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ILC Accelerator Baseline Design (TDR-2): SCRF Cavity and Cryomodule

ILC Accelerator Baseline Design (TDR-2): SCRF Cavity and Cryomodule. Akira Yamamoto KEK/ILC-GDE on behalf of GDE Project Managers and SCRF TA Collaborators Report for Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Review, To be held at KEK, 13 th December, 2012. Acknowledgments.

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ILC Accelerator Baseline Design (TDR-2): SCRF Cavity and Cryomodule

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  1. ILC Accelerator Baseline Design (TDR-2): SCRF Cavity and Cryomodule Akira Yamamoto KEK/ILC-GDE on behalf of GDE Project Managers and SCRF TA Collaborators Report for Project Advisory Committee (PAC) Review, To be held at KEK, 13th December, 2012 ILC-PAC SCRF

  2. Acknowledgments • We (GDE-PMs) would thank the ILC-GDE, SCRF collaboration with: • DESY, INFN, CEA-Saclay, LAL-Orsay, CI, CERN, and Industry in Europe, • FNAL, J-LAB, Cornell, SLAC, ANL, LANL, BNL, TRIUMF, and Industry in Americas, • KEK, Kyoto, IUAC, RRCAT, BARC, TTIF, VECC, IHEP, PKU, PAL, KNU, PNU, and Industry in Asia for their worldwide cooperation in TDR Advances in SCRF for ILC

  3. SCRF Reports for PAC TDR2-Chapter 3 • Main Linac Layout • Common layout • Flat and Mountainous topologies • by Marc Ross • SCRF Technology • Cavity and Cryomodule • by Akira Yamamoto • RF Power System • by Shigeki Fukuda ILC-PAC SCRF

  4. Outline • Introduction • Baseline technologies achieved for TDR • Cavity and CM Baseline Design for TDR • Cavity • Production Specification (S-3.2) • Cavity Integration (S-3.3) • Cryomodule • Cavity string and CM Design Incling Quad. (S-3.4) • Cryogenic • Cooling Scheme (S-3.5) ILC-PAC SCRF

  5. Introduction • Progress to establish baseline technologies for ‘TDR’ • Cavity gradient(S0): • Worldwide effort: G = 35 MV/m+/- 20%, satisfying <G> ≥ 35 MV/m • Cavity and Cryomodule(CM) integration (S1): • ‘S1-Global’ verified baseline technologies • Beam acceleration with SCRF CM (S2): • ‘FLASH’ demonstrated ILC beam current and the pulse-duration • “STF-QB’ demonstrated ILC beam pulse-duration ILC-PAC SCRF

  6. Global Plan for SCRF R&D We are here Advances in SCRF for ILC

  7. Configuration: RDR to TDR Cost containment Motivation: • Singleaccelerator tunnel • Smaller damping ring • e+ target at high-energy end, • Cavity G. 31.5 MV/m +/- 20 %, • HLRF and tunnel layout: • Klystron-Cluster on surface (KCS), or • Distributed Klystron in tunnel (DKS) RDR-2007  TDR-2012 5 m Flat-land or Mountainous Tunnel Design Advances in SCRF for ILC

  8. Cavity Gradient: Production Yield, Yearly Progress

  9. Cavity Gradient: Production Yield Progress since 2006 2nd pass statistics for 2010 ~ 2012 period: Production yield: 94 % at > 28 MV/m, Average gradient: 37.1 MV/m - Integrated statistics since 2006 in 2nd pass yield - Max. gradient achieved: > 45 MV/m ILC-PAC SCRF

  10. Gradient Spread of +/- 20% • Average gradient of 35 MV/m • with the spread of 28 ~ 42 MV/m (+/- 20%) • Cavity gradient: higher spread (+ 20%) absorb the lower spread (- 20 %), • Cost-effective production by increasing yield • gaining > 15% (19 %) higher production-yield, • corresponding to ~ 15% saving cavity production cost. • ( investment cost, unchanged) • 75 % at ≥35 MV/m to 94 % at ≥ 28 MV/m • Necessary trade-off with additional RF power • RF power addition required, but it less expensive. ILC-PAC SCRF

  11. Cavity String and CM system integration: demonstrated by S1-Global DESY, Sept. 2010 DESY, FNAL, Jan., 2010 FNAL & INFN, July, 2010 INFN and FNAL Feb. 2010 March, 2010 DESY, May, 2010 June, 2010 ~ Status of ILC

  12. Cavities, Tuners, Couplers in S1-G Cryomodule TESLA Cavity (DESY/FNAL) Tesla-like Cavity (KEK) Slide-Jack Tuner (KEK) Blade Tuner(INFN/FNAL) Saclay Tuner (DESY) TTF-III Coupler (DESY/FNAL/SLAC) STF-II Coupler (KEK) ILC-SCRF-Global-Effort

  13. TESLA (DESY) and TESLA-Like (KEK) Cavity KEK-LC-STF meeting

  14. Variety of Cavity and Tuner Assembly in S1-Global Slide-jack tuner at KEK EXFEL tuner Blade Tuner (originated by INFN) KEK-LC-STF meeting

  15. S1-Global Progress ReportAvailable as an attached manuscript ILC-PAC SCRF

  16. E. Kako, H. Hayano Cavities Performance: Gradient 31.5 MV/m C1 C2 C3 C4 A1 A2 A3 A4 Before cryomodule installation Average 30.0MV/m after cryomodule installation Average 27.7MV/m 7 cavities combined operation Average 26.0MV/m

  17. 7-cavity operation by digital LLRF LLRF stability study with 7 cavities operation at 25MV/m Stability in 6300 sec. Field Waveform of each cavity vector-sum gradient amplitude stability in pulse flat-top phase stability in pulse flat-top - Vector-sum stability: 24.995MV/m ~ 24.988MV/m (~0.03%) - Amplitude stability in pulse flat-top: < 60ppm=0.006%rms - Phase stability in pulse flat-top: < 0.0017 degree.rms Advances in SCRF for ILC

  18. Designs Demonstrated in S1-Global and the Baseline Technology selected for TDR ILC-PAC SCRF

  19. Plug-compatible Conditions Plug-compatible interface established KEK-LC-Meeting

  20. Beam Acceleration Parameters required for ILC-TDR Advances in SCRF for ILC

  21. Progress in SCRF System Tests • DESY: FLASH • SRF-CM string + Beam, • ACC7/PXFEL1 < 32 MV/m > • 9 mA beam, 2009 • 800ms, 4.5mA beam, 2012 • KEK: STF • S1-Global: complete, 2010 • Cavity string : < 26 MV/m> • Quantum Beam : 1 ms • CM1 + Beam, in 2014 • FNAL: NML/ASTA • CM1 test complete • CM2 operation, in 2013 • CM2 + Beam, beyond 2013 Advances in SCRF for ILC

  22. Summary: SCRF Baselines Demonstrated and/or chosen for TDR • Cavity gradient • Achieved 35 MV/m +/- 20 %, and < 37.1 MV/m> with the production yield of 94% • Cavity and CM integration • Demonstrated SCRF technologies available for TDR • Coupler : TTF-III • Tuner: Blade tuner • Magnetic shield : placed inside LHe tank • Beam acceleration • Demonstrated ILC beam parameters • Beam (RF) pulse duration: 1 ms • Beam current: 9 mA ILC-PAC SCRF

  23. Outline • Introduction • Baseline technologies achieved for TDR • Cavity and CM Baseline Design for TDR • Cavity • Production Specification (S-3.2) • Cavity Integration (S-3.3) • Cryomodule • Cavity string and CM Design Incling Quad. (S-3.4) • Cryogenic • Cooling Scheme (S-3.5) ILC-PAC SCRF

  24. Cavity Design Parameters YS-delivered: > 50 MPa -annealed:> 39 MPa P-design: 0.2 Mpa -test:: 0.3 MPa ILC-PAC SCRF

  25. Cavity/Cryomodule Fabrication Material/ Sub-component Cavity Fabrication HeTank Surface Process LHe-Tank Assembly Vertical Test = Cavity RF Test Cryomodule Assembly and RF Test

  26. Cavity Fabrication/Test Process Flow Local repair, if it be economical < 30 mm 2nd pass, if G < 35 MV/m (as of today) 60 % go to 2nd pass ILC-PAC SCRF

  27. Cavity Gradient: Production Yield, Yearly Progress

  28. Fabrication and Surface Treatment Process Parameters to be further optimized micron

  29. Subjects for Further Study • Vertical Test with LHe tank • Production economical, but defects may not be localized with having LHe tank, • Local repairs • More experiences needed to understand the cost-saving, • New definition for production yield including repair, • Mitigation of field emission and radiation • Understand sources and mitigation technology • Establish quantitative evaluation technology ILC-PAC SCRF

  30. Cavity Integration • 9-cell resonator • Input-coupler • TTF-III coupler • Frequency tuners • Blade tuner • He tank • Magnetic shield • Inside He tank ILC-PAC SCRF

  31. Input Coupler Design Specification Design needs to be ready for upgrade ILC-PAC SCRF

  32. Coupler Fabrication and Process • Coupler fabrication • At industry • Coupler Process • At industry or lab. • String Assembly with CM • At lab. ILC-PAC SCRF

  33. Baseline: TTF-III Coupler • Reasons • Much experience at FLASH (DESY), ASTA (Fermilab) • Used in EXFEL • Demonstrating the ILC technical requirement • Less expensive • Subjects for further study beyond TDR • Seeking for further optimum design with fixed (no-bellows) cold-end outer-pipe, referring the KEK coupler design, • Simplifying the assembly process, with keeping less expensive design ILC-PAC SCRF

  34. coupler assembly TTF-III Coupler: various support jigs are required. KEK STF Coupler:self standing

  35. Tuner Design Specification ILC-PAC SCRF

  36. Baseline: Blade Tuner • Reasons • Demonstrating the ILC technical requirements (S1-Global, ASTA) • Less expensive • Subjects for further study beyond TDR • Judgment for MTBF/reliablity and maintain-ability of –pulse-motors and piezo-motors • Seek for a further optimum design to allow accessibility/maintain-ability for the motors, ILC-PAC SCRF

  37. He Tank Design with Blade Tuner Bellows at Center ILC-PAC SCRF

  38. LHe Tank Comparison Lhe tank for Slide-jack Tuner Lhe tank for Blade Tuner KEK-LC-STF meeting

  39. Baseline: LHe tank w/ Blade Tuner • Reasons • Simpler and less expensive than the design with slide-jack tuner, • Subjects for further study beyond TDR • Further simple design for cost-reduction to be comparable with the EXFEL LHe-tank ILC-PAC SCRF

  40. Magnetic Shield Inside LHe Tank Design concept: inside shield + cylindrical end shield outside cylindrical shield inside jacket Conical shield inside endplate Pill-box end-cell shield, outside jacket (may be required for Tesla-Cavity design)

  41. Comparison of Magnetic Shield 16 Components per ca (shield outside 4 Components per Cavity (shield inside) For 2 FNAL Cavities For 2 KEK Cavities

  42. Baseline: Magnetic-Shield Inside • Reasons • Simplest and best shielding effect with the minimum connection-interfaces and holes • Efficient installation work during cavity integration, and minimum work during cavity string assembly • Subjects for further study beyond TDR • Industrialization of magnetic shield cylinder • Conical shield installation for TESLA type cavity having spatial conflict at the end-cell contact to the conical flange ILC-PAC SCRF

  43. Plug-compatible Conditions Plug-compatible interface established KEK-LC-Meeting

  44. Outline • Introduction • Baseline technologies achieved for TDR • Cavity and CM Baseline Design for TDR • Cavity • Production Specification (S-3.2) • Cavity Integration (S-3.3) • Cryomodule • Cavity string and CM Design Incling Quad. (S-3.4) • Cryogenic system • Cooling Scheme (S-3.5) ILC-PAC SCRF

  45. Cavity/Cryomodule Fabrication Material/ Sub-component Cavity Fabrication HeTank Surface Process LHe-Tank Assembly Vertical Test = Cavity RF Test Cryomodule Assembly and RF Test

  46. CM Assembly Type-B module Type-A has 9 cavities and no quadrupole cavities (8) SC quad package 12.652 m (slot length) ILC-PAC SCRF

  47. Cryomodule Design

  48. D. Kostin & E. Kako Cryomodule Gradient Spread and Degradation Observed at DESY and KEK, as of Nov. 2010 PXFEL-1 PXFEL-2 PFEL-3 S1-Global • FLASH: • 3 PXFEL cryomodules • ILC R&D: • S1-Global cryomodule • CM1 (S1-Local @ Fermilab) • Current status: • 12/40 degraded with ~ 20 % TDR ACC & SCRF Guidline

  49. Conduction-Cooled Split-able Quadruple • Advantages; • Q-magnet may be assembled separately, • Keep “best clean” during cavity string assembly • No additional cryostat and cryogenics • Highly accurate alignment without LHe vessel ILC-PAC SCRF

  50. Heat Loads per CM

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