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Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice. What is an Impediment to Fair Housing Choice?.
What is an Impediment to Fair Housing Choice? Impediments to fair housing choice are defined as: any actions, omissions, or decisions taken because of race, color, religion, sex, disability, familial status, or national origin that restrict housing choice or the availability of housing choice.
What is Fair Housing Choice? Fair housing choice is defined as the “ability of persons, regardless of race, color, religion, sex, national origin, familial status, or handicap, of similar income levels to have available to them the same housing choices.”
What Is The Purpose Of The AI? The purpose of the AI is for Lancaster County (County) and the City of Lancaster (City) to 1. evaluate the housing characteristics, 2. identify blatant or defacto impediments to fair housing choice, and 3. establish a strategy for the expansion of fair housing opportunities throughout the County and City.
Why Does The County and City Need To Do This Plan? HUD requires communities receiving federal funds to certify that they will affirmatively further fair housing. This means that the jurisdiction will: 1. Conduct an analysis of impediments to fair housing choice, 2. Take appropriate actions to overcome the effects of impediments identified through that analysis, and 3. Maintain records reflecting the analysis and actions. This Analysis of Impediments (AI) is an update of Lancaster County’s Plan published most recently in 1996. This update also includes the data for the City of Lancaster.
What is in the Plan? The AI includes: 1. An analysis of demographic, income, housing and employment data; 2. An evaluation of the fair housing complaints filed in the jurisdiction; 3. A discussion of impediments if any, in: • The sale or rental of housing • Provision of brokerage services • Financing • Public policies • Administrative policies for housing and community development activities that affect housing choice for minorities; 4. An assessment of current fair housing resources; and 5. Conclusions and recommendations.
What is in the Plan? The Redevelopment Authority completed a comprehensive review of demographics for the County and the City including but not limited to population, housing, income and employment. Public policies were also reviewed to determine if a disparate impact was created for fair housing.
Where Does the Data Come From? The AI utilizes publicly available data from a number of sources, including: 1. Census and other demographic data; 2. Consolidated Plan and associated planning documents; 3. Fair housing complaint data from HUD; 4. Information from Lancaster Housing Opportunity Partnership’s Fair Housing Center; and 5. Internet resources on fair housing.
Why are the County and the City joining together to develop this Plan? As entitlement communities, the County and the City are both charged with the responsibility of conducting their CDBG, HOME, ESG and other federal programs in compliance with the Fair Housing Act, and in doing so are responsible for generating an updated AI. As a result, the County and City joined together to complete an AI that incorporates both jurisdictions.
How Was The AI Developed? The Redevelopment Authority of the County of Lancaster served as the Lead Agency responsible for the development of the AI for the County and the City. The Redevelopment Authority created an AI Planning Committee that guided the development of the AI. It consisted of Representatives of Lancaster Housing Opportunity Partnerships, the City of Lancaster, Lancaster County Planning Commission, Disability Empowerment Center and Redevelopment Authority staff.
How can I provide my input? Contact Aimee Tyson at atyson@lchra.com or call 394-0793 x211. You may also submit written comments by mailing them to: Aimee Tyson, Program Manager Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority 202 North Prince Street Lancaster, PA 17603
How Long Do I Have To Comment on the Plan? The AI was released for a 30-day public comment period on April 15, 2013. The Plan will be brought to the Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority Board on May 28, 2013; the Lancaster City Council on _____________, 2013 and the Lancaster County Commissioners on June 5, 2013.