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Background and mandate of the new Task Force on POPs

LRTAP. Background and mandate of the new Task Force on POPs. http://www.unece.org/env/lrtap Richard Ballaman Chairman of the Working Group on Strategies and Review (WGSR) Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape Air Pollution Control Division, CH-3003 Berne. Kara Sea.

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Background and mandate of the new Task Force on POPs

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  1. LRTAP Background and mandate of the new Task Force on POPs http://www.unece.org/env/lrtap Richard Ballaman Chairman of the Working Group on Strategies and Review (WGSR) Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape Air Pollution Control Division, CH-3003 Berne

  2. Kara Sea Kara Sea Barents Sea Barents Sea Artic Ocean Artic Ocean Canada Iceland Iceland Pacific Ocean Pacific Ocean of America Finland Finland North Sea North Sea Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Norway Norway Sweden Sweden Russian Federation Russian Federation Estonia Estonia Latvia Latvia Lithuania Lithuania Denmark Denmark Ireland Ireland Belarus Belarus United United Poland Poland Kingdom Kingdom Netherlands Netherlands Germany Germany Belgium Belgium Ukraine Ukraine Czech Rep. Czech Rep. Luxembourg Luxembourg Slovakia Slovakia Austria Austria Hungary Hungary Moldova Moldova France France Liechtenstein Liechtenstein Switzerland Switzerland Aral Aral Atlantic Ocean Atlantic Ocean Slovenia Slovenia Romania Romania Sea Sea Croatia Croatia Bosnia and Bosnia and Yugoslavia Yugoslavia Monaco Monaco Herzegovina Herzegovina Black Sea Black Sea Kyrgyzstan Caspian Caspian Bulgaria Bulgaria Georgia Georgia Sea Sea F.Y.R.of F.Y.R.of Italy Italy Albania Albania Macedonia Macedonia Armenia Armenia Spain Spain Greece Greece Turkey Turkey Portugal Portugal Malta Malta Cyprus Cyprus Mediterranean Sea Mediterranean Sea Geographical coverage of the Convention LRTAP (49 Parties) Canada of America Kazakhstan Kyrgyzstan

  3. Organes intergouvernementaux,groupes d’experts and scientific centres Intergovernmental Bodies, experts groups scientific centres

  4. Functions of the TF will be to: • Plan and conduct the technical work necessary for the use reassessments, re-evaluations and reviews for submission to the WGSR in 2004;

  5. Requirements as specified in annexes I and II: • Review the availability and feasibility of alternatives to DDT; • Re-evaluate the remaining use of heptachlor; • Reassess the production and use of PCTs and “Ugilec”; • Reassess DDT use as a chemical intermediate to produce Dicofol; • Reassess the restricted uses of lindane. • Take account of the available results of the work done by the former Expert group (EB.AIR/WG.5/2002/2).

  6. Functions of the TF will be to: • Plan and conduct the technical work necessary for the use reassessments, re-evaluations and reviews for submission to the WGSR in 2004; • Plan and conduct the technical work necessary for the review of sufficiency and effectiveness of the obligations as set out in Art. 10 para. 3.

  7. Review the sufficiency and effectiveness of the obligations (Art. 10, para. 3) • … take into account the best available scientific information on the effects of the deposition of POPs, assessments of technological develop-ments, changing economic conditions and the fulfilment of the obligations on emission levels. • The first such review shall be completed no later than 3 years after the Protocol enters into force (i.e 23.10.2006).

  8. Functions of the TF will be to: • Plan and conduct the technical work necessary for the use reassessments, re-evaluations and reviews for submission to the WGSR in 2004; • Plan and conduct the technical work necessary for the review of sufficiency and effectiveness of the obligations (Art. 10 para. 3); • Prepare technical reviews on dossiers of new substances proposed by Parties for inclusion into annexes I, II or III in accordance with the relevant provisions of the protocol and EB decision 1998/2. • The technical reports will reflect the full range of views expressed during the meetings.

  9. Work-plan for submission to WGSR • Use reassessments, re-evaluations and reviews2004 • Annotated chapter headings for the techn. components of the review for approval by the WGSR2004 • Generic guidelines and/or procedures for the technical review of dossiers of new substances that may be proposed by Parties 2004 • Elements of the sufficiency and effectiveness review, drawing upon information from experts, Parties and the subsidiary bodies under the EB 2005

  10. Progress report of the chairmen on TF work • The TF will approve those parts of its report that constitutes the key elements of its deliberations relating to the tasks assigned to it by EB. • Will be distributed by the secretariat to the focal points nominated by the Parties and to the observers and experts who were present at the meeting.

  11. The WGSR will then: • Report and make recommendations to the EB at it XXII session in December 2004. • Review para. 2 of the EB decision 1998/2 and provide guidance respecting how “deemed acceptable” is to be understood and applied by the EB.

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