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Exciting Conversations Starter Pack

Engaging topics to spark lively discussions with a partner or group. From sharing dreams to debating ethics, this list provides a wide range of conversation starters to inspire meaningful interactions. Get ready for thought-provoking dialogues!

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Exciting Conversations Starter Pack

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Think of someothergooduses for GPS.

  2. Think of somesituations in whichitwouldbenice to beinvisible.

  3. To whatextent is thistrue?

  4. Domen and women shop differently? Discuss.

  5. Whatcanwelearnfromthispic?

  6. Areyou an animallover?

  7. Whatare the benefits of biking?

  8. Namesomeotherfreefunthings to do.

  9. Whataresome of the mostbeautifulsports to watch?

  10. Whatcanyoudo for trafficsafety?

  11. What’s the monkeythinking?

  12. What’s the lessonwecanlearnfromthispicture?

  13. Whattype of food doyoulike to eatwhenyougo out?

  14. Findsomegooduses for teleportation.

  15. In whichwayscangamingbegood for you?

  16. Tellyourpartnerabout a strangedreamthatyou’vehad.

  17. Whathas the electricity box just learned?

  18. Tellyourpartnerabout the bookyou’rereading.

  19. What’s the point the guy is makinghere?

  20. Wherewouldyoulikevisit in America?

  21. Whenwas the lasttimeyoublewbubbles?

  22. Canyouhaveitall?

  23. Whathappenswhen YOU getup on the wrong side of the bed?

  24. Somepeopleconsiderthis a waste of food. Whatdoyouthink?

  25. The Englishlanguagesupposedlydoesn’thave a word for schadenfreude (vahingonilo). DoFinnsenjoy the misfortunes of others?

  26. What’syour idea of happiness?

  27. Make a predictionaboutfutureinventions.

  28. Aah! Don’tweall just love pizza! Discuss.

  29. Discuss.

  30. How do YOU getrid of telemarketers?

  31. Ourrhinocanpaint. Continuethissentence in fiveways: I can

  32. Doyouthinkthere’s life out there?

  33. What’syourview on Internet piracy?

  34. Yes, that’s Bill Gates alright. Namethingsyou’dlikecomputers to beable to do in the future.

  35. You’vegot a drivinglicensenow. How aboutgoing to Shanghai?

  36. ItlookslikeEnglishbut is itEnglish?

  37. Enjoyanothereffort at producingEnglish. Canyoumakeitbetter?

  38. Whatshouldonedoifonecan’tfall to sleep?

  39. Haveyoubentanyruleslately?

  40. Name a fewannoyinghabitsthatsomepeoplehave.

  41. Haveyoueverconsideredbecoming an entrepreneur?

  42. Tellyourpartnertabout the place and circumstances to justifythissign.

  43. Doyouhave a sweettooth? Discusssweetshings with yourpartner.

  44. Is itreally OK to use just anykind of English?

  45. OMG! Whatdothesepeopleactually KNOW? Discusscheating in exams.

  46. What’s the mosteffectiveway of makingpeopleobeytrafficrules?

  47. What’sgoing on in thispicture?

  48. Willthereeverbe PEACE in the world? Discuss.

  49. How doyoudefine ART?

  50. Should beauty contestsbebanned?

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