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Summary Conclusions and Recommendations

Summary Conclusions and Recommendations. Prof. Walter Erdelen IGOS Co-Chair Assistant Director-General, UNESCO. The Challenge. How to integrate environmental observation data with socio-economic information for better decision making ?. Summary.

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Summary Conclusions and Recommendations

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  1. Summary Conclusions and Recommendations Prof. Walter Erdelen IGOS Co-Chair Assistant Director-General, UNESCO

  2. The Challenge How to integrate environmental observation data with socio-economic information for better decision making?

  3. Summary • Today, a “fleet” of Earth observation satellites with complementary capabilities is available • Imaging sensors (1 meter – 1 km), radar to “penetrate” clouds, atmospheric sensors, oceanic sensors • In-situ data collection systems needed to complement space-provided data • Major efforts have been undertaken in data collection and harmonization by international organisations (WMO, IOC, UNESCO, FAO, etc.) • Socio-economicdata have become increasingly important for a better understanding of coupled human-natural systems

  4. Summary • Major progress has been made in the understanding of Earth processes (El Niño, climate change, disaster mitigation, land degradation, desertification, etc.) • Growing interest in consequences of industrial transformation, land use change and mega-cities

  5. Recommendations • Need to ensure continuity of observing systems (space and terrestrial/in-situ systems) at local, national, regional and global scales • Mechanisms exist today: CEOS, IGOS • Need to be consolidated  2 Type-2 Partnerships have been proposed at WSSD

  6. Recommendations • Need to create equivalent observing systems for socio-economic issues at local, regional and global scales • Major effort needed to identify and define appropriate indicators • On the socio-economic side there is no equivalent mechanism to IGOS • WSSD offers a unique opportunity to stimulate the creation of such a mechanism

  7. Recommendations • 3. Need to develop awareness and promote use of space technologies in support to Sustainable Development • 4. Need for a process to integrate environmental and socio-economic information products and develop integrated models

  8. Recommendations • 5. WSSD offers unique opportunity to: • Acknowledge/re-affirm high importance of Earth observation from space and in situ SD (role of CEOS-IGOS to be re-enforced) • Stimulate cooperation between government and private sector in data collection and production of information for decision makers • Assist developing countries, which lack resources to deal with consequences of environmental and socio-economic changes  need for transfer of knowledge, technology and resources

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