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2019 Wally-Waste-Not PowerPoint (WWNPP) - Record 5R's Activities and Earn $2,000 for Your School!

Join the Wally-Waste-Not program and reduce waste, promote recycling, and earn $2,000 for your school! Complete activities to reduce, reuse, and recycle, and work towards a future without landfills. Important dates and activities outlined in this document.

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2019 Wally-Waste-Not PowerPoint (WWNPP) - Record 5R's Activities and Earn $2,000 for Your School!

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome, I’m “Wally-Waste-Not”! Have Fun in 2019! The2019Wally-Waste-NotPowerPoint (WWNPP) (Record 5R’s activities in this document) Earn$2,000for yourschool by reducingwasteandpromotingrecycling! Working towards a future without landfills…

  2. Important Dates: Application deadline –Friday, September 14, 2018 Notification of acceptance,first 10schools to apply – Monday,September 17,2018 Deadline torequest a waste assessment –Friday, October 12, 2018 Deadlinefor submittingcompleted 5R’s Activities:Reduce, Reuse, Recycle, Rot, & Reveal(Admin & Promo) –March 29, 2019 Reviewof results andnotification toawardees –Monday, April 1, 2019 Awards presented at the SalinasValley RecyclesBoard Meetingon Thursday, April 18, 2019

  3. Section 1:Reduce(5 Activities Total: 2 mandatory and 3 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below MANDATORY ACTIVITY • Schedule a free waste assessment by contacting Estela Gutierrez at 831-775-3017 before Friday, October 12, 2018. The waste assessment will establish your baseline diversion rate and determine which waste streams can be reduced and if the school needs to adjust garbage and recycling services. SVR staff will work with the school and local garbage and recycling haulers to implement any service level changes.

  4. Section 1:Reduce(5 Activities Total: 2 mandatory and 3 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below MANDATORY ACTIVITY • Encourage a school-wide practice of double-sided printing, copying, and student work by setting the default for copiers and printers to duplex printing. Post signs at printers, copiers, and fax machines to remind staff to reduce paper use by double-siding.

  5. Section 1:Reduce(5 Activities Total: 2 mandatory and 3 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY Write 1st Choice (refer to application on page 5 to select your choice):

  6. Section 1:Reduce(5 Activities Total: 2 mandatory and 3 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY Write 2nd Choice (refer to application on page 5 to select your choice):

  7. Section 1:Reduce(5 Activities Total: 2 mandatory and 3 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY Write 3rd Choice (refer to application on page 5 to select your choice):

  8. Section 2:Reuse(5 Activities Total: 2 mandatory and 3 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ MANDATORY ACTIVITY Create a system for teachersto give awayunwanted school supplies for nextyear’s studentsto use. Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  9. Section 2:Reuse(5 Activities Total: 2 mandatory and 3 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ MANDATORY ACTIVITY At least one classroom or equivalent participates in a charity reuse collection program such as: Food Drive for Monterey County Food Bank, Teddy Bears with Hearts, One Warm Coat, The Princess Project (prom dresses), the Pantene Beautiful Lengths Program (hair donation for wigs), or local charity or program of your choosing. Specify the activity on the application form. Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  10. Section 2:Reuse(5 Activities Total: 2 mandatory and 3 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY Write 1st Choice (refer to application on page 6 to select your choice): Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  11. Section 2:Reuse(5 Activities Total: 2 mandatory and 3 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY Write 2nd Choice (refer to application on page 6 to select your choice): Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  12. Section 2:Reuse(5 Activities Total: 2 mandatory and 3 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY Write 3rd Choice (refer to application on page 6 to select your choice): Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  13. Section 3:Recycle(6 Activities Total: 4 mandatory and 2 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ MANDATORY ACTIVITY Reassess Recycling Stations (recycling bin paired with a trash can along with a recycling poster) in each classroom, office, work station, staff break-room, work/copy room, common area, and kitchen or cafeteria to ensure all the recycling bins are still in place. Ensure that only clear plastic liners are used in recycling bins (no black trash bags). (Recycling containersand posters willbeprovided bySalinasValleyRecycles). “Feed the Recycle Bin” Paper Plastics Metal & Glass Recycling Station Sample

  14. Section 3:Recycle(6 Activities Total: 4 mandatory and 2 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ MANDATORY ACTIVITY Schedule staff or classroom recycling presentations with Salinas Valley Recycles. Contact Estela Gutierrez to schedule a presentation. Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  15. Section 3:Recycle(6 Activities Total: 4 mandatory and 2 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ MANDATORY ACTIVITY Create an organized system for collection of recyclablesbyestablishinga student group(Green Team orRecyclingTeam) thatmonitorsand spot- checks your school’srecyclingprogram on a weekly basis. This groupwillalso beresponsibleforcontinuingto educatestudentson whatisand isn’t recyclable. SalinasValley Recyclesschoolrecycling videocan beviewedat: www.salinasvalleyrecycles.org Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  16. Section 3:Recycle(6 Activities Total: 4 mandatory and 2 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ MANDATORY ACTIVITY Schedule aFREE Recycling Wizard Assembly Showto continue educatingstaffand studentsabout the importance ofrecycling.Contact Estela Gutierrez toschedule a show(s). Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  17. Section 3:Recycle(6 Activities Total: 4 mandatory and 2 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY Write 1st Choice (refer to application on page 7 to select your choice): Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  18. Section 3:Recycle(6 Activities Total: 4 mandatory and 2 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY Write 2nd Choice (refer to application on page 7 to select your choice): Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  19. Section 4:Rot(5 Activities Total: 3 mandatory and 2 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ MANDATORY ACTIVITY Separate yard trimmings from garbage for composting. This can be accomplished by signing up for yard waste collection service with your garbage and recycling hauler or demonstrate existing collection plans (see page 3 for hauler information). “FEED the GREEN” Recycle Yard Waste!

  20. Section 4:Rot(5 Activities Total: 3 mandatory and 2 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ MANDATORY ACTIVITY 2. Conduct a waste assessment in the cafeteria during lunch to separate all the food waste and milk waste. (Prevention is more important than diverting the leftover milk. Schools can initiate a campaign to reduce milk waste or food waste by encouraging students to take only what they need and eat or drink everything they take). Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  21. Section 4:Rot(5 Activities Total: 3 mandatory and 2 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ MANDATORY ACTIVITY 3. Schedule a composting presentation conducted by Salinas Valley Recycles staff and/or the garbage and recycling hauler. Contact Estela Gutierrez to schedule a presentation. At least one classroom or equivalent needs to participate to receive credit. Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  22. Section 4:Rot(5 Activities Total: 3 mandatory and 2 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY Write 1st Choice (refer to application on page 8 to select your choice): Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  23. Section 4:Rot(5 Activities Total: 3 mandatory and 2 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY Write 2nd Choice (refer to application on page 8 to select your choice): Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  24. Section 5: Reveal (5 Activities Total: 3 mandatory and 2 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ • MANDATORY ACTIVITY • 1. “Like” uson Facebookat www.facebook.com/SalinasValleyRecycles • or followusonTwitterat www.twitter.com/svswsa Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  25. Section 5: Reveal (5 Activities Total: 3 mandatory and 2 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ MANDATORY ACTIVITY Notifystudents, parentsand facultyof your school’s recyclingprogram throughemailor socialmedia. Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  26. Section 5: Reveal (5 Activities Total: 3 mandatory and 2 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ MANDATORY ACTIVITY Publishatleastone article promotingwaste reduction andrecycling in your school’snewsletter, website or socialmediaor give a presentation duringa schoolassembly. Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  27. Section 5: Reveal (5 Activities Total: 3 mandatory and 2 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY Write 1st Choice (refer to application on page 9 to select your choice): Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  28. Section 5: Reveal (5 Activities Total: 3 mandatory and 2 additional) SCHOOL NAME:_____________________________________ Date Activity Completed:_____________________________________ ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY Write 2nd Choice (refer to application on page 9 to select your choice): Insert Photo, Information, Reference, Comments, etc., below

  29. RETURN WWNPP AND FORM TO:Salinas Valley RecyclesEmail: wallywastenot@svswa.org

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