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CHEMICAL EDUCATION REFORM IN THE GLOBAL AGE: SATL VISION. *Ameen F. M. Fahmy , **J. J. Lagowski* Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry and Science Education Center, Ain Shams University, Abbassia, Cairo, Egypt E-mail: fahmy@online.com.eg

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  1. CHEMICAL EDUCATION REFORM IN THE GLOBAL AGE: SATL VISION *Ameen F. M. Fahmy, **J. J. Lagowski* Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry and Science Education Center, Ain Shams University, Abbassia, Cairo, Egypt E-mail: fahmy@online.com.eg ** Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, The University of Texas at Austin, TX 78712 E-mail: jjl@mail.cm.utexas.edu 2008

  2. INTRODUCTION The SATL contribution to chemical education reform was dictated by the globalization of most human activities; the future of science education must reflect a flexibility to adapt to rapidly changing world needs. The interest in the chemical education reform has gained great importance internationally. Taagepera and Noori (2000) tracked the development of student’s conceptual understanding of organic chemistry during a one-year sophomore course. They found that the student's knowledge base increased as expected, but their cognitive organization of the knowledge was surprisingly weak

  3. The authors concluded that instructors should spend more time making effective connections, helping students to construct a knowledge space based on general principles. . Pungente, and Badger 2003 stated that the primary goal of teaching introductory organic chemistry is to take students beyond the simple cognitive levels of knowledge and comprehension using skills of synthesis and analysis – rather than rote memory. Fahmy and Lagowski since (1998) have designed, implemented, and evaluated the systemic approach to teaching and learning chemistry (SATLC).

  4. SATL is based on the constructivist theory, and Ausubel’s concept of meaningful learning Within the SATL framework, effective teaching connects isolated ideas and information with global concepts and recognizes that meaning is personal and unique, and that students' understandings are based on their own unique experiences The use of systemics, in our view, will help students to understand interrelationships between concepts in a greater context.

  5. 1-1-Why SATL? The SATL technique assures that students attain the major goals of education—helping them acquire the higher order cognitive skills as described by Bloom’s taxonomy. It provides the basis for systemic thinking and the continuous growth of knowledge that is the mark of TQ of education needed for the global labor market based on systemics. SATL represents a theme and method of teaching and learning that finds use in all aspects of the modern human condition and the challenges it faces today.

  6. 1-2-What is the SATL? By "systemic" we mean an arrangement of concepts or issues through interacting systems in which all relationships between concepts and issues are made clear, up front, to the teachers and learners (Fig. 1b) in contrast to the usual linear method of teaching the same topics (Fig. 1a). It helps learners in obtaining a deeper learning experience, improve their understanding, enhance their systemic thinking, and increasing their enthusiasm for learning chemistry, as well as other subjects.

  7. concept concept concept concept Fig: 1a: Linear representation of concepts concept concept concept concept Fig: 1b: systemic representation of concepts

  8. 2-SATLC Materials: We have conducted numerous experiments in which we attempted to establish the effectiveness of SATL methods not only in Chemistry, but also in other basic sciences, and Medicinal sciences, Engineering sciences, and linguistics. In chemistry, we have conducted a series of successful SATL-oriented experiments, at pre-university, and university levels of education. We have created SATL units on general, analytical, aliphatic, aromatic, and heterocyclic, chemistry. These units have been used in Egyptian universities and secondary schools to establish the validity of the SATL approach on an experimental basis.

  9. 3-Nature of Learning and Teaching Processes in SATL: 3-1-Learning is an active process: SATL-based learning is an active process where learners are encouraged to discover principles, concepts, and facts and arrange them in a systemic relationship In this process, significant learning interactions occur between learners, between learners and teachers, and between learners and context.

  10. 3-2-Teaching Strategic plan in SATL The teaching strategy is itself, systemic. Any course to be taught using SATL methods involves the development of a systemic diagram (SD0) that has determined as the starting point of the course; it incorporates the prerequisite materials. The course ends with a final systemic diagram (SDf) in which all the relationships between concepts are known (Fig. 2). From SDO through SDf we crossover several systemics with known and unknown relationships (SD1, SD2, etc )

  11. (?) () () () Stage (2) SD1 SD2 Stage (1) Stage (3) () () (?) (?) () (?) () () SD0 SDf (?) (?) () () (maximum Unknown chemical relation) (All chemical relations are known) Educational standards and objectives Fig (2): Systemic teaching strategy We can implement a systemic teaching strategy by designing any course of chemistry, or, indeed, any subject (vide infra), as described in Fig. 2.

  12. Fifteen SATL based lessons in inorganic chemistry taught over a three - week period were presented to a total 130 students . The achievement of these students was then compared with 79 students taught the same material using the standard (linear) method. 4-SATL Experiments: 4-1-PRE-COLLEGE EDUCATIONAL LEVEL: Our experiments probing the usefulness of SATL in learning chemistry at the pre-college level were conducted in the Cairo and Giza school districts the chemical subjects were SATL-Carboxylic acids and SATL-Classification of Elements. Here we review the details of the latter. 4-1-1-SATL-CLASSIFICATION OF ELEMENTS:

  13. Periodicity of the properties within periods: Electronegativity Electronaffinity Atomic radius ? ? ? By increasing the atomic number in periods ? ? ? ? ? Basicproperty Non-metallic property Ionization energy Acidic property Metallic property The periodicity of the properties within the horizontal periods is illustrated by the diagram in Fig. 3, and within the vertical groups is illustrated in Fig. 6. Figure 3. An overview of the periodicity of properties of the elements within the periods used in the experiment

  14. The diagram of periods (Fig. 3) represent linearly separated chemical relations between the atomic number and atomic radius, ionization energy, electron affinity, electronegativity, metallic and non-metallic properties, and the basic and acidic properties of the elements. The periodicity of the properties through the periods can be illustrated systemically by changing the diagram in Fig. 3 to systemic diagram (SD0-P) Fig. 4. SD0-P means the starting point for the systemic study of the periodicity of the properties through the periods..

  15. Electronegativity 8 9 ? ? 6 Electron affinity Ionization energy ? 7 ? 3 ? 5 16 ? ? 15 Atomic radius 12 ? ? 2 11 ? ? ? 14 Metallic property Non-metallic property ? ? 1 4 13 10 ? ? By increasing atomic number within the periods ? 20 ? ? 18 ? 17 19 Basic property Acidic property Amphoteric property Figure 4. Systemic Diagram (SD0 - P) for the periodicity of properties of the elements within periods.

  16. After a studying the periodicity of the physical and chemical properties of the elements we can modify systemic diagrams (SD0-P) Fig. 4 to (SDf -P) Fig. 5, for periods. SDf-P means the end point for the systemic study of the periodicity of the properties through the periods, in which all relation between properties are identified.

  17. Electronegativity 8 9 6   Electron affinity Ionization energy  7  3 16  5 12   Atomic radius 15   2 14  11   Non-metallic property Metallic property  1   4  13 10 By increasing atomic number within the periods    18 20  17 19 Basic property Acidic property 21  Amphoteric property 22   The oxidation number for element in its oxide 23 Figure 5. Systemic Diagram (SDf - P) for the periodicity of the properties for the elements within a period.

  18. Electronegativity ? ? ? By increasing the Atomic number in groups ? ? ? ? ? Basic property Electron affinity Atomic radius Non-metallic property Ionization energy Acidic property Metallic property Periodicity of the properties of the elements within the groups • Fig. 6 represents linear separate relations in groups. Periodicity of the properties of the elements within the groups can be illustrated linearly according to Fig. 6. Figure 6. The linear relationships of the properties within groups.

  19. Electronegativity 8 9 6 ? ? Electron affinity Ionization energy ? 7 ? 3 ? 5 16 12 ? 2 15 Atomic radius ? ? ? ? 14 11 ? ? Metallic Property Non-metallic property ? 13 1 4 10 ? ? ? By increasing Atomic number within the groups 18 ? ? 20 Basic Property Acidic property HX ? 19 ? 17 The periodicity of the properties within groups shown linearly in Fig. 6 is now illustrated systemically in (SDo-G) (Fig. 7). Figure (7). Systemic Diagram (SD0 - G) for the periodicity of properties of the elements within periodic groups

  20. Electronegativity 8  9 6  Electron affinity Ionization energy  7  3  5 12  2 16 15 Atomic radius     14 11   Metallic Property Non-metallic property   13 1 4  10  By increasing Atomic number within the groups 20 18   19 17 Basic Property Acidic property HX   After studying the periodicity of physical and chemical properties of the elements we can modify (SD0-G) Fig. 7 to (SDf-G) Fig. 8. Figure 8. Systemic Diagram (SD2 G) for the periodicity of the properties of elements within periodic groups.

  21. 4-1-2-The results of experimentation 120 100 92 100 88 80 56 60 47 40 21 15 20 0 Before After 0 all the exp. (group) Eltabary Roxy "boys" Nabawia Mosa"girls" Gamal Abedel Naser "girls" The results of a study of the achievement of a control group, taught linearly vs. an experimental group taught by SATL techniques indicate that a greater proportion of students exposed to systemic techniques achieved at a higher level than did the control group. The overall results are summarized in Figures 9, and 10 Figure 9. Percent of students in the experimental groups who succeeded (achieved at a 50% or higher level). The bars indicate a 50% or greater achievement rate before and after the systemic intervention period.

  22. 70 64 60 46 50 39 40 Before After 30 20 13 8 7 5 10 0 0 all the control (group) Nabawia Mosa"girls" Gamal Abedel Naser "girls" Eltabary Roxy "boys" Figure 10: Percent of students in the control groups who succeeded (achieved at a 50% or higher level). The bars indiate a 50% or greater achievement rate before and after the linear intervention period.

  23. Implementing the systemic approach for teaching and learning using two units of general chemistry within the course has no negative effects on the ability of the students to continue their linear study of the remainder of the course using the linear approach. b. Teacher's feedback indicated that the systemic approach seemed to be beneficial when the students in the experimental group returned to learning using the conventional linear approach. c. Teachers with different experiences, and ages can be trained to teach by the systemic approach in a short period of time givensufficient training

  24. 4-University Courses: 4-1-Aliphatic Chemistry We present here the results of a study of the efficacy of systemic methods applied to the usual first semester content of the second year organic chemistry course (16 lectures, 32 hours) at Zagazeg University The details of the transformation of the linear approach usually used to teach the subject matter of this course involves separate chemical relationships among alkanes and other related compounds. The corresponding systemic diagram appears in Fig. 11.

  25. Figure 11. Relationships involving the chemistry of the alkanes organized to to create a systemic diagram for that chemistry(SD0).

  26. In the systemic diagram SD0 some chemical relationships are defined whereas others are undefined (to be learned). These undefined relationships are developed systematically. Figure 12. Systemic diagram (SD1) that represents some of the major chemistries of alkanes

  27. After using the diagram shown in Fig. 12 as the basis for the study of the synthesis and reactions of alkenes, and alkynes, we can modify this systemic diagram (SD1 in Fig. 12) to accommodate other chemistries of hydrocarbons as shown in (SD2), Fig. 13. Figure 13. Systemic diagram ( SD2 ) that represents the SATL relationship between the hydrocarbons and derived compounds.

  28. Figures (14) and (15) show the final data in terms of student achievement. These data indicate a marked difference between the control and experimental groups, and the success of the Systemic Approach. Figure 14: Examination results for the control groups taught by conventional Method before and after intervention.

  29. Figure 15. Examination results for Experimental group chemistry taught by SATL methods. The right-hand bars in each group represent the results for the experimental group; the left-hand bar is the control group results.

  30. 4-2-Systemics and laboratory instruction: In contrast to the linear approach of learning chemistry of cations from a laboratory experience, a systemic approach has been developed that focuses attention on individual species; Fig. 16 represents the SATL approach to the investigation of the ionic species A+ in aqueous solution. The pertinent observations can be made in the course of four (4) simple experiments made on the micro scale.

  31. Exp. 1 A+X- Exp. 4 (?) (?) A+E- A+Y- (?) (?) Exp. 3 Exp. 2 A+Z- The diagram shows the plan for qualitative investigation of the species (A+), the preparation of (A+) compounds, and the interconversion of the species. Figure 16. Systemic Investigation of species A+ (SI-plan).

  32. In Fig. 18- all the experiments of the cycle were done. The reactions can be performed in a single test tube on a small sample (<0.5 ml). Applying Systemics to laboratory instruction reveals the following advantages, which constitute the principles of benign analysis * Smaller amounts of Chemicals are used. * Recycling of Chemicals. * Experiments are done with less hazards, and more safety. * Experiments are done more rapidly. * Students easily acquire a working sense of the principles of green chemistry.

  33. Pb++ Pb++ Exp.1 Na2C2O4 HNO3 HNO3 Recycling (?) () () Nitrate Salt Nitrate Salt (White ppt.) Lead Oxalate (White ppt.) Lead Oxalate (Yellow ppt) Lead iodide (Yellow ppt) Lead iodide i) HNO3 ii)NH4OH i) HNO3 ii) KI (?) Exp.4 (?) Exp.2 () () Exp.3 (White ppt) Lead hydroxide (White ppt) Lead hydroxide () (White ppt) Lead carbonate (White ppt) Lead carbonate i) HNO3 ii) Na2CO3 (?) (SI -1 - Plane) (SI -1 - Final) 4-3-Analytical Classification of the Metal Ions. The students follow the plane (SI-1) to investigate (Pb2+) in a series of experiments (1-4) in a single test tube on a small sample of lead nitrate (0.5 ml), then they recycle the product of (Exp. 4) to Pb(NO3)2 (Cf. SI - Final).

  34. By using (SATL), we expect from our chemistry students: • Making maximum connections between chemistry concepts, elements, compounds, and reactions. • *Recognize which cognitive level they should view in chemistry. • *Systemic solutions of any chemical problem in chemistry. • *See the pattern of pure and applied chemistry rather than synthesis and reactions.

  35. References: (1) Taagepera, M and Noori, S. J.Chem.Edu. 2000, 77, 1224. (2(Pungente, M. and Bagder, R. J.Chem.Edu., 2003, 80, 779. (3)Fahmy, A. F. M. and Lagowski, J. J., “The use of Systemic Approach in Teaching and Learning for 21st Century”J Pure Appl. 1999, [15th ICCE, Cairo, August 1998]. (4) Fahmy, A. F. M.; Hamza, M. A.; Medien, H. A. A.; Hanna, W. G.; Abdel-Sabour, M.; and Lagowski, J.J. “From a Systemic Approach in Teaching and Learning Chemistry (SATLC) to Benign Analysis”Chinese J. Chem. Edu. 2002, 23(12),12 [17th ICCE, Beijing, August 2002]. (5) Fahmy, A. F. M. and Lagowski, J. J. “Systemic Reform in Chemical Education An International Perspective”J. Chem. Edu. 2003, 1(9), 1078. (6)Fahmy, A.F. M. and Lagowski, J. J. “Using SATL Techniques to Assess Student Achievement” proceedings 18th ICCE, Istanbul Turkey, 3-8 August 2004. (7) Caine, R.N. and Caine, G. (1991). Making connections: Teaching and the human brain. Alexandria, VA: Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development.

  36. (8) a) Ausubel, D. P.; Novak, J. D.; and Hariesian H. “Educational Psychology: A Cognitive View” Reinhart and Winston, New York, 1968. (b) Ausubel, D. P.; Novak, J. D.; Hanesian, H. “Educational Psychology: A Cognitive View” Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York, 1978 (9) Fahmy, A. F. M. and Lagowski, J. J. “Systemic Approach in Teaching and Learning Carboxylic Acids and Their derivatives” http.//www. salty2k.com/satlc. Html. (10) Fahmy, A. F M.; El-Shahat, M. F.; and Said, M. “Systemic Approach in classification of elements” Science Education Center, Cairo, Ain Shams University, Cairo, Egypt (2002). (11) Fahmy, A. F. M. and Lagowski, J. J. “Systemic Approach in Teaching and Learning Aliphatic Chemistry” Modern Arab Establishment for printing, publishing; Cairo, Egypt (2000). (12) Fahmy, A. F. M. and Lagowski, J. J. “Systemic Approach To Teaching and Learning Five-membered Heterocycles” [9th Ibn Sina International Conference on Pure and Applied Heterocyclic Chemistry, Sharm El-Skeik Dec. 11-14 (2004)]. (13) Fahmy A. F. M. and El-Hashash M. “Systemic Approach in Teaching and Learning Heterocyclic Chemistry” Science Education Center, Cairo, Egypt (1999).

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