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POETRY ANTHOLOGY. Emma Orozco 7ºB. Table of Contents. Poem “I Am”. I am free and nice I think about what I like I hear the birds singing when I wake up I see my friends and I hanging out to the movies I want Justin Bieber to be in love with me
Poem “I Am” I am free and nice I thinkaboutwhat I like I hearthebirdssingingwhen I wake up I seemyfriends and I hangingouttothemovies I want Justin Bieberto be in lovewith me I am wild and complicated I pretend I likeeveryone I know I worryaboutmyfamily and friends I getangrywhenthingsdon’tworkai i wantthemto I hope i bettoacomplishallmywishes I am girlyand friendly I undersatndmybestfriendsfeelings I believe in god and in real love I say I likesomeonewhen i don’t I dreamwith a happyending I am brave and young
WhatisPoetry ? • Poetryisemotions, feelings, imagination, etcwritten in a artistictype of languegethanthe normal one.
Reader Response“LikeBookends” byEveMerriam Themain idea of thispoemisabout a parentsthatdoesn’tknowhowtocommunicatewiththeirchild. Thechildfeelsunconfortablewiththeirparents. Theydon’tknowhowtocomunicatewithhim. Bythe time theygottoconectbetweenthemisreallyfun, butthenrealitycame and getthings as theywerebefore. Thequote “Untilithurts (line 23)” it’sthelastone of thepoem and for me istheonethat causes more impact. Afterthekid and theirparentshadfuneverythinggot back to normal and that’sthepointwhenithurts. Whenyouknowit’sover and youhavetoforgetwhatjusthappened and moveon.
Limerick • Limericks are fromIrland. Theybecamefamousehrn Edward Lear wrote “the Book of Nonsense”. • Example: There once was a trollfromNeverland hisbighousewas in theisland thehousewasscary itscaredthefairy he diedalone in theisland
Narrative • A narrativepoemis a poemthatdoesn´t has a rhymebutneedstotell a story. • Example: When I passthrewthehallways and I seeyou I feelreallyexited. Sometimes I getnervous sometimes I justsmile. It´sreallygoodtoseeyou youmake at least a second of mydayhappier. Sometimes I willliketotellyou what I feel I thinkaboutit butI’mafraid. Loveislike a fountain youspilliteverytimeyouthinkaboutit Itwont stop gettingout of you And itgetsbigger. Yesterdaythatwetalk I feltreallyhappy I hope anotherday we can getthechansetotalkagain so I csntellyou what I feel.
Tanka • A Tankapoemis a Japanesepoem, its similar tothehaiku. It´smade of 5 lines of 5, 7, 5, 7, 7 syllables • Example: Thebigcomputer workingquicklyonthetasks workisforMonday youhaveto be rapidly you are done senditnow
Diamante • It´s a poemwiththeshape of a dimondod 7 lines. Itstratswith a noun and endseithit´santhonym. • Example: Book square, small narrating, reading, imaginating stories, tales, programs, DVD bright, rectangular TV
SensePoems • Relyonthe 5 senses • Example: I seean red fruitonthetable. I feelthehard base of thefruit. I taste itsgoodflavor. I hearthecrunching of myteeth. I smellthejuicyfruit.