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Explore the breathtaking beauty of America's natural wonders, from Yellowstone National Park to the majestic Redwoods. Witness geysers, waterfalls, wildlife, and stunning landscapes in Glacier Bay and Sequoia National Parks. Discover the unique features of Death Valley and Yosemite, experiencing the grandeur of the Grand Canyon. Embrace the wonders of nature in these iconic destinations. Take a virtual journey through the USA's most awe-inspiring landscapes.
The United States of America - American Natural Wonders www.zlinskedumy.cz
GlacierBay Yellowstone NP Redwoods NP DeathValley Yosemite NP Grand Canyon NP Sequoia NP Carlsbad Caverns
H H Obrázek 3 Grand Prismatic Spring and Midway Geyser Basin Obrázek 2 TheNational Park Yellowstone Wyoming
The most famous park isYellowstone National Park whichismostlylocated in Northwest Wyoming. Itwastheworld´sfirstnational park. Itis 99km long and 86km wide. Millionsofvisitorscome to the park everyyear to seethewaterfalls,hotthermalpools , springs and eruptinggeysers. There are more than 300 geysersscatteredthroughoutYellowstone NP. Itisalsoknownforitswildlife. Youcanseedeer, moose, elk, buffalo, antelope, grizzly bear, blackbear , puma and eagle. In thesummerof 1988 Yellowstone wasdevastated by severalwildfires, whichburnednearlyonethirdofthe park down. Nowitis on theroadofrecovery. H
H http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktf73HNZZGY Itis 277 miles long and about 1 mile deep. Becauseitis so deep, the top and thebottomhave very differentweather and vegetation. Acording to a Hopi Indian myth, itwasthroughtheGrand Canyon thathumansenteredearth. There are signsthatpeoplelived in the Grand Canyon 4,000 years ago. Obrázek 4 Grand Canyon Arizona
H Obrázek 5 Mesquite Sand Dunes in Death Valley California´sDeathValleyisthelowest spot in the USA (- 282 ft.). Itisalsooneofthedriest and hottestplaces. Thereisoften no rainforyears. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2yShmsH9Oc
H Sequoia NP isfamousforitssequoias, thehighesttrees in theworld. “General Sherman“ isthelargesttreein theworld. Itis 82,5 m high, itscircumferenceis 31 meters and itweighs1,385 tons. Youcouldbuild a smallvillagefromit. Obrázek 6 GiantForestSequoiaNatioal Park
Obrázek 7 Yosemitewalley Park Itisoneoftheloveliestparks in the USA. There are highcliffs and rocks, pine woods and waterfalls
GlacierBayNational Park isoneofthegreatestparks in the USA and issituated in Alaska. Nature has made greatsculptures, figures, bizzareshapesfromice, rocksand water. Obrázek 8 GlacierBay
Thetallestkindoftrees on earthgrowthere. They are called Redwoods and are over 110 metershigh. Obrázek 9 Redwood National Park, fog in the forest
Youcansee a lot ofcaveswithcavebats. There are over 300,000 ofthem. Obrázek 10 CarlsbadInteriorFormations, Caves in New Mexico
Quiz B 1. WhereisCarlsbadInteriorFormationssituated ? b) Mexico a) New Mexico c) Oklahoma 2. Where do thetallestkindofred-trees on earthgrow ? a) Redwoods b) Sequoia NP c) Yosemite NP 3. In whichnational NP canweseenature in bizzareshapesfromice ? a) Yellowstone NP b) Grand Canyon c) GlacierBay NP 4. Whatisthelowest, driest and hottest place in the USA ? a) DeathValley b) Grand Canyon c) Yellowstone Wyoming NP 5. Itis 277 miles long, 1 mile deep, the top and bottomhave very differentweather and vegetation. Whatisit ? a) In New Mexico b) GlacierBay NP c) Grand Canyon Arizona And ??
6. Where are thehighesttrees in theworld ? (Do yourememberthenameofthelargesttree in the area of NP ?) a) General Sherman, Sequoia NP b) Sherwood, Arizona c) Yosemite NP 7. In whichstateofthe US isYellowstone NP situated ? a) Utah, northwest b) Wyoming, northwest c) Colorado,south 8. How many geysers are scatteredthroughoutYellowstone NP ? a) more than 400 b) about 200 c) more than 300
a) RESULTS 1.T, 2.F, 3.T, 4.F, 5.T, 6.F, 7.T, 8.T B) Results 1. a) 2. b) 3. c) 4. a) 5. c) 6. a) 7. b) 8. c)
Obrázek 1 The Map ofthe USA NTHURSTON. wikimedia.org [online]. 29 November 2006 [cit. 2.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí WikimediaCommons na WWW: <http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Census_Regions_and_Divisions.PNG>. Obrázek 2 The National Park YellowstonWyomingWERNER22BRIGITTE. pixabay.com [online]. 02.07.2012 [cit. 4.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí public domain na WWW: <http://pixabay.com/cs/bizon-pastva-zv%C3%AD%C5%99e-51146/>. Obrázek 3 Grand Prismatic Spring and Midway Geyser Basin BROCKEN, Inaglory. wikipedia.org [online]. 30.07.2008 [cit. 5.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí en.wikipedia na WWW: <http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soubor:Grand_Prismatic_Spring_and_Midway_Geyser_Basin_from_above. Obrázek 4 Grand Canyon Arizona PDPHOTOS. pixabay.com [online]. 17.12.2010 [cit. 4.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí Public Domain na WWW: <http://pixabay.com/cs/grand-canyon-rokle-arizona-usa-3679/>. Obrázek 5 Mesquite Sand Dunes in Death ValleyINAGLORY, Brocken. wikipedia.org [online]. 22. října 2007 [cit. 5.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí CreativeCommons na WWW: <http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soubor:Mesquite_Sand_Dunes_in_Death_Valley.jpg>. Obrázek 6 Giant Forest Sequoia Natioal Park PUSCH, Thomas. wikipedia.org [online]. 05.10.2006 [cit. 5.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí Wikimedia Commons na WWW: <http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soubor:Giant_Forest.jpg>. Obrázek 7 YosemitewalleyPark MOKIO, Ang. wikipedia.org [online]. září 2007 [cit. 5.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí CreativeCommons na WWW: <http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soubor:YosemitePark2_amk.jpg>. Obrázek 8GlacierBay JANQUEN. wikipedia.org [online]. 2005-11-04 [cit. 5.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí GNU Free DocumentationLicense na WWW: <http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soubor:GlacierBay3.jpg>. Obrázek9Redwood National Park, fog in the forest SCHWEPPE, Michael. wikipedia.org [online]. 24. června 2008 [cit. 5.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí CreativeCommons na WWW: <http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soubor:Redwood_National_Park,_fog_in_the_forest.jpg>. Obrázek10Carlsbad Interior Formations, Caves in New Mexico URBAN. wikipedia.org [online]. 21.02.2005 [cit. 5.7.2012]. Dostupný pod licencí CreativeCommons na WWW: <http://cs.wikipedia.org/wiki/Soubor:Carlsbad_Interior_Formations.jpg>. Slide 4 : Moose, Elk, Puma – Klipart od Microsoft video na : http://natgeotv.com/cz/americka-puma/videa/cougar-night-hunt
Hypertextové odkazy u obrázků : Obr.2 – TheNational Park YellowstoneWyoming:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yellowstone_National_Park Obr.3 - Grand PrismaticSpringMidwayGeyserBasin:http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=File:Yellowstone_Caldera.svg&page=1 Obr.4 – Grand Canyon Arizona(video) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ktf73HNZZGY Obr.5 - MesquiteSandDunes in DeathValley(video) : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f2yShmsH9Oc Obr.6 - GiantSequoia NP :http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sequoia_National_Park