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Taking I n and Storing Information

Taking I n and Storing Information. Chapter 3. Change Blindness. Psychological phenomenon Change in visual stimulus goes unnoticed Causes Obstructions to visual field Change in location Eye movements Lack of attention. Attention. Sensory Storage Holds information for a few seconds

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Taking I n and Storing Information

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  1. Taking In and Storing Information Chapter 3

  2. Change Blindness • Psychological phenomenon • Change in visual stimulus goes unnoticed • Causes • Obstructions to visual field • Change in location • Eye movements • Lack of attention

  3. Attention • Sensory Storage • Holds information for a few seconds • Takes in all sensory information • Steps must be taken to hold on to these memories • Selective Attention: ability to pick and choose among various available inputs

  4. Selective Attention • Selection Theory • Donald Broadbent • Only one channel at a time • Attenuation Theory • Anne Treisbent • Main channel, others suppressed • Not eliminated, info still processed • Input priorities • Information leading to satisfaction of hunger and thirst needs • Information that is strange or novel • Information that we find interesting

  5. Selective Attention • What did you eat for breakfast? • What color shirt was your 2nd period teacher wearing? • What was the first announcement of the day? • Name any of the places mentioned in the video at the beginning. • What was the title of this slide show?

  6. Feature Extraction • Locating the outstanding characteristics of incoming information • Helps with identification and comparing to other inputs • Distinguish between faces, but see similarities

  7. Feature Extraction

  8. Chemical Influences on Learning • Any chemical will alter a person’s bodily condition or state • Stimulants increase level of brain chemicals  rapid learning • Ex: Caffeine stirs up body activity level* • Must be accompanied by sugar, artificial sweeteners alter normal firing pattern of brain cells • Depressants block firing of brain nerve cells  reduce learning • Ex: hotdogs, cold-cut meats • State-Dependent Learning: learning and reproduction of the material are reliant on the condition of the body at the time of learning.

  9. Emotional Factors in Learning • Emotional involvement increases learning • Humor (in moderation) can increase level of brain activity • Unpleasant teachers can increase for a while too • Negative emotions are still emotions

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