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Visit UGent , EWI, VLIZ, RCN, NTNU, JPI Oceans at Qingdao – Oct 28-31, 2011

brine shrimp Artemia maybe the first link between China and Ghent University ?. Visit UGent , EWI, VLIZ, RCN, NTNU, JPI Oceans at Qingdao – Oct 28-31, 2011. role of Artemia in the salt production process. NaCl purity 90 99.6 %. Halobacterium bloom in the crystalizers.

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Visit UGent , EWI, VLIZ, RCN, NTNU, JPI Oceans at Qingdao – Oct 28-31, 2011

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Presentation Transcript

  1. brine shrimp Artemiamaybe the first link between China and Ghent University ? VisitUGent, EWI, VLIZ, RCN, NTNU, JPI OceansatQingdao – Oct 28-31, 2011

  2. role of Artemia in the salt production process NaCl purity 90 99.6 % Halobacterium bloom in the crystalizers

  3. Asian sea bass larva feeding on Artemia shrimp postlarva feeding on Artemia

  4. DISEASE CONTROL COMMERCIAL COMPETITIVENESS EGG QUALITY broodstock nutrition UGent Aquaculture R&D Consortium 3 faculties – 12 departments LARVICULTURE of fish & shellfish MICROBIAL CONDITIONS ZOOTECHNICAL probionts / pathogens ASPECTS NUTRITION

  5. Heat-shock proteins 3. Priorities for future aquaculture 2. Improved / more cost-effective SEEDPRODUCTION Development of innovative microbial management systems Micro Algae /Feeds Feeds Pathogenic Pathogenic Quorum sensing Antimicrobial Antimicrobial Quorum sensing Probiotic bacteria Probiotic bacteria Immunostimulants Immunostimulants bacteria bacteria analysis peptides Peptides Gnotobiotic Gnotobiotic Gnotobiotic Gnotobiotic model Artemia Artemia test test Artemia systems system system system Qual/Quant Quantitative Biochemical Biochemical Host gene Host gene Performance Performance Fish and shellfish Fish and shellfish Fish and shellfish Fish and shellfish analysis of analysis of analysis analysis expression expression larvae validation larvae validation larvae validation larvae validation the bacterial the bacterial analysis analysis composition community Marker Marker genes genes

  6. disease free disease resistant Priorities for future aquaculture Improved / more cost-effective SEEDPRODUCTION certified seed

  7. CAFnet/ASEM aquaculture platform partners from China and Europe- Institute of Oceanology of the Chinese Academy of Sciences • - Ocean University of China • - Yellow Sea Fisheries University • - Ghent University • - Norwegian University of Science and Technology & SINTEF • - WageningenUniversity, the Netherlands • with • - Flanders Marine Institute VLIZ • - Flanders Authority - Dept of Economy, Science and Innovation EWI • - Research Council of Norway RCN • - European Joint Programming Initiative “Healthy and Productive Seas and Oceans UGent Aquaculture R&D Consortium facilitator for new partnership in Marine BioSciences with China

  8. Plenary Lecture I : Resources, technologies and services for future aquaculture: a needs assessment for sustainable development Patrick Sorgeloos(Ghent University, Belgium)

  9. Priorities for future aquaculture from empiricial farming towards a knowledge-based bio-industry AQUACULTURE : BLUE BIOTECHNOLOGY OF THE FUTURE ? resulting in new concepts & products for a sustainable aquaculture

  10. Priorities for future aquaculture • Complete independence from natural stocks through DOMESTICATION • Improved / more cost-effective SEEDPRODUCTION • Better targeted SPECIES SELECTION • Development of more efficient stocks through SELECTIVE BREEDING • More MICROBIAL MANAGEMENT for more sustainable production • Better understanding of IMMUNE SYSTEMS in vertebrates and invertebrates • More INTEGRATED PRODUCTION SYSTEMS for plant and animal farming • COASTAL AND OFF-SHORE FARMS of food and energy • Full independence from fisheries stocks for LIPID AND PROTEIN INGREDIENTS in aquatic feeds • More attention for INTEGRATION of restocking activities with FISHERIES management • SOCIETAL LEVERAGE: • multi-stakeholder interaction • International cooperation on a win-win basis

  11. Challenges, threats & opportunities Global primary production and food supply contribution to food supply total bioproduction quantity proteins terrestrial 16 % of proteins 2 % in quantity plants & animals marine fisheries & aquaculture plants & animals from Field et al. (1998) and Duarte et al. (2009)

  12. Challenges, threats & opportunities STAGNANT CAPTURE FISHERIES environmental problems? human health risks? sustainable? more responsible farming ! INCREASED MARKET DEMAND INCREASED AQUACULTURE PRODUCTION

  13. Priorities for future aquaculture More INTEGRATED PRODUCTION SYSTEMSfor plant and animal farming ENERGY N/P WATER

  14. Priorities for future aquaculture COASTAL AND OFF-SHORE FARMSfor food and energy Integration of culture of different trophic levels MOLLUSCS MACROALGAE FISH

  15. Priorities for future aquaculture COASTAL AND OFF-SHORE FARMSfor food and energy Role of aquaculture in environmental bioremediation

  16. 3. Priorities for future aquaculture 8. COASTAL AND OFF-SHORE FARMSfor food and energy Energy generation(wind, wave, thermal) • )

  17. Priorities for future aquaculture More attention for INTEGRATION of restocking activities with FISHERIES management • more attention for integration of restocking activities with fisheries management through multidisciplinary cooperation: oceanography, marine biology, fisheries & aquaculture • juvenile fitness • releasing strategies • impact on wild stocks

  18. The way forward China AquaFishNet ViFINET NACA Asian Fisheries &AquacultureSociety

  19. www.aquaculture.ugent.be

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