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Global Impact of Cigarette Ads: A Comparative Analysis

Explore the history of cigarette ads in the US and worldwide, including the Marlboro Man irony and impact on models. Learn about health warnings, visual imagery, and regulations in Canada, Brazil, Australia, and Chile. Discover the chilling stories behind iconic cigarette ads.

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Global Impact of Cigarette Ads: A Comparative Analysis

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  1. Visual Imagery Cigarette Ads Lesha Myers San Leandro, California

  2. Early U.S. Cigarette Ads • Health warning labels not required • Glamorous image

  3. First U.S. Health Warning • Caution: Cigarette smoking may be hazardous to your health. • Printed on side of package • USA—first country in world to require warnings

  4. Required U.S. Warnings since 1984 • Surgeon General’s warning: Smoking causes lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, and may complicate pregnancy. • Quitting smoking now greatly reduces serious risks to your health. • Smoking by pregnant women may result in fetal injury, premature birth, and low birth weight. • Cigarette smoke contains carbon monoxide.

  5. Marlboro Man Irony • First Marlboro Man, David Millar, Jr. died of emphysema in 1987. • Wayne McLaren died of cancer in 1992 at the age of 51. Campaigned for anti-smoking legislation. • David McLean died of lung cancer in 1995.

  6. Other Models • David Goerlitz, the “Winston Man” from 1981 to 1987, was disabled by a stroke in his mid-30s. • Will Thornbury, a Camel model, died of lung cancer at age in 1992. He was 56. • Janet Sackman, a model for Lucky Strikes in the 1950s, lost her voice box and part of a lung to cancer.

  7. Canadian Cigarette Images • These images, and several others like them, must appear on the back of cigarettes sold in Canada.

  8. Brazilian Cigarette Ads • These cigarette ads, and others like them, must appear on the back of cigarettes sold in Brazil.

  9. Australian Cigarette Ads • After March 1, 2006, cigarettes sold in Australia must be packaged with the following health warnings. The warnings must cover 30% of the front and 90% of the back of the cigarette package. • Seven warnings are rotated within brands, and after 12 months, a different set of seven warnings is used.

  10. Chilean Cigarette Ads • In 2006, Chile adopted a new tobacco law which • Establishes smoking restrictions in public places • Ban advertising of “light” brands • Requires all cigarette packages to display a graphic health warning that occupied 50% of the package surface.

  11. Don Miguel, Chilean, smoked for 20 years. He lost his larynx to cancer. • Caution! These cigarettes are killing you. Ministry of Health, Government ofChile

  12. The smoke of each cigarette you smoke contains, along with other toxic products: • Tar, which causes cancer; nicotine, which makes you addicted; carbon monoxide, a toxic gas like that from tailpipes; arsenic, chemical used as rat poison.

  13. Citations • Chesterfield Cigarettes. 1998. 5 May 2009 <http://www.chickenhead.com/truth/ chesterfield3_40.html>. • Chesterfield Cigarettes—Betty Grable. 2002. 5 May 2009. < http://www.letitpass.com/16p_memorial_1.html> • Old Gold Ad. 2009. 5 May 2009. <http://www.tvhistory.tv/1950%20Advertising.htm> • Camels Ad. 22 Mar. 2009. 5 May 2009. <http://smartideamarketing.com/blog/tag/ezines/> • Newport Ad. 17 June 2007. 5 May 2009. <http://www.old-ads.com/old_cigarette_ads/>. • Winston Ad. 5 May 2009. <http://www.surveyhistory.org/images/adwinston2.JPG>. • Marlboro Man. 5 May 2009. <http://www.tvacres.com/admascots_marlboro_man.htm>. • Health Canada Labels. 18 Aug. 2005. 5 May 2009. <http://www.hc-sc.gc.ca/ahc-asc/media/photogal/label-etiquette-eng.php>. • Brazil Ads. 5 May 2009. <http://tobacco.health.usyd.edu.au/site/supersite/resources/docs/gallery_packwarnings.htm>. • Australia Ads. 5 May 2009. <http://www.smoke-free.ca/warnings/Australia-warnings.htm>. • Chile Ads. 5 May 2009. <http://www.smoke-free.ca/warnings/Chile%20-%20warnings.htm>.

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