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Interactive Remedial Reading Drills with Rapunzel's Dream

Enhance reading skills with an interactive drill collection by Ekaterina A. Kotilevskaya. Improve pronunciation and comprehension. Includes exercises for various vowel sounds. Practice using familiar words. Suitable for remedial sessions. Let Rapunzel's dream come true!

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Interactive Remedial Reading Drills with Rapunzel's Dream

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  1. Интерактивный тренажер по чтению к сборнику Remedial Reading Drills Автор: КотилевскаяЕкатерина Алексеевна,учитель английского языкаМКОУ «Вихоревская СОШ № 2» Let us read… http://donpotter.net/pdf/remedial_reading_drills.pdf

  2. Help Rapunzel’s dream come truth http://donpotter.net/pdf/remedial_reading_drills.pdf

  3. Main Menu • Drill 1: a [æ] • Drill 2: o [ɔ] • Drill 3: Review a [æ], o [ɔ] • Drill 4: i [ɪ] • Drill 5: a [æ], o [ɔ], i [ɪ] • Drill 6: u [ʌ] • Drill 7: Review a [æ], o [ɔ],i [ɪ] , u [ʌ] http://donpotter.net/pdf/remedial_reading_drills.pdf

  4. Далее a [æ] sat mat rat bat cat fat cap sap map tap lap rapam ram Sam ham dam jam rag bag tag wag hag lag can man ran tan fan pan sad mad had lad pad dad sat sap Sam sad map man mad mat tan taptag tax cab cat cap can bag bad ban bat hat ham hag had had rap rat ran rag lad

  5. a [æ] lap fan fat sat man fat tan pat ban map can mad cat man cab rag cat lap ham bat tap jam fan dam had tag rap sat cap rag can sad mat sap ram bag man mad rat map Sam tag ran had bat tap ham wag tan lad cat lap dam hag fan pad

  6. Далее o [ɔ] hot pot not rot got sob rob mob fob hop mop top pop lop cog fog hog jog bog sod rod nod hod pod hop hot hog hod pop pod pot pod cob cog cod cot Tom top rob rod rot mop mob mop sob sod hot mop not

  7. o [ɔ] top pot lop rob hop rod hog rot hod got Tom nod sob jog pop dot mop Tom cob jog pop hot cog log pot hog lot sod fob got not fog log pod pop rob sob rot mop not top pot fog hog

  8. a [æ] o [ɔ] sat bag ram cap lad tan hog sod top got mob not tag ran ham mop fog rod lap man hat rob log dot cat cot hat hot pat pot rat rot map mop had hod hog hag sod sad top tap cob cab pad pod not Nat pot cat bag log hod lad mat mop cob cap Далее

  9. a [æ] o [ɔ] tan Tom hod jog fat fob nag lap ran cot sob fan la rob bat sad pop lot man lot tap jog mat pop fatpad rob bat sob fan eat hot jobcap Rodwag got map ran cabman cogjam sat mop ragpod lap not had mop fog rodnot Nat

  10. i [ɪ] sit him sip win fig hid rib mix fit rim rip tin rig lid fib six hit dim nip sin pig did fix bit Jim lip fin big kid six kit Tim dip bin dig mid rib mix hit sin rib tin lid pig him sit rim Tim lip pin hid sip rip tip lit pit hip six rig tin lip pig sit sip rid mid fin him win Далее

  11. i [ɪ] hid dig big fit rip rig bin kid rim tim hit dip fib hit hip rim pit six dim sin hip lip rib tin jig hit big fib nip bin fit pig him hit dig sin hip fin sit bit did fig mid rip lip six rig pin dip lip rib sip fix sip rip tip lit

  12. a [æ] o [ɔ] i [ɪ] sat not sit mat cap sob him sap rag hop sip rob can cog win mop sad sod fig fit mat pot hid rim hat tap big hat hot top bog hit tip bag hot pat had lip top pot hod lop tap pit hid lap tip fit rag pod dip dam rip kid dig cot ram rap top pat had lip top Далее

  13. a [æ] o [ɔ] i [ɪ] bag hip mix sat rim rip pot sob rod dot rob mat log fan wag mop sip lag nip cat dip cap sad dim jig did got sip sob hot man fob map pan rat sad Jim sod hog big tan lot dot wag bog pit Sam fin jab jog pop nod mob six can

  14. u [ʌ] Далее cut cup cud gun gut gum sum rug bud hut run bus cut sup pup mug sup nun tub gum pug cud hut mud hug rub bus cud sum jug run tub dug jut tug gun bun rum hub nut gun up cut sun tub gum mud fun hum hut pup gut mug jut bug bun sum cup cud cup fun

  15. u [ʌ] nut hut cut gut but jut fun run nun sun gun bun up pup sup cup sup pup rug mug pug jug dug bug hub rub tub hub tub bud mud cud bud cud sum hum gum rum gum sum hut hum hug hub run rug rub rum bus but bug bun sup sun sum sun

  16. a [æ] o [ɔ] i [ɪ] u [ʌ] pad fat rap jam lag pan mad tin fib pig cat lod rip him big sat cap dig am fit hap dot mop Tom cob jog pop sob pan not pit dig hop hid sat sum rug bud hut big bag bog cup fun bug hub Далее

  17. a [æ] o [ɔ] i [ɪ] u [ʌ] cat cut hit hot hut hat sap sup sip rum ram rim jug jog jig jog bit bat but hum him ham pot fin sum hit nut cob tug sad but dim rug dam hit cud got dot mop tin cup rug pop nun hut pin run up sin tug rat pit hog rag can fob Далее

  18. a [æ] o [ɔ] i [ɪ] u [ʌ] map sip lot Sam sod hit pop kid lad bus fib hag bat sum bun cot pit Six top mob tan tub pug hid rip bat nod wag him dug pup dot hip dad mix man dip jut nun pop dam bag rod bug pod rag gun pit mug had cat

  19. Источники Сборник упражнений http://donpotter.net/pdf/remedial_reading_drills.pdf • http://demiart.ru/forum/image.php?i=forum/uploads1/post-29410-1214665761.jpg. • http://pinster.ru/uploads/ivFA3S0hE.jpeg. • http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140502155144/disney/images/d/dd/Rapunzel_Redesign_2.png • https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/60/40/24/604024bb2f47a6863b72a9852589ddd2.jpg • http://mms.businesswire.com/bwapps/mediaserver/ViewMedia?mgid=278970&vid=5&download=1 • http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140417144316/disney/images/archive/b/be/20141122123336!Rapunzel_Redesign_1.png • http://img1.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20150123130312/disney/ru/images/6/69/RMK2552GM_Princess-Rapunzel-Giant-Wall-Decals_Assembled-Product_(1).jpg • http://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/34200000/Die-Prinzesin-des-Monats-M-rz-Rapunzel-disney-princess-34230624-402-796.jpg

  20. Источники • http://fc04.deviantart.net/fs70/f/2011/331/0/b/rapunzel_coloring_by_viviennart-d4hh2rd.png • http://createapk.com/project/2014/09/portieri/tangled-movie-hd-wallpaper/icon.png • http://www.youloveit.ru/uploads/posts/2013-02/1360426890_youloveit_ru_rapunzel_new.jpg • http://img-fotki.yandex.ru/get/4126/16969765.11e/0_71a71_b4d0ae80_L.png • http://goroddetei.ru/wp-content/uploads/ras/rapuncel/735704.jpg • https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/ru/archive/3/3f/20120923054217!Рапунцель_персонаж.jpg • http://www.fullhdoboi.ru/_ph/4/477212926.jpg

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