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Annual Personnel Related Staff Meeting. Human Resource Management (HRM) July 28,31, and August 1, 2014. Agenda. Introductions and HRM Structure Learning & Performance Management Projects Staff Fellows Program HR/Pay Updates ADA and IOA Updates Classification/Market Study Update
Annual Personnel Related Staff Meeting Human Resource Management (HRM) July 28,31, and August 1, 2014
Agenda • Introductions and HRM Structure • Learning & Performance Management Projects • Staff Fellows Program • HR/Pay Updates • ADA and IOA Updates • Classification/Market Study Update • Employment Updates • Employee Relations Updates • Affordable Care Act (ACA) • Benefits Updates-New Membership Administration Portal • Questions/Wrap-up
Introductions – New HR Staff Regina Casto Appointment Specialist 785-864-3689 r326c944@ku.edu Holly Zane Employee Relations Coordinator 785-864-7408 hzane@ku.edu Abby Sechrist Administrative Associate 785-864-4959 abigailw@ku.edu Dallas Smith Compensation Analyst 785-864-1163 Dallas.smith@ku.edu Angie Caylor Coordinator 785-864-1581 acaylor@ku.edu Jen Gosser Appointment Specialist 785-864-5997 j689g081@ku.edu Emily Hensley ACA Coordinator 785-864-7420 ehensley@ku.edu MaLisa Williams Program Assistant 785-864-6815 malisawilliams@Ku.edu
Talent Development-Learning & Performance Management Projects • Implementation partner selected – 3D • Project team, stakeholders, and leadership teams engaged • “Discovery” sessions scheduled with stakeholders • 3D begins on-site design August 19 – 22 • 12 – 22 week implementation; formal timeline TBD • Administration and Finance units as “pilot”
Staff Fellows Redesign • Program Goals • Predefined Project • Project Management Tools • Increased alignment of curriculum and faculty • Mentoring component
HR/Pay System Updates Pam Burkhead HR/Pay Systems Administrator
HR/Pay System Updates • Budgetary Loads • Past Time and Absence – Need Assistance for getting the data cleaned up • Heads up Report • Shows exceptions for the past 90 days • Shows all time not approved • Shows all absence request not approved • email hrpay@ku.edu • FY 15 New Gross and Fringe and Manual • Future: upgrade to 9.2 – the date is not set - likely starting the process in the next year – better end user interface
IOA Updates Overview of Non Discrimination Policies at the University of Kansas Jane McQueeny, Executive Director Jennifer Brooks, Investigator/Trainer
The University of Kansas Non Discrimination Policy Prohibited types of discrimination: Sexual orientation Sex Marital status National Origin Parental status Age Gender identity Ancestry Gender expression Disability Retaliation Veteran Status Race Genetic Information Color Ethnicity Religion
The University of Kansas The Discrimination Complaint Resolution Process
The University of Kansas’ DCRP • Who must report discriminatory actions? • Unit heads and others who serve in leadership roles in the University. • Deans, directors, chairpersons or other administrators or supervisors. • Faulty members, graduate assistants, and academic advisors • The Executive Director of the IOA may initiate an investigation when appropriate and in the interests of the University
The University of Kansas Confidentiality? How do I handle if someone reports to me? What is IOA’s confidentiality during an investigation?
IOA Case Load 2012 (May to December) 77 complaints 2014 to present 96 complaints 2013 (Full calendar year) 85 complaints
Classification and Market Study Ola Faucher Director
Classification & Market Study Phase I - IV High-Level Timeline The Classification and Market implementation will require four phases in total, with expected completion in March 2015. Research Administration will be reviewed in Phase IV of the Market Study and will be included in the Administrative/Management family.
Phase III - Key Dates* *Dates are subject to change throughout the implementation process as deemed necessary by Human Resources.
Phase III - Communication Plan Overview • Ongoing Communications: • July – October: Provide biweekly updates on CMS website and send summary and link to HRIS-L
Phase III – Projected Number of Employees Included The table below shows the number of employees that will be included in Phase III: The following chart illustrates the number of USS staff who have converted to UPS over the past two phases; the last line refers to the number of staff who are eligible to convert during Phase III:
Employment Angie Loving Assistant Director
Employment Salary Administration Guidelines (1 of 5) The hold or “freeze” on Phase I job title reassignments and salary increases were lifted on July 20. The following salary administration changes will go into effect for job titles once a freeze is lifted. Please note that any Phase I Salary Increase Request Received after July 20, 2014 should have an effective date of August 17, 2014 or later to account for the budget load and merit files that will be processed on August 3, 2014.
Employment Salary Administration Guidelines (2 of 5) • Salary Increases Only (Within Established Range) • – A salary increase may be generated by a Personnel Action Form (PAF) with Dean, Director, or Vice Provost, and/or Vice Chancellor Approval for the following reasons: • Acquisition of Professional Certification and/or License • Adjustments for Internal Equity • Counter Offers to Internal/External Employment • Acquisition of Job Related Skills & Competencies NOT required at the time of hire • Addition of supervisory responsibilities • Acting/Interim assignment not requiring a title change • Salary increases within the established salary range do not have an impact on annual merit increases.
Employment Salary Administration Guidelines (3 of 5) What is required for the PAF? - The Notes section on the PAF must reference the reason for the increase, the approval authority’s name, and date of approval. Additional documentation regarding the approval may be required by budgetary channels and attached if available, but is not required by Human Resources (HR). Is a Position Description Required? - An updated position description is not required for a salary increase only within the current salary range, however in order to have the most accurate record on file with HR, we would ask that if updates are needed to contact your Shared Service Center or Recruitment and Onboarding Center (SSC or ROC) representative to make sure the newest version is in our document repository.
Employment Salary Administration Guidelines (4 of 5) Salary Increases that May Necessitate a Change in Title, FLSA designation (salary vs. hourly), or Exceed the Established Salary Range – Please contact your SSC/ROC representative to initiate a recruitment exception request. Reasons for such a request may be based upon the following scenarios: ·Job Restructuring due to the addition of more complex job duty assignments ·Reorganization ·Acting/Interim Appointments requiring a title change ·Skill Acquisition ·Adjustments to Internal Equity or for Reasons Stated Above for Incumbents that have already Exceed the Salary Range which will require the additional authorization of the appropriate Vice Chancellor or Vice Provost What is required for a Recruitment Exception? - All recruitment exceptions require an updated position description, justification (please include salary data), resume of the individual and organizational chart if available.Determinations of the appropriate official job title and FLSA designation will be made by HR based a review of the provided information.
Employment Salary Administration Guidelines (5 of 5) • Salary Increases for UPS/USS Temporary Appointments – A salary increase may be generated by a PAF with Dean, Director, or Vice Provost, and/or Vice Chancellor approval for the following reasons: • Acquisition of Professional Certification and/or License • Adjustments for Internal Equity • Performance • Acquisition of Job Related Skills & Competencies • Addition of supervisory responsibilities Please note that any Phase II job titles will not be eligible to use this model until August 17. Titles that have not yet been frozen and/or reviewed in the market study (Phases III and IV) will not be eligible for this new process until that phase of the study has been completed. Please also note that salary increases apply to the overall base salary of the employee and are not a one-time adjustment; and, all increases are self-funded from the unit’s appropriate funding source.
Employee Relations Allen Humphrey Assistant Director
Employee Relations Transitional Duty Program (1 of 2) • Eligible employee has work-related injuries or illness and is unable to return to normal duty. • Eligible: Regular, non-probationary, full-time or part-time employees. • Ineligible: Temporary, probationary, and student employees. • Human Resources, working with the department, finds transitional duty tasks that accommodate the employee’s temporary physical restrictions. • Temporary duty assignment lasts for up to 60 days (or longer with a 30 day extension) or until the employee is released to regular duty, whichever occurs first. • Employee’s rate of pay remains the same, but overtime is prohibited.
Employee Relations Transitional Duty Program (2 of 2) • Links to procedure and forms are in the University’s Workers’ Compensation Policy: • Transitional Duty Procedure • Work Status Form • Form A: Department Task Inquiry • Form B: Employee Notification • Form C: Program Agreement • They also can be located by searching Transitional Duty Procedures in the Policy Library. • If you have questions, please contact Allen Humphrey or Katie McCauley at 864-4946.
Employee Relations Change to Shared Leave Request Review Process (1 of 2) • Change from an HR internal determination to a committee determination • 5 Committee Members • 1 Chairperson (HR Representative) • 4 Members (HR Representatives from various University Departments) • New form is being developed that will seek information from health care providers necessary to make determinations on shared leave requests • Requests are documented in a Shared Leave log and reviewed for eligibility by an HR Representative: • Satisfactory attendance • Satisfactory performance • 6 months of continuous service • FMLA request has been received • Exhausted or nearly exhausted leave • Identifiable information is redacted and the request is given a case number.
Employee Relations Change to Shared Leave Request Review Process (2 of 2) • Eligible Shared Leave requests are posted on a secure HawkDrive each Monday by noon • Committee Members review posted requests Monday - Thursday • By 5 p.m. Thursday, each Committee Member must make a determination on each request; a quorum is 3 Committee Members • A final determination is recorded and the employee and department are notified • Resources are provided to Committee Members on the HawkDrive: • Policy Guidance • Links to explanations of medical terminology and acronyms • Shared Leave log listing redacted past determinations (i.e., precedent)
Benefits Updates Benefits Office
Benefits Updates Affordable Care Act (ACA) (1 of 3) • Benefits-eligible employees – eligible for all benefits (mandatory retirement, death and disability, State Employee Health Plan (SEHP), etc.) • Currently defined as “regular position” with 50% or greater FTE • Beginning calendar year 2015, new definition, “regular position” with 48% or greater FTE • ACA-eligible employees (not benefits-eligible) • Work an average of 30 hours/week (1560 year) during the 12-month measurement period (the initial measurement period: 10/15/13 – 10/14/14) • In positions deemed to be ACA-eligible (Graduate Residential Assistants) • “Adjuncts” and 3Gs with FTE 75% or greater and extends beyond three months • Staff (not “adjuncts” or students) with 1,000 hours during the 12-month measurement period
Benefits Updates Affordable Care Act (ACA) (2 of 3) • How hours will be reported and impact on pay • Non-exempt (hourly) student and staff will continue to report hours worked which also impact pay • Exempt (salaried) – those required to report hours for ACA purposes only will not impact pay • Special rule for educational break period (summer) – if the employee does not work during the summer, hours will either have to be credited or the break period excluded for the measurement period. • Includes all hours worked during the 12-month measurement period from all State of Kansas agencies (will impact new hires with prior qualifying state service) • Hours will be counted, for ACA purposes only, for employees who are not benefits-eligible: • “Adjuncts” – faculty, lecturers and GTAs • Instructor of Record and Discussion/Lab Leaders • Hours not associated with IOR or DL • Graduate Research Assistants • Graduate Assistants • Work Study hours exception • Exempt staff
Benefits Updates Affordable Care Act (ACA) (3 of 3) • ACA-eligible employees – will become eligible for SEHP during the 12 month stability period (initial stability period will be calendar year 2015) • Health Insurance (medical, prescription drug, dental) • Flexible Spending Accounts (dependent and health care) • Health Savings Accounts • Employer fringes associated with those benefits will be paid by the department in which the ACA-eligible employee is employed • Miscellaneous • Equifax software will be utilized • KU policies in the process of being finalized
Benefits Updates State Employee Health Plan (SEHP) - Membership Administration Portal (MAP) (1 of 2) • Effective 9/1/14 for initial enrollment, open enrollment and changes • No more paper forms – online through the MAP portal • Health Insurance (medical, prescription drug, dental, vision) • Health Savings Accounts • HeathyKids • Flexible Spending Accounts (dependent and health care) • KU will interface employee demographic and job data to MAP and MAP will generate an email to the employee which the employee must use to enter SEHP elections and information
Benefits Updates State Employee Health Plan (SEHP) - Membership Administration Portal (MAP) (2 of 2) • New hires and rehires will have 30 days from their hire date to enroll • Dependent Documentation will need to be uploaded to the portal at the time the health plan elections are made • Family Status Changes must be entered on the MAP portal within 30 days of the event will have to be entered into the portal (i.e., marriage, divorce, birth, adoption, death) • Family Status Change documentation will need to be uploaded to the portal at the time the change in elections are made • When employees retire, they will have to make their retiree health plan elections in MAP
Benefits Updates HealthQuest Rewards Program Change • The program year (or earning period) is changing to November 16 – November 15 on an annual basis so employees will pretty much have all calendar year to qualify for the next calendar year discount. The current program year has been extended to get us there. (8/1/13 – 11/15/14 for Plan Year 2015 discount) • Moving the earning period allows employees to see during open enrollment whether or not they are getting the discount for the next plan year. If they haven’t earned it, they will still have a chance to complete the requirements by the new deadline. • Employees can report their appointments (doctor, dental and vision) taking place during the extension period (August 1 - November 15, 2014) for credits during the next program year. They just need to wait until November 16, 2014 when the new program year begins to report these on the wellness portal at www.KansasHealthQuest.com. • As always, the State Employee Health Plan will cover one Well Woman/Well Man, one vision, and two dental exams per calendar year in full (with no co-pay) when using a network provider.
Resources & Contacts: Human Resources - Office that includes the contacts below except Payroll website: humanresources.ku.eduemail: hrdept@ku.eduphone: 864-4946 • HR/Pay – HR/Pay “system related” tasks and issues, also absence and time, approvals (based on data), security approvals/request and HR/Pay DEMIS website:* hrpay.ku.eduemail: hrpay@ku.eduphone: 864-0600 *Contains HR/Pay system related materials. • HR Benefits – Contact and data entry regarding individual benefit deductions and employee benefit inquiries email: benefits@ku.eduphone: 864-4946 • HR Appointment - Contact for “data related entry” questions concerning HR/Pay related transactions (i.e., Personal, Job, Position and Funding) not including benefits, tax, or withholding. email: hrappt@ku.eduphone: 864-5994 Payroll – Under the Comptroller’s Office - Calculation of payroll, withholding taxes and tax treaties, W2, 1042S, direct deposit, off cycles including RFA, arrearages, personal reimbursements and KUEA loans for late pay website: payroll.ku.eduemail: payroll@ku.eduphone: 864-4385
Questions and Wrap-Up Phone: HR – 864-4946 Email: hrdept@ku.edu Thank you for your attendance and service to KU.