holds me back . Not able to do a thing which which I could do naturally like go for holiday , skiiing • I like thrill and adventure
Thrill is something which makes me happy , fulfilment • Like feeling of learning something new • Tell about something new ? • If at work , I like to do different things ,which broaden the perspective • To do new things , new sports , new activities
What is your level of confidence when you do something new ? • Very high . Right now was offered as company manager , it came suddenly • First reaction was suspense then of course I want to do it • I need some cooperation , I am open to experiment
Only anxiety is whether I will be able to carry everything with me • Whether certain tough measures I will take will be right ? • Slightly nervous but hopeful • I have already proved I am good at my work , not a test beyond that
I feel now how far can I grow ? How much more perspective . • How much more can I learn , testing my skills • I like feedback , when people tell me
Level of success gives us the column • He has achieved something • He has shown his capablity to certain extent • Structure is complete till certain extent • Question is whether he can face new situation • He is not fully confident , wants to try and do it
Important words in case • Experiments • Challenge • Whether measures will be right • Need for coopertion • Optimistic • Expectant anxiety • Testing skills
Mineral Kingdom • Structure • Role • Relationship • Performance • Attack and defense
What kind of structure and performance is he lacking? This will give us the exact mineral from the periodic table?
5th Row • Facing the new, creativity and performance. • Need to be explore the new, be creative, perform and be appreciated. • Need to process the information and come to conclusion, to analyze, to improvise, to research, to invent, to devise, to strategize, to plan, to solve.
Keywords of 5th Row • Foundation • Appreciation • Good opinion • Improvise • Invent / discover • Solve • Creating • Skill • Research • Attack and defense • Performance • Talent • Strategy • Specialization
In the 5th Row • Rubidium, Strontium: Lacks the capacity to explore the new, be creative or perform and is dependent for the same. • Yttrium, Zirconium, Niobium, Molybdenum: Starts developing the capacity to perform and explore the new.
Technetium, Ruthenium, Rhodium, Palladium, Argentum, Cadmium: Develops the capacity to perform and then needs to maintain the capacity. • Indium, Stannum, Antimony, Tellurium, Iodum: Increasing loss of capacity to be creative and to perform.
Mineral Kingdom Row: 5 Column: 7