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Vox populi , Vox Băsescu. Argumentation and Manipulation Strategies in the Speech of President Traian Băsescu on the 25th of January 2012. Assistant PhD. Ionela Carmen Bo ş oteanu , “ Petre Andrei” from Ia ş i University PhD. Iulian C ă t ă lin D ă nil ă , “Al. I Cuza ” University.
Vox populi, Vox Băsescu. Argumentation and Manipulation Strategies in the Speech of President Traian Băsescu on the 25th of January 2012 Assistant PhD. Ionela Carmen Boşoteanu, “Petre Andrei” from Iaşi University PhD. IulianCătălin Dănilă, “Al. I Cuza” University
Abstract:Vox populi, Vox Băsescu. Argumentation and Manipulation Strategies in the Speech of President TraianBăsescu on the 25th of January 2012Political life is structured in political discourses, ideological and electoral platforms, political doctrines and symbols, in order to convince and attract adhesions. The political discourse is closely related to a certain event and its purpose is to take over or legitimate the political power.
The essay focuses on the speech of president Traian Băsescu from on the 25th of January 2012, thirteen days after a series of street manifestations, in Bucharest and all around the country. "The intervention with the Romanian people" is the consequence of people’s protests and tries to justify the president’s role as a mediator in solving group conflicts. Through this discourse, Traian Basescu tried again to build the "political arena games, rules and its stakeholders“ (Guy Hermet, Bertrand Badie, Pierre Birnbaum, Philippe Braud, Dictionnaire de la science politique et des institutions politiques, 4e édition, Paris, Armand Colin, 2000, p. 56.). In this specific context, the language combines, to a certain extent, the four forms proposed by Murray Edelman (hortative, legal, administrative, negotiation).
The president’s speech is inciting and populist, and its verbal and nonverbal components give to the audience a state of anxiety. A pertinent analysis of the speech reveals a series of strategies of argumentation and manipulation, which reflect a diminishing power of public communication of the president while trying to legitimate the power. Even though it is meant to be anchored in the reality of nowadays Romania, president Băsescu’s speech to the people is a failed intervention in his attempt to synchronize himself with the voice of the people and cosmeticize the crisis.
Keywords: • communication, • political discourse, • argumentation and manipulation strategies.
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