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tNN. The US System of Democracy. Slide 1. tNN. Democracy means much more than: electing leaders to rule pluralism right to petition consent (submission) of the governed Many tyrannies claim these characteristics. Slide 2. WHAT IS DEMOCRACY?. tNN.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. tNN The US System of Democracy Slide 1

  2. tNN Democracy means much more than: • electing leaders to rule • pluralism • right to petition • consent (submission) of the governed Many tyrannies claim these characteristics. Slide 2 WHAT IS DEMOCRACY?

  3. tNN The word democracy means what its Greek roots say: • “demos” the people”and • “cracy” rule by – that is “rule by the people.” Slide 3 WHAT IS DEMOCRACY?

  4. tNN Not all people, even in America, want democracy. Thomas Jefferson, in a letter to Henry Lee, August 10, 1824 said this: “Men by their constitutions are naturally divided into two parties: Slide 4 JEFFERSON'S LETTER

  5. tNN Those who fear and distrust the people, and wish to draw all powers from them into the hands of the higher classes. Those who identify themselves with the people, have confidence in them, cherish and consider them as the most honest and safe, although not the most wise, depository of the public interests. Slide 5 JEFFERSON'S LETTER

  6. tNN In every country these parties exist, and in every one where they are free to think, speak, and write, they will declare themselves. Slide 6 JEFFERSON'S LETTER

  7. tNN Call them, therefore, liberals and serviles, Jacobins and ultras, whigs and tories, republicans and federalists, aristocrats and democrats, or by whatever name you please, they are the same parties still, and pursue the same object. The last appellation of aristocrats and democrats is the true one expressing the essence of all.” Slide 7 JEFFERSON'S LETTER

  8. tNN The better of the Founding Fathers intended that power be held by the people. The American system was designed so that the citizenry determines policy – generally what is to be done and how. The government, composed of those elected by the people and representing the people, is then to implement that policy. Slide 8 THE AMERICAN SYSTEM

  9. tNN The citizenry determines policy – “what is to be done.” The legislatures legislate that policy into coherent law. The executives administer that legislation into reality. The Supreme Court ensures compliance with the US Constitution. Slide 9 THE AMERICAN SYSTEM OR MORE SPECIFICALLY

  10. tNN The following diagram shows the American System as it was intended to be: The People Determine Policies The Legislature Translates Policies into Coherent Body of Law The Executive Executes Legislation Slide 10 HOW IT'S SUPPOSED TO WORK

  11. tNN In America, the politicians are not to make policy. They are merely public servants. Their duty is to legislate, then implement the “public will.” Slide 11 THE AMERICAN SYSTEM

  12. tNN But now the unmanipulated communities of people that once shared information, formed the public will, and elected representatives to government from among their own – are gone. Slide 12 WHAT HAPPENED?

  13. tNN Slide 13 WHAT HAPPENED?


  15. tNN Slide 15 WHAT HAPPENED?

  16. tNN The Founding Fathers did not and could not anticipate: • Concentration of wealth and power during Industrialization. • A centralized Mass Media based on Radio and TV. • The loss of genuine, intimate, everyday community. • The enthronement of corporations in the Gilded Age. Slide 15 WHAT HAPPENED?

  17. tNN Slide 17 WHAT HAPPENED? A RULING CLASS own & control dominate lobby Political Parties MASS MEDIA GOVERNMENT frames & manipulates has power to tax & police votes CITIZENRY isolated, unorganized, misinformed

  18. tNN Now we are isolated families and individuals subject to manipulation by those proficient in using the media to advance their goals, their objectives, their policies. Slide 18 WHAT HAPPENED?


  20. tNN Ideologies, personalities and banal generalities polarize us. We are oblivious to real, practical solutions. We are driven from one another, not to our “common ground.” We act out of fear, against ourselves, against our common interest. Slide 20 ITS EVEN WORSE THAN THAT

  21. tNN We’ve been “partitioned up” into mutually hostile ideological camps that cannot come together to find “common ground.” The Roman Empire used, and all colonial powers use, the same stratagem. It is otherwise know as: “Divide and Conquer.” Slide 21 ITS EVEN WORSE THAN THAT


  23. tNN Politicians are forced to be “two faced.” While “on the job” they must pursue the objectives of those who come to them on a day-to-day basis – or incur their wrath. Yet they pretend to represent the public. Slide 23 VIEW FROM THE POLITICIAN

  24. tNN Each politician must work to ensure: • Good publicity over the mass media. • Campaign contributions for the next election. • Peaceful relations with other politicians. Slide 24 VIEW FROM THE POLITICIAN

  25. tNN Each must keep the special interests from: Enticing rival politicians to run against him or her. Using information about his or her private life against him or her. Slide 25 VIEW FROM THE POLITICIAN

  26. tNN To do that, he or she must serve the special interests well. Furthermore, each politician knows that the mass media will almost never inform the general public of his or her specific service to those interests. All in all, even an angel, if elected, would become corrupt and cynical. Slide 26 VIEW FROM THE POLITICIAN


  28. tNN The public develops mandates for each public office (a set of legislative or administrative items to enact). A candidate is selected and elected to pursue the mandates. The public monitors the officials performance. The public servant is recalled if he or she doesn’t pursue the public will. Slide 28 VIEW FROM THE VOTER WHAT SHOULD BE:

  29. tNN WHAT IS: We want to vote on issues, but can only vote for personalities. There's only a weak link between issues and candidates. Politicians talk banal generalities to us, not specifics. We don’t know what the politicians are really doing. We don’t choose the candidates. Somebody else does. Generally, we can’t recall the public servants. Slide 29 VIEW FROM THE VOTER

  30. tNN WHAT HAPPENED? We've become powerless because we do not: • Discuss public issues among ourselves, learn each others public concerns, nor collaborate to discover the facts and find mutually acceptable solutions. • Select and elect true public servants. • Deliver policy mandates to those servants. And we do not access information needed to govern. Slide 30

  31. tNN END of: The U.S. System of Democracy Slide 31 SESSION CONTENTS

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