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STEREO and the Solar Dynamics Observatory Aren’t they FABulous?

STEREO and the Solar Dynamics Observatory Aren’t they FABulous?. Douglas Biesecker NOAA/SEC. What will they mean for SEC’s customers?. Outline. NASA STEREO Mission STEREO Instruments How do these translate into FAB? Obvious products for FAB? NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory Mission

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STEREO and the Solar Dynamics Observatory Aren’t they FABulous?

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  1. STEREO and the Solar Dynamics ObservatoryAren’t they FABulous? Douglas Biesecker NOAA/SEC What will they mean for SEC’s customers?

  2. Outline • NASA STEREO Mission • STEREO Instruments • How do these translate into FAB? • Obvious products for FAB? • NASA Solar Dynamics Observatory Mission • SDO Instruments • Obvious products

  3. What is STEREO? • A mission, with a pair of spacecraft in heliocentric orbits, to study the Sun and heliosphere in more than 2 dimensions. • Launch in Feb 2006 • Nominal 2 year mission • Remote sensing imaging instruments • Flares, CME’s, Coronal Holes… • In-situ instruments • Solar Wind, Magnetic Field, SEP’s

  4. STEREO Orbits • STEREO-A leads Earth • Ahead • STEREO-B lags Earth • Behind • Each move 22.5°/yr 22.5° STEREO First 2 Years

  5. Ahead 2 yrs Behind 2 yrs STEREO will see more of the Sun So What? Big Deal. If that’s all it did, then there’d be no point to it.

  6. STEREO Operating at Solar Cycle Minimum 2012 2010

  7. Density Speed Temperature The PLASTIC SuiteUniversity of New Hampshire • Measures of the solar wind, including proton density, velocity and kinetic temperature. Think: ACE/SWEPAM

  8. What STEREO-B sees Coronal Hole/High Speed Stream • Enhanced electrons • Minor/Moderate geomagnetic storms • Who cares • Satellite operators • Airlines • Electric Power Providers • 1 year into mission • ~1.5 days lead time What we see at Earth

  9. The IMPACT SuiteUniversity of California Berkeley • Solar Energetic Particle Experiment (SEP) • e- : 0.02-6 MeV; protons: 0.02-100 MeV; • Helium ions: 0.03-100 MeV/nuc. • Heavier ions: 0.03-40 MeV/nuc. • Magnetometer (MAG) - Vector magnetic field electrons BT Bz Think ACE/EPAM and ACE/MAG protons

  10. SEP events • Event profile depends on observer position relative to event source • Radiation Storm • Who cares: • Launch providers • Satellite operators • Astronauts • Airline pilots/stewards W90 W17 E42 STEREO LAGGING EARTH STEREO LEADING

  11. SWAVESParis Observatory • Type II Radio Bursts • Detect CME’s • Determine velocity of CME’s – all the way from Sun to Earth Think Learmonth, Culgoora etc…

  12. SECCHINaval Research Laboratory • Suite of imaging telescopes • EUVI (4 channels: 171, 195, 284, 304) • COR1 and COR2 (1.25-15 Rsun) • HI-1 and HI-2 – Heliospheric imagers • Imaging of flares, coronal holes, coronal mass ejections Think SOHO/EIT And SOHO/LASCO

  13. CME’s • Tracking CME’s from Sun to Earth • Severe geomagnetic storms - still missing Bz • Who cares: • Pretty much everyone?

  14. STEREO BEACON • Real-time data (633 bps) – continuous • Pending NOAA/SEC organizing international effort to receive data • Particle instruments sending down 1 and 5 minute subsets of their data • Low resolution, low cadence imagery • Useful for forecasting

  15. STEREO Science Centerhttp://stereo-ssc.nascom.nasa.gov • STEREO mission will be providing beacon data to the public at the same time NOAA SEC has access to it • Real-time data displays • Images • Movies • Satellite location • … • Will be the provider of the full resolution, full cadence ‘science’ data.

  16. The Challenge of STEREO • How do we get STEREO data to the forecasters without overwhelming them • Automated algorithms for event detection • Integrated display tools • Models which give the 3-d picture • Otherwise, we’re just looking at lots more data that is just 2-d from a different angle

  17. Solar Dynamics Observatory • The first observatory in NASA’s Living With a Star Program • Launch April 2008 • Geosynchronous orbit • 5 year mission • Helioseismology, Solar EUV imagery, and EUV Spectra • No Coronagraph • Very high spatial resolution at a very high cadence • 150 megabits/second

  18. AIA wavelength bands Channel †† Ion(s) Region of Atmosphere* Char. log(T) C IV 1550 Å He II 304 Å Visible - Continuum Photosphere 3.7 1600Å? Fe IX/X 171 Å 1700Å - Continuum Temperature minimum, photosphere 3.7 304Å 12.7 He II Chromosphere, transition region, 4.7 Fe XX/XXIII 133 Å 1600Å - C IV+cont. Transition region + upper photosphere 5.0 171Å 4.7 Fe IX Quiet corona, upper transition region 5.8 Fe XII 195 Å Fe XVIII 94 Å 193Å 6.0 Fe XII, XXIV Corona and hot flare plasma 6.1, 7.3 211Å 7.0 Fe XIV Active-region corona 6.3 Fe XIV 211 Å Fe XVI 335 Å 335Å 16.5 Fe XVI Active-region corona 6.4 94Å 0.9 Fe XVIII Flaring regions 6.8 131Å 4.4 Fe XX, XXIII Flaring regions 7.0, 7.2 *Absorption allows imaging of chromospheric material within the corona; ††FWHM, in Å Atmospheric Imaging Assembly (AIA)Lockheed Martin • Solar EUV images • 1” resolution • <10 sec cadence • Observe in many more spectral lines than previous imagers (EIT, TRACE)

  19. AIA Science • Transients • sources of radiation and energetic particles • Particularly early (initiation) phase • Connections to geospace • material and magnetic field output of the Sun • Coronal seismology • a diagnostic of coronal physics and potentially CME’s.

  20. Extreme UV Variability Experiment (EVE)University of Colorado Solar EUV Irradiance Spectrum • MEGS - Multiple EUV Grating Spectrograph • 5-105 nm spectral irradiance • 0.1 nm spectral resolution • 10-second cadence • ESP - Euv Spectrophotometer: transmission grating spectrograph that measures 0.1-7 nm, 17-34 nm, and 58-63 nm • ¼ second cadence • similar to SOHO SEM instrument.

  21. EVE Science

  22. Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI)Stanford • Global Helioseismology • Diagnostics of global changes inside the Sun. • Local Helioseismology • 3D imaging of the solar interior. • Magnetography • Complete coverage of magnetic processes in the photosphere. • The vector magnetic field • Continuum Intensity • Identification of irradiance sources.

  23. B – Rotation Variations J – Subsurface flows C – Global Circulation I – Magnetic Connectivity A – Interior Structure D – Irradiance Sources E – Coronal Magnetic Field H – Far-side Imaging F – Solar Subsurface Weather G – Magnetic Fields Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager (HMI)Stanford • Sunspots and plage contribute to solar irradiance variation. • Synoptic map of the subsurface flows at a depth of 7 Mm. • Active regions on the far side of the sun detected with helioseismology. • Sound speed variations and flows in an emerging active region.

  24. Summary • Real-time data will be flowing from STEREO in one year. • The data will be used to provide improved forecasts • Though only ‘temporarily’ • A few years down the road, we’ll have SDO. • More data for forecasters • We’re really looking forward to the scientific advances that will come out of these missions.

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