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The Road to Independence

Explore the practice of mercantilism by England and France, the Navigation Acts, and the impact of the French and Indian War on the colonies. Learn about colonial defiance, taxation, and the quest for independence.

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The Road to Independence

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  1. British Rule The Road to Independence Independence Chapter 7

  2. Why did both England and France practice mercantilism? (what did they try to keep the colonies from doing?)

  3. Trade Issues • The French and the British both practiced Mercantilism • Preventing colonies from trading with anyone else except the mother country.

  4. Three requirements of the Navigation Acts • 1. • 2. • 3.

  5. Trade Issues • In order to regulate trade in the colonies, Great Britain issued a set of rules called the Navigation Acts: • 1. Colonists were expected to use British-owned ships for all importing and exporting. • 2. Certain goods (including rice, tobacco, and indigo) exported from the colonies had to be sent to England first before they were sent to other countries. • 3. All goods imported to colonies by other countries had to be shipped to England first.

  6. What did colonists do to get around the Navigation Acts?

  7. Trade Issues • Colonists didn’t mind these laws • They were able to make money off of the prices that England paid for their goods. • Colonists also smuggled goods into the colonies & paid customs officials to keep quiet. • As long as the Navigation Act laws were not enforced, the colonists were happy

  8. What area of land was claimed by both Great Britain and France in 1753? • What war did the land dispute cause

  9. French and Indian War • The economic competition between France & England led to a series of wars • Both France and England claimed the Ohio Valley • The French & Indian War • Started when French moved into Ohio River Valley • It later spread to Europe where it was known as Seven Years War Ohio River Valley

  10. List the Allies “sides” of the French and Indian War • __________&__________ • VS • __________&__________ • How did SC participate in the French and Indian War?

  11. French and Indian War • French and their Indian Allies • VS • British military & Colonists • South Carolina had little military involvement in French and Indian War • There were no French & Indian War battles fought on South Carolina soil • However - French fur traders trying to win the Cherokee alliance did cause Cherokee War French Fur Traders

  12. Three ways SC was affected by the French and Indian War • 1 • 2 • 3

  13. French and Indian War • The treaty to end French and Indian/Cherokee wars: • Spain lost control of Florida • An increase in the indigo trade • Both positive effects for SC • The treaty expanded British owned territory to the Line of Proclamation of 1763 • Colonists could move past the Appalachian Mountains to the Mississippi River

  14. Why did Parliament need to tax the colonists? • What did Great Britain tell the colonists was the reason for leaving British soldiers in the colony? • Why did the colonists think that the soldiers were there?

  15. British Control • War is expensive • The British King & Parliament started taxing the colonies to pay their war debt • Great Britain left soldiers in the colonies “for their protection” • Told colonists not to move past the Line of Proclamation of 1763. • Colonists felt the real reason was that Britain wanted to control them and take their money through taxes.

  16. Why were the colonies upset with the British Parliament placing taxes on the colonies? • 1 • 2 • What happened in the government of the colonies (including SC) between 1730 and 1775?

  17. British Control • Colonists did not have representation in Parliament • Did not feel that Parliament had the right to make them pay taxes • Thought that the only people who could tax them were their own colonial assemblies • From 1730-1775 colonial governments, including South Carolina’s: • More independent & self governing • Did NOT like Britain interfering Governor’s Mansion Williamsburg, VA

  18. What did the Stamp Act tax? • 1 • 2 • What was unusual about this tax compared to other taxes?

  19. British Control • The Stamp Act • The most important tax imposed by Parliament • This was a duty (a tax) on paper • including legal documents, playing cards & newspapers • It was the first direct tax • All previous taxes were indirect taxes paid by merchants Stamp that had to be purchased under the Stamp Act.

  20. Describe a direct tax. • Describe an indirect tax.

  21. Direct tax – a tax that is added to the cost of an item If a candy bar costs 48¢ and you pay a 2¢ direct tax, your total is 50¢ Indirect tax was included in the cost of an item Like gas prices The candy bar would be marked 50¢ and you wouldn’t add any tax This is what colonists were used to paying Tax not included in price Tax included in price

  22. Why did colonists start to cry “No taxation without representation?” • What does this mean?

  23. British Control • Colonists started protesting: • “No taxation without representation.” • The people in Great Britain were being taxed more than the colonists • It wasn’t about the amount of the taxes, • It was about not having a voice in Parliament

  24. What did colonists do to protest the Stamp Act? • What were the results of their actions? • What group was created to help protest the taxes placed on colonists?

  25. British Control • To protest the Stamp Act • The colonists created a Stamp Act Congress • Boycotted (stopped buying them) British goods • Until the Stamp Act was repealed (removed) • Sons and Daughters of Liberty were also created to help protest the tax.

  26. What group was created to help protest the taxes placed on colonists? • What were two methods that they used to get support?

  27. British Control • The Sons & Daughters of Liberty • A secret organization that helped to enforce boycotts against the British • persuaded and intimidated people to follow them. • They also wrote newspapers that contained propaganda against British rule. Sons of Liberty famous members: Sam Adams, John Hancock, John Adams, Paul Revere, Patrick Henry and Ben Franklin

  28. British Control • Example of Propaganda: • Reports of the BostonMassacre occurring on March 5, 1770 • No massacre at all • Only five people were killed • Calling the incident a massacre raised colonial anger against the British

  29. British Control Compare Paul Revere’s drawing of the Boston Massacre on the left to the picture made from a historic engraving on the right. How did Revere use propaganda to stir up colonists?

  30. Who was Christopher Gadsden? • How was he involved in the Sons of Liberty?

  31. British Control • Christopher Gadsden • South Carolina native • A wealthy merchant from Charles Town • He was one of the first people to speak out against the British taxes. • He was a delegate to the Stamp Act Congress • A founder & leader of the Charles Town Sons of Liberty Christopher Gadsden

  32. What did the Tea Act do?

  33. British Control • The East India Tea Company • A company that traded items like cotton, silk, indigo, and tea • Had some financial problems • Parliament wanted to help out the East India Tea Company by issuing the Tea Act. • The Tea Act was not a tax, but it did give the East India Company a monopoly on tea in the colonies. A first issue of the Tea Act.

  34. What happened to the price of tea even thought there was a monopoly by the East India Tea company? • What were colonists afraid of happening?

  35. British Control • The East India Company became the only company that could sell tea in the colonies • The price of tea became very cheap. • The colonists were already boycotting a tax on tea that remained even after the Townshend Act was repealed. • The Sons of Liberty were afraid that the cheap tea would ruin their boycott.

  36. How did British Parliament respond to the Boston Tea Party? (be detailed)

  37. British Control • The Sons of Liberty secretly planned a “Tea Party” in response to ships in the Boston Harbor filled with tea waiting to unload their goods. • On December 16, 1773, colonists dressed as Mohawk Native Americans dumped the tea into the harbor crying, "Boston Harbor a tea-pot tonight!" and "The Mohawks are come!"

  38. British Control • In South Carolina, Georgetown and Charles Town held their own smaller “tea parties.” • As a result of the Boston Tea Party, British Parliament closed the Boston Harbor to shipping, and changed parts of the Massachusetts government, among other things. • The colonists named this “the Intolerable Acts.” The Provost Exchange and Dungeon was where the South Carolina governor stored tea to prevent another major tea party in the Charleston Harbor.

  39. British Control • The Intolerable Acts put Massachusetts into a real bind, since they needed the harbor to import food. • South Carolina helped out by sending two hundred barrels of rice to help feed Massachusetts colonists. • These and other supplies were brought into the colony by land.

  40. What was the purpose of the First Continental Congress?

  41. Continental Congress • South Carolina was worried that Britain would close their ports as well • SC agreed to send delegates to the First Continental Congress • Created to address the problem of the Intolerable Acts.

  42. What was the General Committee of 99 and why was it needed?

  43. Continental Congress • In 1774, representatives from all over South Carolina elected delegates to go to the First Continental Congress. • Created the General Committee of 99 to act as the government. • The colony had not been allowed to have a General Assembly meeting because Lieutenant Governor William Bull, a British supporter, didn’t want to give them a chance to make decisions that went against the British laws and regulations. British Parliament building

  44. Continental Congress • The SC delegates to the First Continental Congress: • John Rutledge • Christopher Gadsden • Edward Rutledge • Thomas Lynch • Henry Middleton Carpenter’s Hall, location of First Continental Congress

  45. What did the First Continental Congress decide to do to protest the Intolerable Acts?

  46. Continental Congress • The outcome of the Continental Congress • All the colonies agreed to establish a non-importation and a non-exportation agreement against Britain, • But allowed SC to continue to export rice since it was essential to their economy.

  47. Delegates to the Second Continental Congress from SC – Signed the Declaration of Independence • 1 • 2 • 3 • 4

  48. Continental Congress • Delegates to the Second Continental Congress: Edward Rutledge • Arthur Middleton • Thomas Lynch JR • Thomas Heyward JR. • These men signed the Declaration of Independence that led to the beginning of the American Revolution. Edward Rutledge Thomas Lynch Jr. Thomas Heyward Jr. Arthur Middleton

  49. List the three political factions in SC during the colonial and what they wanted to happen

  50. A Colony’s Division • While the idea of freedom was bouncing around the colonies, people were choosing sides within S. Carolina. • The Patriots started out wanting their rights as Englishmen but ended up wanting their freedom from England. • The Loyalists were faithful to the king no matter what. • The Neutrals didn’t care what happened, they just wanted to be left alone. • This division among people in South Carolina caused a civil war within the colony.

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