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“There Shall Be A Record Kept Among You:”

“There Shall Be A Record Kept Among You:”. Professionalization of the Church Historian’s Office. What is a Profession?. Characteristics of a Profession. Possession and use of a specialized knowledge base Service orientation Community sanction Institutional altruism Image building.

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“There Shall Be A Record Kept Among You:”

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Presentation Transcript

  1. “There Shall Be A Record Kept Among You:” Professionalization of the Church Historian’s Office

  2. What is a Profession?

  3. Characteristics of a Profession • Possession and use of a specialized knowledge base • Service orientation • Community sanction • Institutional altruism • Image building

  4. Church Historian’s Office

  5. Mormon abridging the records

  6. Translating the Book of Mormon

  7. Joseph Smith

  8. Joseph Smith’s Red Brick Store

  9. Early Church Historians Willard Richards George A. Smith Franklin D. Richards

  10. Andrew Jenson

  11. Earl E. Olson

  12. Church Historian’s Office and SAA • Began attending meetings in 1957 • Local Arrangements Committee for the 1958 annual meeting in Salt Lake City • Active participation in the Workshop on Church Archives

  13. S. Lyman Tyler

  14. Historical Department, 1972 Managing Director Church Historian Church Archivist Church Librarian

  15. Church Historian's Office development

  16. Documenting Church History

  17. J. Gordon Daines III Brigham Young University gordon_daines@byu.edu 801-422-5821

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