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The CICERO Project ( C ommunity I nitiative for C ontinuing E arth R adio O ccultation) A Cellular Observing System for Weather Data Acquisition Thomas P. Yunck, Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Gottfried Kirchengast. WWOSC 2014 Montreal, Canada August 17, 2014. A Paradox :
The CICERO Project (Community Initiative for Continuing Earth Radio Occultation) A Cellular Observing System for Weather Data Acquisition Thomas P. Yunck, Conrad C. Lautenbacher, Gottfried Kirchengast WWOSC 2014 Montreal, Canada August 17, 2014
A Paradox: Satellite and space instrument costs have soared to staggering levels… …while technology costs everywhere else have plummeted . This trend is not sustainable… …and severely limits the amount of environmental information we can acquire from space.
The Situation Today NOAA Weather Satellites: JPSS • Earthobservingprogramsarein crisis • Governments can’t meet soaring costs • Critical weather data gaps are looming >$12B, 9 years late >$12B, 9 years late GeoOptics was formed to address this crisis with advanced micro-technologies: Defense Weather Satellite System >$8B, CANCELLED >$8B, CANCELLED Flagship NASA Climate Mission >$1.2B, CANCELLED >$1.2B, CANCELLED
GRACE: A Case Study Total Cost: ~$280Min FY14 $
What’s Inside? GPS Receiver Three radio links Three-axis accelerometer Three-axis gyros Super-processor 64 Gbytes data storage Flux gate magnetometer Color HD videocams (2) HD multi-touch color display Stereo speakers Fingerprint sensor Flashlight/Browser/MP3… GPS Receiver Three radio links Three-axis accelerometer Three-axis gyros Processor 60 Mbytes data storage
Costs In FY14 $US GRACE:~$280M GRACE-FO:~$560M Repeat of GRACE Heritage design 15y of tech advance
GNSS Radio Occultation GNSS RO offers a bounty of Atmospheric data: > 20 times the accuracy & vertical resolution of any other atmospheric remote sensing method.
0.87 + GPS + MHS + AMSU-B GPS only 0.79 0.78 + AIRS + MHS + AMSU-B +GPS Alone 0.70 NOAA baseline forecast: balloons, AMSU-A, surface data Sample NOAA Forecast Result 1.0 NOAA Five-Day Forecast Quality Stats Southern Hemisphere March-April 2008 0.9 “All Sources” 0.8 Conventional ceiling Forecast Quality 0.7 Baseline performance 0.6 0.5 L. Cucurull, 2009 NOAA/NCEP
The GNSS RO value Proposition Compared with conventional satellite data GPS RO has: >30x greater forecast impact per profile* at a small fraction of the cost The RO sensor can be made the size of a smart phone *Refs: NOAA/NCEP, ECMWF
JPSS Today Four weather sensors on two platforms: $11.3 billion life cycle cost Average cost-to-orbit: more than $800 million per sensor
What $800,000,000 will buy today: 600CICERO satellites to orbit, >1,000,000profiles/day
The CICERO Project • 24 satellites by late 2018
Deployment timeline Maintain 24 sensor upgrades 24 sats reached Current level +6 operational satellites Tech val satellite +2 Pathfinder satellites +6 operational satellites +6 operational satellites +6 operational satellites • • • • • • 2015 2016 2017 2018
CICERO Data Policy • Data will be FREE to all researchers worldwide from day 1 • Data will be FREE to all countries on a trial basis for 3 months • Data will be FREE to all countries once a “worldwide license” is fully subscribed