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Conclusions and Recommendations

Conclusions and Recommendations. MISP. MISP materials – ‘culturally modified’ - disseminate IEC materials Disaster Risk Reduction is important to donors Agencies need to increase evidence base – preparedness value Mapping of 3 Ws – who, what, where – gaps, accountable;

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Conclusions and Recommendations

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Conclusions and Recommendations

  2. MISP • MISP materials – ‘culturally modified’ - disseminate IEC materials • Disaster Risk Reduction is important to donors • Agencies need to increase evidence base – preparedness value • Mapping of 3 Ws – who, what, where – gaps, accountable; • What is an emergency? less than 12 months • Pilot and scale up?? • IAWG w/s

  3. Training Partnership • Not official working group- 5-6 yrs group Training Partnership initiative • Quick outreach clinical trainings on topics – standard precautions, MVA etc – short course, piloted • Now stalled with funding ended • ‘Normal’ training in-service, refresher, mentoring,– in crisis is not a priority • TOR and Chair – CB focus; 6 mths monthly

  4. Voluntary contraception • Advocate for VC for populations in crisis • Add FP as 6th pillar of MISP?– there in FM • International Best Practice – shared and used • Review of kits for VC supplies – WHO?

  5. MNH (email group) • EMoNCGuidelines – review and revise? • Newborn birthday issue – include specific • Key studies to present at next IAWG • Task shifting – review WHO Guidelines; Lisa • Newborn care in emergencies group – Guidance/kit – complete over summer • Perinatal audits inc with Maternal death audits • Fistula issues – case studies in key countries – present next IAWG • PAC – Misoprostol use? • WHO Country Risk Assessment - ?SRH integrated

  6. HIV and AIDS • Sliding out of SRH agenda – HIV is pillar of MISP • More crisis affected people on ARVs (e.g CAR on ARVs 14,00, now 12,000) • Link with IATT and SPRINT on common objectives • Increase advocacy and support at onset of emergency • Include PLWHA in preparedness and advocacy

  7. Adolescent • 3 youth who responded to Washi included • Expand membership of group to adolescents • Integrate adolescent concerns into MDG agenda – document good practices • Link better with MISP and VC WG • Advocate to be more Adol inclusive • Materials disseminated tools to field • Inform adolescents on actions, so they can take it on more and feed into process

  8. ESEAOR WG • UNFPA, IFRC, IPPF-SPRINT (6 countries), FPOP • Regional coordination mechanisms? WHO regional coordination • Regional research coordination • Regional MISP training • Challenges about regional boundaries – diversity in Asia and Pacific • Health system capacity very different - country • Turnover of trained staff • SRH org have focal point for Emergency • Best Practices Indonesia UNFPA 2005-2012

  9. Research • What data do we need to collect? Confusing • What indicators do we need to collect? More research – how valid? • Where aggregated? • Identify existing databases – country, org • Data flow • Bimonthly conference call to discuss progress

  10. Interesting areas to think about more • What can we do about Syria? –working group • Issue of integrating SRH with other sectors is important, but needs to be addressed clearly and limited (e.g from HIV-SRH integration) • Opportunities for Humanitarian Research – DfID/Wellcome - ?collaborative proposal • Coordination amongst agencies – eg adolescents, VC – need to include clearly in MISP as stand-alone?

  11. Funding source for short trainings? Need and case built? • Links to ISDR and other global groups • IFRC needs to buy into IAWG – regional? espfor DRR • IAWG better link in – same members

  12. Conclusions • We are all IAWG • IAWG evolves and responds to members • Common goal of improving lives of people in crisis and emergencies with focus on womenand children • This can only be done when we coordinate How can we work better together before, during after crises?

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