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Explore the rich Coptic traditions, ancient treasures, and the importance of faith in high school Coptic culture. Join us for an enlightening and engaging experience.
Then there will be righteous sacrifices, whole burnt offerings to delight You; then bulls will be offered on Your altar. Alleluia.
Holy, Holy, Holy. A passage from the Gospel according to Saint Luke (4:38-41), may his blessings be upon us all. Amen. Jesus left the synagogue and went to the home of Simon. Now Simon's mother-in-law was suffering from a high fever, and they asked Jesus to help her. So He bent over her and rebuked the fever, and it left her. She got up at once and began to wait on them. When the sun was setting, the people brought to Jesus all who had various kinds of sickness, and laying His hands on each one, He healed them. Moreover, demons came out of many people, shouting, ‘‘You are the Son of God!'' But He rebuked them and would not allow them to speak, because they knew He was the Christ. Glory Be To God Forever, Amen
Ice Breaker! • Yes or No Game • You will be asked a bunch of questions, but you can’t respond with yes or no or shake your heads • If you say yes or no, you’re out • Last one left wins
St. Reweis/Tegi/Freig • What are we celebrating October 31st? The departure of St. Reweis! • When do we mention his name in the liturgy? • His story and living a life of humility, prayer, self-control and endurance. • What defines success in our life?
Psalm 150-Nativity Feast • All3lo- /// iaa- -all3-- / lo- - / ia- a/// all3- /// lo- - / iaa- / al3lo- --ia E3so- -s Pi-eqristo//s epsh3/ ri e- ///mEvno- -tee f3/ e//ta- -vma ///sf qen B3- -0le- - -em. Esmo evno- //tee qen nee\- e0o/wa- - /b t3//ro- - e///ntaf A- - /llelu- - ia. Esmo ero- //f qen pi\-ta- -/gro- - - / e- -nte- - te- -/fgo/m A- - /llelu- - ia.
Adam Verses of the Cymbals • Amoini mareno-osht entee-etrias e0oab: ete eviot nem epshiri: nem pi-epnevma e0oab. • Anon kha ni-la-os en-ekhristianos: vai ghar pe penNoti: en-ali0inos. • Ou-on o-helpees entan: khen i-e0oab Maria: Ere Evnouti nai nan: hiten nes-epresvia. • Ou-on omet-semnos: en-ehri khen pikosmos evolhiten pi-eshlil: ente ti-agia Maria ti-Par0enos.
Shere ne maria tee etcherompi ethnesos thietasmisi nan emevnoti piloghos • Shere ne maria khen oshere efowab shere ne maria ethmav emfiethowab • Shere ni sherobim shere ni seraphim shere nitaghma tiro eneporanion • Shere yoannis pinishti emepro dromos shere pioweeb epsengenees en emanoweel • Shere nashois enyotee enapostolos shere ni mathitis ente penchois isos piekhristos
Shere nak o pimartiros shere pievangelistis shere piapostolos abba markos pitheorimos • Shere stefanos pishorp emmartiros shere piarshi diakon owo etes marooot • Shere nak o pimartiros shere pijoig engenneos shere pathloforos pashois epouro georgios, philopateer markorios, ava mina ente ni vayat • Hiten nepresvia ente ti theotokos ethowab maria epshois ari ehmot nan empiko evol ente nennovi • Ethrenhos erok nem pekiot en aghathos nem piepnevma ethowab je aki aksotee emon nai nan
<ere ne Maria@ ][rompi e;necwc@ ;y`etacmici nan@ `mV] piLogoc. • <ere ne Maria@ qen ou,ere efouab@ ,ere ne Maria@ `;mau `mvy`E;ouab. • <ere ni<eroubim@ ,ere niCeravim@ ,ere nitagma tyrou@ `n`epouranion. • <ere Iwannyc@ pinis] `m`prodromoc@ ,ere piouyb@ `pceggenyc `nEmmanouyl. • <ere na=o=c `nio]@ `n`apoctoloc@ ,ere nima;ytyc@ `nte pen=o=c I=y=c P=,=c.
<ere nak `w pimarteeroc@ ,ere pi`evaggelictyc@ ,ere pi`apoctoloc@ abba Markoc pi;e`wrimoc. • <ere Ctevanoc@ pisorp `mmarturoc@ ,ere pi`ar,idiakwn@ ouoh `t`cmarwout. • <ere nak `w pimarturoc@ ,ere piswij `ngenneoc@ ,ere i`a;lovoroc@ pa=o=c `pouro Ge`wrgioc Vilopatyr Merkourioc abba Myna `nte niVaiat. • Hiten ni`precbi`a@ `nte ];e`otokoc =e=;=u Maria@ P=o=c `ari`hmot nan@ `mpi,w `ebol `nte nennobi. • E;renhwc `erok@ nem Pekiwt `n`aga;oc@ nem pi`Pneuma =e=;=u@ je ak`i akcw] `mmon. Nai nan.
Make your own sentence What’s the difference Epshiri emevnoti Epouro ente epouo