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LDEQ Executive Philosophy under Secretary Hal Leggett Team Building – Politics v. Policy. “A week is a long time in politics” and a year is a short time in government… Harold Wilson, 1964. “Politics is the art of the possible” Bismark , 1867.
LDEQ Executive Philosophy under Secretary Hal Leggett Team Building – Politics v. Policy
“A week is a long time in politics” and a year is a short time in government… Harold Wilson, 1964. • “Politics is the art of the possible” Bismark, 1867. • “We do things not because they are easy but because they are hard” JFK, 1962. • “It is only through the relentless pursuit of Excellence that worthy goals are met in any measurable endeavor.” Leggett, 2008. The New Politician has entered the Building
Who is responsible for policy decisions? • The inherent conflict between those whose career is in government and those whose are not. • Who is responsible for carrying out a policy once it is established? • Meeting based v. Mission based policy. • “Why does it takes longer to obtain a permit for a landfill in the 21st Century than it did to complete a gothic cathedral in the 12th Century?” • “The interdepartmental committee is the last refuge of a desperate bureaucrat” Policy Determinations and political fall out
Other Priorities to consider • Questioning whether this is the correct approach • Not the proper time for this project • Difficulties in achieving success • Technical • Legal • Political • Too close to election and unsure of passage A firm belief in the power of the status quo
DEQ’S GENERAL AREAS OF RESPONSIBILITY Air quality Compliance assistance Water quality Laboratory services Solid waste Laboratory accreditation Hazardous wastes Beneficial environmental projects Asbestos, mercury, lead programs Environmental monitoring Radiation protection Environmental education Remediation of contaminated sites Emergency response Regulations development Accident prevention Permitting State revolving loan fund Groundwater protection Brownfields projects Surveillance Recycle and litter Enforcement Environmental research Criminal investigations Economic development assistance Underground storage tanks Emissions inventories Environmental impact assessment Contractor certifications Planning and performance tracking Training programs Complaints Economic Development Legislative Support
Harold Leggett, Ph.D. SECRETARY Cheryl Nolan, Asst Secretary ENVIRONMENTAL SERVICES Peggy Hatch, Asst Secretary ENVIRONMENTAL COMPLIANCE SECRETARY Paul Miller, Asst Secretary Vince Sagnibene, Asst. Secr. MANAGEMENT AND FINANCE PUBLIC INFORMATION Rodney Mallet, Press Secr. Herman Robinson EXECUTIVE COUNSEL Alex Appeaning, Ph.D. DEPUTY SECRETARY Beau James Brock SPECIAL ASSISTANT DEQ in 2009Organizational Chart 4
FOCUS AREAS: 10 POINT PLAN, YEAR 2 • Ethics and Integrity • Transparency • Level Playing Field • Front-Loading • Regionalization • Investment in Employees • Investment in Community Organizations and Local Governments • Investment in Small Businesses • Investment in Green government and Applied research • Investment in Technology and e-Business
Moving Forward • LOSCO • CID • Stimulus Funding/SRF • Continuing Focus on Frontloading • Efficiency and Optimization