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Louisiana Bar Admissions Process Guidelines

Detailed steps for applying to the Louisiana Bar, including eligibility requirements, student registration program, character and fitness screening, and committee determination process.

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Louisiana Bar Admissions Process Guidelines

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  1. TheLouisianaBar AdmissionsApplication Process Preparedby: TheLouisianaSupreme CourtCommitteeonBar Admissions 2800 VeteransMemorialBlvd., Suite 310 Metairie,LA 70002 504-830-5463 WWW.LASCBA.ORG

  2. TheLaw • The rule governingthe bar admissionsprocessis LouisianaSupremeCourtRuleXVII. • Thefirststep in seekingadmissioninanyjurisdiction istoreadandfollowtherulegoverningbar admissions. 1

  3. RequisitesforAdmission • 18yearsof age • Citizen, permanentresident or authorizedtowork in • theU. S. • Of soundmind, good moralcharacterandfitness • Graduateof an ABA accreditedlaw schoolor • foreignequivalent • Satisfactorilycompleteexamination • Successfully pass the Multistate Professional Responsibility Examination (MPRE) with a scaled score of 80 or higher. 2

  4. LawStudentRegistrationProgram • Availableto2ndyearlawstudentsinthefallsemester. • Students who attendlaw schoolin Louisiana “shall participate inthe LawStudentRegistration Program.” • A$300penaltyapplies forfailingtoregister.

  5. Purpose LawStudentRegistration Programbenefitsastudent byallowinghim/her togetstarted earlywiththeC&Fscreeningprocess.If anyissues that require furtherinquiryarise,theapplicant mayhavetimeto address and resolvethesematterspriortothetimehe/sheappliestositforthebarexamination.Applicantswhowaituntilthethirdyeartostartthe process mayberequiredtoaddressaC&F inquiry whileapplyingtosit and preparingfor thebarexamination.In addition, admission maybe delayed.

  6. Law StudentRegistration: • Registrationperiod:August1throughOctober1. • Forms/Fees: • Law Student Registration Form:shouldbecompletedandforwardeddirectlytotheCommitteeonBaradmissionsinMetairie.$125feepayabletoCommitteeonBarAdmissions. • TheNCBERequest for Preparation of Character Report: shouldbeelectronically submittedtothe NCBE along with the required fee to the NCBE fee schedule (eff. 07/01/18). Specific forms will be required to print, sign, notarize and submit to the Committee on Bar Admissions along with the law student registration form.

  7. ToApply as a Law Student • Visit the Committee on Bar Admissions webpage, www.Lascba.org to create an account and profile • Complete all information regarding your profile (law school, mailing address, telephone number) • Click on the Application Status tab, you should see a blue button indicating “start law student registration”. • After entering all application information, click on “Submit online law student registration” • Be sure to follow the next steps to complete your law student registration. 6

  8. “Receivedby” Rule XVIIrequiresthatoriginalhardcopiesofall registrationforms,applications,requestsforcharacter reportsbe: “RECEIVEDBY”(notpostmarked) Committee on Bar Admissions 2800 Veterans Memorial Blvd., Suite 310 Metairie,LA 70002 Applications may be hand delivered to the Committee offices between 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

  9. CharacterandFitness • Thepurposeof thecharacterand fitnessscreening process isset forthinLa. Sup.Ct.RuleXVII,Sec.5: • . . .toassuretheprotection of thepublicand tosafeguard theadministration of justice. • Thefiles of applicantsand theinternal proceedings of the Committee shall bekeptconfidential. La. Sup. Ct.RuleXVII,Sec.1(G). 8

  10. GoodMoral Characterand Fitness; Definitions • “Goodmoral character"includes,butisnot limited to, thequalities of honesty,fairness, candor, trustworthiness,observances of fiduciary responsibilityandof thelaws of theStateof Louisianaand of the United States of America, and a respect fortherightsofotherpersons. • “Fitness"includes,butisnot limitedto,themental or emotionalsuitability of the applicant to practice law inthis state. 9

  11. C&F Investigation • As partofthescreeningprocess,applicantsmust submitan electronicRequestforPreparationofCharacterReport(aka CharacterandFitnessApplication)totheNCBE (NationalConferenceofBarExaminers). • The NCBEconductstheinitial investigationbasedon responsesprovidedbyanapplicantonhis/herC&FApplication. • Bar Exam Applicantsare required to complete a criminalbackgroundcheck which includes submission of fingerprints to the Louisiana State Police. • The Committeemayconductadditionalinvestigation. 10

  12. CommitteeDetermination • Anapplicantbears the burdenof provingthe requisitecharacterand fitness. • TheCommitteemakesadeterminationastowhether anapplicant hasshowntherequisitecharacterand fitnessforadmission. 11

  13. FailuretoMeetRequirements • Iftheapplicant failstoestablishtherequisite characterand fitness,the Committeewill not certify theapplicant tothe Court foradmission. • TheCommitteewill notifythe applicant. • Theapplicant mayseek relieffromthe Court. • TheCourtmayappointa Commissionertoconductahearingand make arecommendationoritmay issuean immediateruling. 12

  14. FactorsandConsiderations • Arrests orcriminalcharges; • Academic, employment,professional,militaryor criminalmisconduct; • Abuse of thelegal processorfailure tocomplywith legalobligations; • Neglectof financial responsibilities; • Fraud, deceit,dishonestyormisrepresentation; • See La. Sup.Ct.RuleXVII, Sec.5(E),Factorsand • Considerations

  15. FactorsandConsiderations • Evidenceof substancemisuse,abuseor dependency. • Evidenceofmental oremotionalinstabilityis also a factorthe Committeemayconsiderwhendeterminingif theapplicant possessesthe requisitefitness to practicelaw.SeeLa. Sup.Ct. RuleXVII,Sec.5(E)(15),Factors andConsiderations.

  16. Rehabilitation • Factors whichmaybeconsidered inassigningweight andsignificancegivento priorconduct: • Applicant’sage,amountof time elapsed sinceconduct, reliability of information • Seriousness,factorsunderlyingconduct andcumulative effect • Applicant’spositivesocial contributions sinceconduct, candorandcooperation inthe admissionsprocessand evidenceof rehabilitation

  17. CommonAreasof Concern • Criminal conduct(includingDWI’s) • Financialirresponsibility(excessive, • unaddresseddebt) • Conductorbehaviorrelatedtoimpairmentswhichcall intoquestioncurrentfitness: substanceabuse,alcoholabuse,mental, emotional ornervousdisordersorconditions.

  18. Candor,Cooperationand DutytoKeepInformationCurrent • Candor[La.Sup. Ct. RulXVII,Sec.4(G)]. Applicantsshall providecompleteandcandid responsestoall inquiries,whether ontheBarExaminationApplication,theNCBERequestfor Preparationof a CharacterReportoras part of anybar admissionsinquiry,investigation,orproceeding. • Cooperation[La.Sup. Ct. Rule XVII,Sec. 5(I)]. An applicant who failstocooperate inthe investigation maybe denied admissiondueto his/herlack of cooperation. • DutytoKeepApplicationCurrent[La.Sup. Ct.Rule XVII, Sec.4(H)]. Until admittedtothe Bar,anapplicantisundera continuing obligationtokeep his/her applicationcurrent.

  19. Bar Examination Application:Law Student Registrants • When it is time for a Law Student Registrant to apply to sit for the bar examination, he/she must file: • A Bar Examination Application with the Committee in Metairie, Louisiana. (This is a different form that the Law Student Registration form!) • and • Submit an online Supplemental Request for Preparation of Character report to the NCBE and print all specific forms which are to be sent to the Committee along with your bar examination application. • 18

  20. Applying for the Bar Examination • Visit the Committee on Bar Admissions webpage, www.Lascba.org to access your individual applicant portal • Any information that may have changed should be updated by accessing “My Profile” in your individual portal. Changes to names can only be changed by Committee staff. Please call or email the staff for instructions to make these changes. • Click on “Application Status” • Click on “Take the Bar Exam Part I: Nine Part Essay Exam” • Click on the blue button labeled “View/Print Application” and follow all instructions provided. • You must also complete and electronically submit a supplemental NCBE Request for the Preparation of a Character Report by the filing deadlines and also submit specific NCBE forms along with your bar examination application. 19

  21. Fees Thefeescheduleis set forthin LASup.Ct.Rule XVII,Appendix: Law StudentRegistrationFee -$125. BarExaminationApplicationFee- $750forfirst-time applicantswhoparticipated inthe LawStudentRegistration program. Bar Examination Application fee - $875forallotherapplicants. Late LawStudentApplicationFeebarapplicantswhowereenrolledinone oftheABAaccreditedlaw schoolsinthis state, andwho couldhave,but did not, participateinthe LawStudentRegistrationProgram -$300. LateFilingFee- $750. Incomplete Application Administrative Fee - $350 Anyandallfeesassessedbythe National ConferenceofBarExaminers. Laptopfees- $125(payable to approved vendor upon receipt of approval to sit for examination).

  22. NCBEC&FFee Schedule(eff. 07/01/18) I: LAWSTUDENTREGISTRANTII: FIRSTBARADMISSIONORIII:ATTORNEY/BARADMISSION IV:FOREIGN V(b):SUPPLEMENTAL REPORT * $250 $355 $500 $875 $105 *This reportis for thesamejurisdiction forwhich NCBEpreparedthe originalLawStudentRegistrant report.

  23. Communication • TheCommitteemaycommunicatewithapplicants viaU.S. mail, e-mailmessage or telephone. • Applicantsmustkeepe-mailaddresses,mailing addressesand telephone number(s) currentwith the Committee.Address, email or telephonechangesshouldbemadeby accessing the individual applicant portal on the Committee’s website. • Forimportant informationand updates,pleasevisit • www.Lascba.org

  24. Contact theCommittee • Any questionsyou mayhaveregarding theapplicationand testingprocess, contactDenise Leeperat DLeeper@Lascba.org, Rhonda Lorigat RLorig@Lascba.org or Robyn Pattison at RPattison@Lascba.org. • Any questionsyou mayhaveregarding thecharacterandfitnessprocess, contact MoniqueDrake at MDrake@Lascba.org or Megan O’Cain at MOcain@lascba.org.

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