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Engaging topics to spark lively discussions with a partner or group. From sharing dreams to debating ethics, this list provides a wide range of conversation starters to inspire meaningful interactions. Get ready for thought-provoking dialogues!
Think of somesituations in whichitwouldbenice to beinvisible.
The Englishlanguagesupposedlydoesn’thave a word for schadenfreude (vahingonilo). DoFinnsenjoy the misfortunes of others?
Yes, that’s Bill Gates alright. Namethingsyou’dlikecomputers to beable to do in the future.
Tellyourpartnertabout the place and circumstances to justifythissign.
Doyouhave a sweettooth? Discusssweetshings with yourpartner.
OMG! Whatdothesepeopleactually KNOW? Discusscheating in exams.
What’s the mosteffectiveway of makingpeopleobeytrafficrules?