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Anthology. Selected By: Jeremy H. Introduction. My theme that I have chosen is racism, I have been effected by this, almost every second day of my life, and these poems remind me of the history of slaves and racism, and personal events that have happen to me. Racism Still Sadly Continues.

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  1. Anthology Selected By: Jeremy H.

  2. Introduction • My theme that I have chosen is racism, I have been effected by this, almost every second day of my life, and these poems remind me of the history of slaves and racism, and personal events that have happen to me.

  3. Racism Still Sadly Continues •   Racism comes in many different shapes and formsSadly I have had my fair share since I’ve been bornJudged before I have been even given a chanceDelaying my future and for my career to advanceMy parents tell me of stories they have had to endure I wish racism was a sickness with a dose of medication to cure Thankfully there are good hearted and educated peopleWho can look beyond skin color and treat us all as an equalWhy would another person’s skin color be such an issue? Get to know them; they might have things in common just like youI am so fed up of hearing “They from so and so, they all the same”Everyone has differences but skin color is not to blameI wonder sometimes is it because the racist themselves are afraid to mixWho knows, I am only looking for a solution to get it fixedIt’s a major problem none of us like or need, How sad to hear, a racist sees skin color the only reason to want to make you bleed You see films like ‘Mississippi Burning’I think to myself that was then but when are racist going to start learning? If humans never saw in color, what would it be like then? I am sure everyone would get along and call each other friendI hope my kids and the next generation never get to witness racism first handLets pray for them racism was a issue in the past that no longer standsLife is hard as it is, without the need of racismLike supporting our family and giving our kids a good educationWays to stop racism should begin at home and schoolGetting along will be our biggest advantage, our strongest toolI did have people who I did call friendsBut their own racist views meant our friendship had to endIt does not matter, if your white, black or brownYou should feel safe to walk and talk in any townRacism has to be erased from every country and every streetKnowing racism is not an issue when theirs someone new we meetEveryone has the right to go anywhere they chooseBecause whilst racism is still alive, no one wins, everybody loseTo those facing racism, all I can say is be brave and stay strongTo those racist, deep down in your heart you must know it’s wrong? God blessed us by putting us here, giving us all different shades of colorWere not meant to have the same color skin, but we all can respect one another <Chubbah> <Amit>. “ Racism still sadly continues” www.poemhunter.com

  4. Its not easy • Its not easy being black • All these people talking smack • Hurts inside and outside • I just want to run and hide • Its not easy being black • They say I'm the best at running track • Hearing it word for word • I feel left out like a little black bird • Its not easy being black • Enter the bus and they all point to the back • Sitting all alone • They can’t understand me like a Rosetta Stone • Its not easy being black • We do more work then these people who produce slack • Different washrooms and stores • I'm tired of all these race wars

  5. Racism Has A Human Heart • Racism has a human heart, An artery of cruelty & death, It has blood of anger, & evil…, Has a force of pain & antipathy.Racism has a human mind….An Intellect of terror & delusion, Has an emotion of extreme savageImagination of vile ideas, macabre.Racism has a human mouth, It has tongue of torture, depravity, Many teeth of brutal incision & killHas a lip of sorrow, hate & death. • <Nelson> <John> <G.> “Racism Has A Human Heart” www.poemhunter.com

  6. Being.. • Being chained to the world, • Being called that word • For every person that see’s me walk by, • I have a feeling to crawl and die, • But why do I feel this way • I’m being hurt more and more everyday,

  7. End Racism • We all must bring our Racismto end.A message to all, I long to send.The colors of the world, all join asone.For the Lord is our shepherd, andwe as his son.Christ made all man in the likes ofhim.So please let us all, "End Racism". • <Hensen> <Robert> <M.> “End Racism” www.famouspoetsandpoems.com

  8. Listen I’m insulted in public • I don’t understand why • I enter the washroom, • I look in the mirror, • I’m surprised at what I see • This color painted all over me, • People see it and say is that Negro looking at me, • Why is it so hard for me to see who I am, • But easy for other people to see who I am • I want to be known as a person not a color or race • I hate being pushed out of my place, • Oh Why oh why are people like this • Can’t they stick to there own business • I know who I am now • I know what I am to do • I am suppose to take a stand for my people, • That includes you and you

  9. Still I Rise Still I Rise • by Maya AngelouYou may write me down in historyWith your bitter, twisted lies,You may trod me in the very dirtBut still, like dust, I'll rise. • Does my sassiness upset you?Why are you beset with gloom?'Cause I walk like I've got oil wellsPumping in my living room. • Just like moons and like suns,With the certainty of tides,Just like hopes springing high,Still I'll rise. • Did you want to see me broken?Bowed head and lowered eyes?Shoulders falling down like teardrops,Weakened by my soulful cries. • Does my haughtiness offend you?Don't you take it awful hard'Cause I laugh like I got gold minesDiggin' in my own back yard. • You may shoot me with your words,You may cut me with your eyes,You may kill me with your hatefulness,But still, like air, I'll rise. • Does my sexiness upset you?Does it come as a surpriseThat I dance like I've got diamondsAt the meeting of my thighs? • Out of the huts of history's shameI riseUp from a past that's rooted in painI riseI'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,Welling and swelling I bear in the tide. • Leaving behind nights of terror and fearI riseInto a daybreak that's wondrously clearI riseBringing the gifts my ancestors gave,I am the dream and the hope of the slave.I riseI riseI rise. <Angleou> <Maya> “Still I Rise” www.kalimunro.com

  10. Slave Life Trains and chains, Pots and pans Cotton and grains Whips and slaves Dirt and grass I can’t live no more, In these conditions, Labor has got me in all sorts of submissions , Crying in my sleep, Wishing my family I could meet, Snow and cold, Stones and Pain, Killing and deaths, Owns and the owned Being sold for nothing about me, Just my visual appeal

  11. Racism In So Many Shades • racism is bedded in colourslips of inadequate mom that pump poison into skinsthickening the hearts of her brood- crying sour grapes that the next door has redder grapesbecause their land is on a higher greener plain- crying the next door has a blue god that works like a devil pilfering all of their wealth- crying the next door is a green faced trespasserwho has turned robber grabbing what is not theirsracism has one home which it is always driven to- a river of red, scarlet red that stains hands black, yellow or white, clothes, everything, everywhere • By: john tiongchunghoo

  12. Pressure • The eyes of hate stare down upon youPrices of pain release the marks upon youThe paper of hope is torn in halfRacism, racism, all it does is laughLife is all an informal bitchLaying you down in a big, dark ditchFighting, fighting, all worlds collideAll you can do is sit there and smile • By: Joey Nissen

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