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Neutron-induced production of protons, deuterons and tritons and comparison with experimental data. Hans Wenzel Geant4 Hadronic Working Group Meeting July 23 rd 2014. Outline. Motivation. The test setup and the experimental data used for comparison.
Neutron-induced production of protons, deuterons and tritons and comparison with experimental data Hans Wenzel Geant4 Hadronic Working Group Meeting July 23rd 2014
Outline • Motivation. • The test setup and the experimental data used for comparison. • Results for neutron induced production of p,d,t on Bi,Cu at angles of 54,68,90,121,164 degrees for neutron energies of 317,348,384,426,478,542 MeV, comparison with Geant 4 simulations using the FTFP_BERT and FTF_BIC physics lists. • Observations. • Availability of the data (experimental and simulation). • Plans.
Motivation • In the future Fermilab plans to mainly focus on Neutrino physics talked to the neutrino experiments to find out what experimental data sets they think are important (detector response/production target) • Test suite to validate Geant 4 against this data sets get feedback from the Geant4 col. Improve the models • Provide guidance concerning the best physics list (both for production target and detector response) • Provide dedicated physics lists. • Steve Dytman provided feedback and a collection of experimental result he uses for validation of simulation. First Test: Neutron induced production of protons, deuterons and tritons. Data for Bi and Cu from Franz et al (Nuclear Physics A510 (1990) 774-802) extracted from the exfordatabase(http://www.nndc.bnl.gov/exfor/exfor.htm). Data for C is described in Franz et al (Nuclear Physics A510 (1987) 733-758) but couldn’t find data in ascii format no Carbon results!. • Identifying spallation reactions might provide a tool to improve hadronic energy resolution in LAr TPC’s. • Production of spallation protons important to explain event to event compensation in a dual readout calorimeter.
Motivation (cont.) • LAr TPC’s will provide an unparalleled level of detail in showers and neutrino interactions, experiments like LAriAT (Liquid Argon in a Test Beam) will expose this type of detectors soon (this summer) to various particle beams opportunity to gain access to data and influence the data they take to validate Geant4 with. Planned measurements include: • Visible energy calibration dE/dx, Birks etc. • PID methods • e/gamma shower separation • Muon sign determination • Antiproton stars (tag spallation processes?) • …
Geant 4 test set up Neutron beam Outgoing p,d,t Target materials: Cu, Bi (thin target (~1mm)) Neutron Beam Energies: 317,348,384,426,478,542 MeV Angles: 54,68,90,121,164 degrees Physics Lists: FTFP_BERT, FTF_BIC Framework: artg4tk Geant 4 version: 4.9.6.p02 Measurement: rate converted in ds/dOdE
Proton Production Target: Cu Beam: 542 MeV Green: exp. Data Blue: BIC Red: Bertini
deuteron Production Target: Cu Beam: 542 MeV Green: exp. Data Blue: BIC Red: Bertini
triton Production Target: Cu Beam: 542 MeV Green: exp. Data Blue: BIC Red: Bertini
Proton Production Target: Bi Beam: 542 MeV Green: exp. Data Blue: BIC Red: Bertini
deuteron Production Target: Bi Beam: 542 MeV Green: exp. Data Blue: BIC Red: Bertini
triton Production Target: Bi Beam: 542 MeV Green: exp. Data Blue: BIC Red: Bertini
Proton Production Target: Cu Beam: 317 MeV Green: exp. Data Red: Bertini
Proton Production Target: Cu Beam: 347 MeV Green: exp. Data Red: Bertini
Proton Production Target: Cu Beam: 383 MeV Green: exp. Data Red: Bertini
Proton Production Target: Cu Beam: 425 MeV Green: exp. Data Red: Bertini
Proton Production Target: Cu Beam: 477 MeV Green: exp. Data Red: Bertini
Observations • BIC overall provides better description of the data than Bertini. • Deuterons especially at low angles are not well described by either model. • Tritons BIC probably ok for larger angles. • …
Allows to select by : target secondaries reaction beamenergy ….
Plans • Look into it in more detail, comparison to proton induced particle production • Add additional experimental data suggested to us and create tests to simulate it • Provide scripts to run on the grid, automate analysis can run frequently as new releases become available. • Collect experimental data and raw simulation results in validation database. • Work close with LAriAT collaboration.
Expectation: Tell us what processes are important to you tailor physics list to your needs • e.g. Steve Dytman proposed • that we look at various • experimental data sets • relevant to neutrino • detector response. Used • Artg4tk to implement test. • Very useful will present the plots to the experts in geant 4 hadronic working group. • will add more tests. • Results and exp. data will be stored in validation repository Neutron (542MeV) induced proton production on thin Copper. Comparison of Franz et. al. data to Bertini and binary cascade model