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Stalin's Rise to Power: From Lenin's Death to Establishment of Dictatorship

Explore Stalin's ascent to power post-Lenin's death, battling Trotsky, using political tactics, and establishing a ruthless dictatorship through propaganda and suppression.

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Stalin's Rise to Power: From Lenin's Death to Establishment of Dictatorship

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  1. Rise of Stalin Reasons Lenin’s death Trotsky vs Stalin Used his positions as General Secretary to gain party votes. Establishment of Dictatorship

  2. ??? Rise of Stalin Lenin’s Death Lenin had a series of strokes between May 1922 – March 1923 – Died on January 1924. Problem: Question of who was to succeed Lenin

  3. Trotsky Stalin Kamenev Zinoviev Bukharin Rise of Stalin THE CANDIDATES

  4. The Candidates • Leon Trotsky – Most obvious choice • Joseph Stalin – Hardworking but ordinary administrator • Leo Kamenev – Left Opposition • Gregory Zinoviev – who were unhappy about NEP • Nicholai Bukharin – Moderate who favoured NEP Rise of Stalin

  5. Rise of Stalin Leon Trotsky Leader of Red Army (Commissar of War) Leader of Petrograd Soviet Member of Politburo Supported idea of ‘World-wide Revolution’ or ‘Permanent Revolution’

  6. Rise of Stalin Leon Trotsky Much better speaker and writer and more brilliant Considered as vain and arrogant Disliked by Politburo colleagues.

  7. Rise of Stalin Joseph Stalin Born into a poor peasant family from Georgia Came into contact with the SRs when – Engaged in revolutionary activities against the government. Joined the Bolsheviks in 1914.

  8. Rise of Stalin Joseph Stalin Appointed as Member of Central Committee in 1912. Became main editor of Bolsheviks’ main newspaper, Pravda, in 1917 Played a small role in the October Revolution.

  9. Rise of Stalin Joseph Stalin Made Commissar of Nationalities after Oct Revolution. Put down rebellion in Georgia harshly Appointed as General Secretary of Central Committee of the Bolshevik Party (1922) Became member of the Politburo

  10. How did Stalin rise to power? Stage 1: Lenin’s Death Arranged the funeral, led the mourners and gave the funeral speech. Embalmed Lenin’s body and placed it for display in the Red Square Turned peoples’ loyalty for Lenin into a religion – Leninism

  11. How did Stalin rise to power? Stage 1: Lenin’s Death Renamed Petrograd into Leningrad. Significance : Wanted to be seen as a dedicated supporter of Lenin and his obvious successor.

  12. How did Stalin rise to power? Stage 2: Stalin’s ideas vs Trotsky’s ideas Trotsky’s idea of permanent revolution (world-wide revolution) was unpopular. Russia’s duty to spread communism to other countries. Need to support revolutionary groups and parties in other countries. Rationale: Communism could not survive in Russia alone.

  13. How did Stalin rise to power? Stage 2: Stalin’s ideas vs Trotsky’s ideas Stalin’s idea of Socialism in one country was popular Russia must concentrate on building economy and not waste money on helping other countries. Popular because it appealed to people’s pride – Russia could achieve success alone.

  14. How did Stalin rise to power? Stage 3: Use of political opponent against one another. Allied with Kamenev and Zinoviev to oppose Trotsky. Use influence to ensure Lenin’s Testament was not read out. Got Zinoviev to support him when Lenin’s Testament was eventually revealed. Used Leftist to remove Trotsky as Commissar.

  15. How did Stalin rise to power? Lenin’s Testament “ I am not sure he always knows how to use power with sufficient caution. Therefore, I propose to the comrades that a way is found to remove Stalin” What does this mean?

  16. How did Stalin rise to power? Right vs Left Rightist - Right wing ideologies tend to emphasize the values of order, patriotism, social cohesion, and a personal sense of duty that makes the individual citizen who “knows his place” responsive to discipline from his political and social superiors.

  17. How did Stalin rise to power? Right vs Left Leftist – people that advocate the adoption of vigorous public policies to reduce or eliminate inequalities in the society. Eg. Economic disparities, class or status differences. They are usually the Socialist and Communist.

  18. How did Stalin rise to power? Stage 3: Use of political opponents against one another. 2. Worked with the Rightists/ Moderates to oppose the left. Supported NEP as opposed to rapid industrialisation. Voted against Trotsky in Central Committee meetings. Used position as General Secretary to get supporters elected into the Politburo. Removed Trotsky, Kamenev and Zinoviev from the Politburo.

  19. How did Stalin rise to power? Stage 3: Use of political opponents against one another. 3. Switched to oppose the Rightists/ Moderates with the help of his own supporters. - Opposed NEP, forced them to resign from the Politburo.

  20. How did Stalin rise to power? Stage 4: Establishing a dictatorship Stalin used propaganda to persuade people to accept & obey that he was the rightful ruler of the country. He ran the country with an iron fist and eliminated all possible oppositions so that he can consolidate his powers.

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