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EPOXI HRI-IR C/Garradd (2009 P1) Raw Spectra Second Review (Sitko). This dataset contains raw, 1.05- to 4.8-micron spectral images of comet C/Garradd (2009 P1) acquired by the High Resolution Infrared Spectrometer on 26 March and 02-03 April 2012 during the Cruise 3 phase of the EPOXI mission.
EPOXI HRI-IR C/Garradd (2009 P1) Raw SpectraSecond Review (Sitko) This dataset contains raw, 1.05- to 4.8-micron spectral images of comet C/Garradd (2009 P1) acquired by the High Resolution Infrared Spectrometer on 26 March and 02-03 April 2012 during the Cruise 3 phase of the EPOXI mission.
CATALOG includes subcatalogs of: dataset.cat - The data set – CONTAINS BACKGROUND INFORMATION ON HOW THE OBSERVATIONS WERE MADE – SPATIAL SCANS – TO INSURE THE COMET WAS DETECTED All observations consisted of spatial scans perpendicular to the length of the slit (in order to ensure that the comet was imaged, allowing for pointing uncertainties) consisting of 17 frames, obtained at a scan rate of 2 slit-widths per frame with an integration time of 11 seconds per frame. (ALL SCANNED IN THE SAME DIRECTION?) Each sequence consisted of 64 scans, of 17 binned full frames (512x256-pixels) each. dif.cat - Resolved liens from reviews in 2004, 2006, 2009, 2013 peer reviews epoxy.cat – a number of small corrections 2009-2013 for 2007-09-26 to 2012-09-20 garradd.cat – target info (discovery info) hrii.cat – instrument information personnel.cat – people, addresses, phone numbers, etc. ref.cat – history of reference additions hrii_2_epoxi_garradd.tab REQUIRES hrii_2_epoxi_garradd.lbl to understand this catalog. Assumes Fortran-like READ with A23 format. IS IT POSSIBLE TO HAVE THIS TABLE IN PLAIN TEXT WITH CARRIAGE RETURNS?SOMEONE MAY WANT TO BROWSE THIS INFORMATION
DATA includes 2012 HRII spectra of Comet Garradd listed on the following days: 086 093 094 Data are in FITS files with accompanying lbl files with basic file information. There seems to be a mis-match between day-of-year in FITS headers & LBL files and the day-of-year table in the DOCUMENTS directory Example: 093/hi12040208_4000001_001.fit & hi12040208_4000001_001.lbl OBSDATE = '2012-04-02T08:18:29.369' / DateTime at start of observation at (s/c)
DOCUMENT Description of the EPOXI instruments. Observing circumstances for Garradd (distance, pixel scale, phase angle, filter names and characteristics). Description of data products for all the instruments, calibration pipeline for HRI hrii_2_epoxi_garradd.tab Machine-readable information file. REQUIRES hrii_2_epoxi_garradd.lbl to understand this .tab file. Assumes Fortran-like READ with A23 format. Just curious:IS IT POSSIBLE TO HAVE THIS .tab TABLE FILE IN PLAIN TEXT WITH CARRIAGE RETURNS?SOMEONE MAY WANT TO BROWSE THIS INFORMATION ....
COMPLETENESS Hard for this reviewer to evaluate, but seems complete (compared to other similar data sets). INTELLIGIBILITY FITS files easily readable using DS9 and ATV.pro (if you are so inclined). INTERPRETABILITY Data set seems VERY well-documented ARCHIVAL QUALITY Examination of the actual images suggests weak exposures. Raw images have a range of DN of <1000.