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The Life of Moses: Part 1

The Life of Moses: Part 1. Fill in your notes about Moses’ life from the information below (they go in order)

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The Life of Moses: Part 1

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  1. The Life of Moses: Part 1 Fill in your notes about Moses’ life from the information below (they go in order) Moses was a Hebrew born in the time that Hebrews were being enslaved in Egypt. During this period, Pharaoh ordered all male children born to Hebrew families to be drowned in the Nile. Moses’ mother, in an attempt to save him, placed him in a basket and floated him down the Nile. Moses was found by an Egyptian princess, taken to the palace, and raised as an Egyptian prince.

  2. The PLAGUES!! • Nile River turned into blood • The Frogs!

  3. The Life of Moses: Part 2 Fill in your notes about Moses’ life from the information below (they go in order) As a prince at Pharaoh’s palace, Moses lived a life of wealth and luxury. However, Moses was still aware of his Hebrew roots. While out one day, Moses saw an Egyptian brutally beat and kill a Hebrew. Moses was so infuriated that he killed the Egyptian. Since this put Moses in danger of being prosecuted by Pharaoh, he fled Egypt.

  4. The PLAGUES!! • The Lice and Gnats • The Flies

  5. The Life of Moses: Part 3 Fill in your notes about Moses’ life from the information below (they go in order) After fleeing to a place called Midian, Moses saves seven women from a group of rude shepherds. One of these becomes Moses’ wife. After marrying, Moses becomes a shepherd. One day, while following his flock of sheep, he saw a burning bush. This bush was a sign from God! An angel’s voice gave God’s message. The message to Moses was clear: free the Hebrews from Egypt.

  6. The PLAGUES!! • Death of the Livestock • Untreatable Boils

  7. The Life of Moses: Part 4 Fill in your notes about Moses’ life from the information below (they go in order) Moses returned to Egypt with his wife and met with the new Pharaoh. When Moses asked Pharaoh to let the Hebrews go, Ramses II laughed and denied him. Moses brings ten plagues. The final plague caused the death of Pharaohs son, causing Pharaoh to let the Hebrews go. Moses leads the Hebrews out of Egypt, in an event known as the Exodus.

  8. The PLAGUES!! • Hail and Fire • 8. Swarm of Locusts

  9. The Life of Moses: Part 5 Fill in your notes about Moses’ life from the information below (they go in order) After letting the Hebrews go, Pharaoh changed his mind. Pharaoh chased down Moses and the Hebrews with his army. However, with the help of God, Moses parted the Red Sea and led the Hebrews to safety and away from the Egyptians. Moses then led the Hebrews into the wilderness in an attempt to make their way back to the Promised Land of Canaan.

  10. The PLAGUES!! • Plague of Darkness • Death of the First-Born

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