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THE FOUR LEVELS OF MISSIONARY DINING. Author Unknown. LEVEL ONE:. You find a fly in your food and you cannot eat. You dump your plate and start again. LEVEL TWO:. You fine a fly in your food. You fish the fly out and keep on eating. LEVEL THREE:. You find a fly in your food.
LEVEL ONE: • You find a fly in your food and you cannot eat. • You dump your plate and start again.
LEVEL TWO: • You fine a fly in your food. • You fish the fly out and keep on eating.
LEVEL THREE: • You find a fly in your food. • You eat the fly and thank God for the extra protein.
LEVEL FOUR: • You feel cheated if there is no fly in your food. (“That’s my fly! Gimme that fly!”)
FOUR WAYS TO KNOW THAT YOU ARE AN M.K. Allan Burney Alberta, Canada
YOU ARE AN M.K. IF: • You can’t answer the question, “Where are you from?” • The vast majority of your clothes are hand-me-downs. • You speak two languages but you can’t spell either. • You read National Geographic and you see some folks you know.
EMBRACING THE TRUTH AND SPREADING THE LIGHT • We are all missionaries at home at school at work at play. • Luke 14: The cost of commitment to our Lord Jesus vs. feeble excuses!! • 2 Cor 5:(12): When we are reconciled to Christ, He gives us the ministry of reconciliation. We are His ambassadorsv20
2 CORINTHIANS 5:7 • We walk by faith not by sight. • BIBLICAL FAITH: I obey the Bible without concern for the cost, the circumstance or the consequence. • Gideon, Joshua, Daniel, etc.
2 Corinthians 5:9 • We want to please our Lord above all else and teach our children to please God!!! • Also: Colossians 1:10: • Walk worthy; please God; bear fruit; increase in the knowledge of God. • We must learn to fear God and teach our children to fear God. (2 Cor. 5:11, Luke 12:4,5)
WE MUST EMBRACE THE TRUTH BEFORE WE CAN SPREAD THE LIGHT • Psalm 119: Emphasis on God’s Truth. • John 17:17: “God’s Word is Truth.” • John 8:32; That Truth sets us free. • Hebrews 4:12: God’s Word is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword. . . . • Jn. 12:48: God’s Word will judge us.
PSALM 51:6 God desires for us to have truth in the innermost being. • DEUT. 32:47: • GOD’S WORD IS NOT AN IDLE WORD FOR US , INDEED IT IS OUR LIFE ! • (Does our life reflect the reality of God’s Word being “OUR VERY LIFE”?)
II TIM. 2:15: Study to show yourself approved unto God, • a workman that is not ashamed, handling accurately the word of truth. • I Pet. 3:15: Be ready to make defense, give account, of the hope that is within. • (Can we defend the faith?) • Job 23:12: I have treasured the words of His mouth more than my necessary food.
WHAT IS TRUE TRUTH? • IS ALL TRUTH GOD’S TRUTH? • Is there a “way that seems right”, but its end is the way of death? Prov. 14:12 • Satan’s world system offers a “brand” of “truth” that seems so right, but ends in death. (Drugs, immorality, materialism) • So, is “all truth God’s Truth”, or is God’s Word Truth?
In these days of increasing post-modernism and deconstructionism where moral rela- • tivism abounds, we must be ever more convinced of the veracity of BIBLICAL TRUTH and not the experiential or subjective “truth”. • God’s Word is not just for “access” but for INSTRUCTION, that the man of God may be complete, equipped for every good work. II Tim. 3:17
WE MUST HAVE A BIBLICAL STANDARD • Without a Biblical standard of absolutes there is no objective norm of right and wrong, which results in moral relativism, post-modernism, and deconstructionism, which displays itself in the contemporary idea of “You have your truth, and I have my truth.” Words have only the meaning that you assign to them.
WE CANNOT PASS ON TRUTH THAT WE DO NOT POSSESS. • We cannot spread the light if we do not have the Truth engrafted. • We do what is important to us in life. • Ideas have consequences. • GOD’S TRUTH WILL TRANSFORM, THE WORLD’S “TRUTH” WILL CONFORM. (Rom. 12:1,2)
MAN’S WORDS, OR GOD’S TRUTH? • When we substitute man’s words for God’s Truth as revealed in His Word, we become: • COMPROMISED, NEUTRALIZED, AND DILUTED. • The ultimate tragedy of this process is a wasted life for Christ. • How will your life count for eternity?
IDEAS HAVE CONSEQUENCES • Our Worldview dictates our values which govern our behavior. • What is our Worldview based on…..do we “know whom we have believed, and are we convinced that HE is able to guard what I have entrusted to HIM until that day?” II Tim. 1:12b • I Kgs. 18:21, Matt. 16:16, Acts 17:17
What is our message as missionaries? God is love Lord Jesus is Creator and Savior (Jn, Col, Heb 1) He has bought us with a price: I Cor. 6:20 There is salvation in no one else: Acts 4:12 Jesus is the only way to God: Jn. 14:6 We must then “live the love” or there is no reality to it, only HYPOCRISY. The Fruit of the Spirit must be shown.
DISCREDITING THE MINISTRY • II Cor. 6:3: Giving no cause for offense in anything, that the ministry be not discredited. • Pride, selfishness, anger, impatience • We must DIE TO OURSELVES DAILY • We cannot pass on truth that we do not have AND do not exhibit!
MARKS OF A CHRISTIAN • Godly Character (Gal. 5:22-23): “But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Against such things there is no law.” • Excellence (Col. 3:23) Do your work heartily as for the Lord, not for men.
INTEGRITY: I Pet. 3:16- 17: Keep a clear conscience so that those who revile your • good behavior in Christ may be put to shame. For it is better for you to suffer for doing what is right than for doing what is wrong. • PERSEVERANCE: James 1:2-4: Consider it all joy when you suffer various trials, for the testing of your faith develops perseverance.
DESPERATE DEPENDENCE ON OUR GOD • John 15:5: “ . . . Apart from Me you can do nothing.” • II Cor. 3:5: We are not adequate in ourselves for anything, but our adequacy is from God. • Jerm. 17:5: Cursed is the man who trusts in mankind and makes flesh his strength.
AS GOD’S MISSIONARIES: • WE MUST INTEGRATE BIBLICAL TRUTH INTO EVERY AREA OF LIFE. • We must do the will of the Father no matter what the cost.
CONCLUSIONS: • We must know the times and what to do about them (1 Chronicles 12:32). • We must realize that Ideas Have Consequences (Prov. 14:12). • Ps. 4:2: How long will you love what is worthless and aim at deception? (What will matter eternally….where are our investments? Time, Treasure, Talents?
Woe to those who call evil good and good evil: Isaiah 5:20 • All are eager to corrupt all their deeds: Zeph. 3:7(“BAD IS GOOD”) • They refused to pay attention, turned their shoulder, stopped their ears from hearing, made their hearts like flint: Zeph. 7:11-13(Rebellion). • “Taught their tongue to speak lies, refused to know Me : Jerm. 9:3b
Help, Lord, for the godly man ceases to be: Psalm 12:1 • “But they do not know the thoughts of the Lord or understand His purposes:” Micah 4:12. • CONSIDER YOUR WAYS! Haggai 1:7 • RETURN TO ME! Zech. 1:3 & 4 • ACCEPT INSTRUCTION! Zeph. 3:7 • DIE TO SELF AND LIVE FOR CHRIST
DEFENDERS OF THE FAITH OR DEFECTORS FROM ? • Where is our heart? Do we desire truth in the innermost being? Ps. 51:6 • Have we been so long with the Father, and yet we do not know His heart? Jn. 14:9 • Have we been led astray from the simplicity and purity of devotion to Christ? II Cor. 11:3
COMPROMISED, NEUTRALIZED, DILUTED? • The wisdom of the world or of Christ? I Cor. 2:6 • By our flesh? Ephesians 2 • I will set no wicked thing before my eyes: Ps. 101:3. • We don’t become compromised or diluted overnight, it is a process. Godliness doesn’t happen overnight.
Ps. 39:4: • “LORD, MAKE ME TO KNOW MY END, AND WHAT IS THE EXTENT OF MY DAYS, LET ME KNOW HOW TRANSIENT I AM.” • We choose daily to be conformed to this world or transformed to Christ(Rom. 12:1,2).
WHAT ARE YOU CHOOSING? • Therapy over Theology? • The artificial over the authentic? • Entertainment over Entreatment (of God’s Word)? • The World over the WORD? • Passion over Purity? • Feeling good or being good?
Professing or Truly Possessing? • As the frog boils to death in the increasingly hotter water, are we allowing our vitality and enthusiasm and God given gifts to be diluted and lost rather than to be used for the eternal glory of our Heavenly Father? • WILL WE “WAKE” BEFORE WE DIE?
Ephesians 2:10 • FOR WE ARE HIS WORKMANSHIP, CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS FOR GOOD WORKS, WHICH GOD PREPARED BEFOREHAND, THAT WE SHOULD WALK IN THEM. • Let us do our work heartily as unto the Lord, rather than for men, it is the Lord Christ whom we serve (Col. 3:23).
MOTIVATION TO: WALK WORTHY (COL.1:10) • Our motivation to walk worthy should stem from the appreciation and gratitude of understanding I Cor. 6:20: • “For you have been bought with a price; therefore, glorify God in your body.” • We must guard our hearts with all dili- gence, for from it flow the springs of life. • Proverbs 4:23
AS A MAN THINKS IN HIS HEART, SO IS HE.Prov. 23:7 • Do not love the world, nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but from the world. And the world is passing away and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God abides forever. • I JOHN 2:15-17
ECCLESIASTES 12:15-17 • BUT BEYOND THIS, MY SON, BE WARNED; THE WRITING OF MANY BOOKS IS ENDLESS, AND EXCES- SIVE DEVOTION TO BOOKS IS WEARYING TO THE BODY. The conclusion when all has been heard, is: Fear God, and keep His commandments, because this applies to every person.
And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, “All power is given unto me in • heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. A-men.” Matthew 28:18-20