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Strategy and Innovation Workgroup. David Lansky, chair Jennifer Covich, co-chair. October 21, 2014. Agenda. Welcome and Introductions HITPC Overview Workgroup Charge Workplan Discussion Public Comment. Confirmed Members. HITPC Workgroups and Chairs. HIT Strategy and Innovation
Strategy and Innovation Workgroup David Lansky, chair Jennifer Covich, co-chair October 21, 2014
Agenda • Welcome and Introductions • HITPC Overview • Workgroup Charge • Workplan • Discussion • Public Comment
HITPC Workgroups and Chairs HIT Strategy and Innovation Chair: David Lansky Co-chair: Jennifer Covich Advanced Health Models and Meaningful Use Chair: Paul Tang Co-chair: Joe Kimura Health Information Technology Policy Committee Chair: Karen DeSalvo Vice Chair: Paul Tang HIT Implementation, Usability & Safety Chair: David Bates Co-chair: Larry Wolf Interoperability & Health Information Exchange Chair: Micky Tripathi Co-chair: Chris Lehmann Privacy and Security Chair: Deven McGraw Co-chair: Stanley Crosley Consumer Chair: Christine Bechtel Co-chair: Neil Calman
Member Responsibilities • Thanks for volunteering to serve on the Strategy and Innovation Workgroup! Our best work happens when we have full participation. Accordingly, ONC has set up some guidelines for your participation. • Workgroup members are expected to be actively engaged in their workgroup • Membership of the workgroups will be reviewed on a quarterly basis to ensure active participation • Members missing more than 5 meetings in a year will be removed from membership (unless extenuating circumstances) • Differing opinions are welcome and encouraged but should be done in a respectful manner • Participants should be prompt and do their best to minimize personal interruptions (e.g., mute phones) • Meeting materials are due at least 24 hours in advance of meetings • Members are expected to review materials in advance and be actively engaged in the discussion with questions prepared in advance • When commenting be as concise as possible and use examples to explain your point of view
Charge • The HIT Strategic Planning and Innovation Workgroup will provide input and make recommendations on policy issues and opportunities for future topical areas for the HITPC. • It will consider trends and how existing policy may evolve to support innovation. • The Workgroup will initially provide input into the revised Federal Health IT Strategic Plan and discuss a national agenda for leveraging health IT to support a learning health system. • This Workgroup will look further into the future than other workgroups and make recommendations to ensure that policy development enables market innovation and considers market failures. • The workgroup will also provide input on milestones and evaluation against these. • Examples of issues that the workgroup may consider include, but are not limited to, the use of non-traditional information in health and health care decisions, such as wellness data and information on social determinants of health, and issues related to big data and data analytics.
FACA Milestones JASON Task Force Kick-off Interoperability Governance Subgroup Interoperability and HIE Workgroup (estimates) HITPC comments on MU3 NPRM HITSC comments on Certification NPRM Joint HITPC/HITSC Meeting JASON/Governance Recs Federal HIT Strategic Plan Posted for Comment Interoperability and HIE Final Interoperability Roadmap Recs FACA Final HIT Strategic Plan Comments Interoperability Roadmap Posted for Comment Federal Milestone FACA Milestone
Federal HIT Strategic Plan Alignment with Health IT Policy Committee’s Workplan
Discussion Questions to Inform Future Work • What efforts are underway to achieve these goals? • What additional work is needed to achieve these goals? • Are there lessons learned from the current HIT environment that can be applied to the achievement of these goals? • What can be leveraged as a starting point for achievement? • Does the current infrastructure exist or are additional technological advancements needed? • What can be learned from other industries? • What can be achieved in the short vs. long term?