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Peer Support Options. UNDG AP Meeting November 12, 2010 Dhaka. Experiences from 2009. The limited utility of post fact reviews Large variation—very positive, to not unhelpful to unhelpful—on the value-added of engagement with the Peer Support Group (PSG);
Peer Support Options UNDG AP Meeting November 12, 2010 Dhaka
Experiences from 2009 • The limited utility of post fact reviews • Large variation—very positive, to not unhelpful to unhelpful—on the value-added of engagement with the Peer Support Group (PSG); • The lack of substantive comments about the overall strategic positioning of the UNDAF; • A concern about the level of in-depth knowledge regarding the countries; • The need to “understand” the decision making processes of the UNCT.
Changes in the Accountability Framework • UNCTs will be responsible for the quality of their UNDAFs … [and] more systematic involvement and effective scheduling of regional and global support as well as for the upstream engagement of the Regional Directors. • The Regional UNDG Teams will continue to serve as the principal source of advice and support to UNCTs. The focus will be on ensuring that UNDAFs are developed through sustained dialogue with national partners, reflect national challenges, and meet those challenges in ways that draw directly on the comparative advantages of the UNCT. • Ensure upstream engagement in the UNDAF process with the provision of strategic advice to UNCTs; • Support assessment by UNCTs of their capacities to engage in UNDAF preparation and implementation, monitoring and evaluation; • Provide guidance to UNCTs on the UNDAF roll out process including on the roadmaps and, upon request, provide hands-on support during the roll-out process; • On demand from UNCTs, mobilize technical assistance through existing UNDG rosters of experts to support country work.
Status of 2010 UNDAF roll-out • UNDAF preparation in the eight 2010 UNDAF roll-out countries is on track • CAs now only “advise” and provide guidance during the UNDAF roll out process. Nonetheless, Convening Agencies have continued to play an active role including increased facilitation of Strategic Planning/Prioritization Retreats (SPRs) • Where UNCTs have actively solicited advice from the UNDG AP on strategic matters, the PSG has been able to play a valuable role but on a “request” basis. • Engagement with UNCTs started much earlier on in the process in conjunction with assessments of capacities at the country level
Challenges • The lack of clearly defined entry points for PSG/CA engagement with UNCTs in light of the new UNDG guidance • The need for greater coordination and integration of regional technical assistance and analytical work in support of UNDAF processes. • UNDAF processes risk being driven by what agencies do (mandate) rather than an analysis of core challenges and opportunities at the national level despite the new flexibility • There are emerging technical concerns—the level at which outcomes are pitched, the lack of focus, monitoring and evaluation frameworks—that will need to be addressed. • There Is an increased demand on CAs without a structured means for coherent regional response that leverages the assets of the PSG efficiently. • To date, the composition of the PSG has been driven by a commitment to inclusiveness and broad inter-agency participation but this may need to be revisited in light of the changes in the guidelines and expectations.
Opportunities • The PSG can still play a valuable role to: (a) provide greater clarity on regional priorities, (b) develop clear understanding of guidelines for UNDAF roll out and support available; and (c) share good practice examples from other countries. • The PSG can help to identify entry points for the UNDG A-P to support UNCTs to engage with Government to take forward politically sensitive or more challenging elements of UNDAFs and UN Strategic Frameworks • The PSG could collaborate with external consultants on regional strategic and policy matters to improve coherence and boost the quality and consistency of support. • There may also be increasing demands for assistance in extended UNDAF rollout process including developing UNDAF Action Plans and One Fund mechanisms • The need for more strategic and prioritized UNDAFs will need to be emphasized by all regional bodies through messages to the Heads of Agencies at the country (UNCT) level.
Configuration of the PSG/Convening agency(CA) mechanism and membership • The existing PSG mechanism is a relatively young entity (established in 2009) and has focused on ensuring broad participation from all agencies represented at the regional level with an emphasis on inclusiveness and a sense of shared responsibility / ownership of the UNDAF process • There is still a need for a standing regional working/technical group to support the UNDG A-P team fulfill its QSA functions and to ensure a shared sense of ownership by regional bodies • Review the TOR of the PSG to ensure alignment with its envisaged demand driven role especially around the cross-cutting programming principles • Revisit the CA function since there is no formal role for the PSG to review draft CCAs and UNDAFs and hence no need for a dedicated CA to coordinate feedback and comments. • Clarifyand streamlinecoordination of feedback to UNCTs
Ensure upstream engagement in the UNDAF process with the provision of strategic advice to UNCTs • Support UNCTs in the Country Analysis (CCA) process and the identification of key strategic priorities for the UN system. • Advise on the integration of regional priorities (where relevant) into UNDAFs • Help UNCTs benefit from regional and cross regional sharing of experiences and other good practices on upstream engagement • Support UNCTs in the development of strategies to strengthen government leadership to accelerate MDG / IADG achievement • Facilitate linkages to UN technical support teams focused on the implementation of common services and ways to accelerate the harmonization of business practices • Develop regional support packages that respond to the diverse development / income levels—LDCs, lower and upper MICs—within the region.
Support assessment by UNCTs of their capacities to engage in UNDAF preparation and implementation, monitoring and evaluation • Assist UNCTs to identify where the UN is best placed to provide leadership, avoid duplication and establish synergies with ongoing interventions • Advise UNCTs in contextualizing and using UNDG tools and methodologies to assess UN capacities at the country level • Mobilisecapacities to ensure that UNCTs apply the five cross-cutting programming principles in the UNDAF roll-out. • Strengthen the role of the UNDAF as an accountability framework through advice and support for development of UNDAF Result Matrix and Monitoring and Evaluation Framework • PSG participation in the UNDAF Annual Reviews and Evaluations can also strengthen the feedback to the Regional UNDG on the quality of UN reform efforts
On demand from UNCTs, mobilize technical assistance through existing UNDG rosters of experts to support country work • Regional mechanisms (UNDG A-P Secretariat and UNDG A-P web portal, linked to UNDOCO UNDAF resourcing structures) to link countries and HQ. • Link UNCTs with existing technical resources in the region - UNESCAP/Regional Coordination Mechanism and other regional networks such as the UNEDAP, new UN Data Network for Asia Pacific. • Support/facilitate the sharing of country-level good practices between UNCT—including experiences working with other knowledge based institutions and agencies in the region • Ensure commitment of the UNDG A-P to release staff and resources to support UNDAF processes at the country level. • Facilitate country level peer-to-peer support. The new UNDG A-P web portal will be increasingly used to facilitate these interactive exchanges. • Supplement the DOCO expert list by identifying experts with specific regional and country knowledge and understanding of the UNDAF rollout process
Provide guidance to UNCTs on the UNDAF roll out process including on the roadmaps and, upon request, provide hands-on support during the roll-out process • The PSG needs to have the capacity and knowledge to provide “real-time” advice to UNCTs and to clearly map out the risks and opportunities for UNCTs under all four possible UNDAF scenarios. • CAs need to engage with RCOs and UNCTs as early as possible • Support core programming principles—Gender, HRBA and Environment (normative) and RBM and capacity development (management)—and leverage the collective expertise available through a roster of agency neutral technical experts in the region. • On request, help identify specific thematic inputs available through regional structures and to ensure that interactions are coordinated and coherent • Map and develop regional and country level capacity to provide support for UNDAF workshops and other cross-cutting programming principles and to facilitate peer to peer exchange, south-south partnerships and knowledge sharing. • Link UNCT’s to relevant UN entities and regional level facilities to support country level review of options on how to integrate disaster/humanitarian concerns effectively into UNDAF processes