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A 0. T. T. T. T. T. A 1. Trigger count. A 2. 10 ns width. gate. NIM-ECL translator. B 1. Enable. B 2. CK. Trigger out. 40 MHz. A 0. A 1. B 1. A 2. B 2. TRIGGER = A 0 ( (A 1 B 2 ) (A 2 B 1 ) ) efficiency~60%.
A0 T T T T T A1 Trigger count A2 10 ns width gate NIM-ECL translator B1 Enable B2 CK Trigger out 40 MHz A0 A1 B1 A2 B2 TRIGGER = A0( (A1B2) (A2B1) ) efficiency~60% TRIGGER SCINTILLATION COUNTERS FOR A BEAM TEST OF THE LHCB VERTEX DETECTOR By: Chris McDonald Advisors: Marina Artuso, Ray Mountain, Sheldon Stone Department of Physics, Syracuse University LHC & LHCb BEAM TEST The VELO is a complicated piece of equipment that needs to be tested in an accelerator environment. We will perform such a test in Summer 2006. To properly test this device, we will need to create a "trigger", to start the readout electronics. This trigger consists of several scintillation counters in logical coincidence. A new Particle Physics experiment called LHCb will be performed at the Large Hadron Collider accelerator (LHC) at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland, starting in 2008. Abstract We constructed and tested seven scintillation counters using photomultiplier tubes, in order to create a fast electronic coincidence “trigger” for testing the performance of the VELO charged particle tracking detector in an accelerator beam at CERN, Geneva, Switzerland. Scintillation Trigger Scheme VELO DETECTOR LHCb will study b quarks, and make measurements in the important area of physics known as “CP Violation”, which is integral to understanding the imbalance between matter and anti-matter in our universe. Collision Point Proton Proton Readout Electronics Scheme The VELO Detector is a high-precision charged particle tracking device that will be used in the LHCb experiment. It sits at the collision point of the intersecting protons beams. It consists of many Silicon sensors that give precise spatial information (s~10 mm) which allows reconstruction of the tracks and provides a “trigger” for interesting events. Support TRIGGER COUNTERS TEST RESULTS Module The counters were then tested for proper response with a Cesium-137 radioactive source, and with cosmic rays. The setup and some results from these tests are presented below. Scintillation counters are used to reliably detect the passage of charged particles. They form a fast signal, and can be used to detect particles in an accelerator beam or particles from a radioactive source or even cosmic ray particles from outer space. Silicon Sensor Readout Electronics Small Counters CONSTRUCTION HV Base We constructed seven scintillation counters, based on the use of photomultiplier tubes. The details of the fabrication, polishing, gluing and wrapping processes are represented here. Light-tight Wrapping Polishing Done by Hand Light-guide (UVT acrylic) Plastic Scintillator Photomultiplier Tube (Hamamatsu R6233) PMT Test Stand in Physics Bldg Optical Coupling • Scintillators • Optical cement • Cookies • PMTs 900 V Large Counter Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) convert light into a measurable electric current. They consist of a photocathode, electron multiplier section, and an anode from which to collect the charge signal. • - Coarse & fine polish • Several grades of abrasive paper used (down to 1 micron) • Orbital polishing motion used For more info, see: lhcb.cern.ch