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Delve into the meaning of humanity and our place in the world. Reflect on what defines us as humans and how different perspectives shape our interactions and beliefs. Explore the intersections of science, faith, and philosophy in understanding our existence.
Quote of the Day “Being unwanted, unloved, uncared for, forgotten by everybody, I think that is a much greater hunger, a much greater poverty than the person who has nothing to eat.” Mother Teresa • Think of a time where you felt alone, uncared for. How did it make you feel? What would have made you feel better? • What can YOU do at school today to make a difference to one person? Explain. 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
What Does It Mean to Be Human? Chapter 1a- Identifying Human Characteristics 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Why is this important? • Perspective (helps answer the foundational life questions) • Affects how we relate to others (personally and as a society) 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
By the end of the presentation you will be able to…. • To explain to Pinocchio what it would take to make him “A Real Boy” • Answer at least four exam questions • To write a letter to the editor on a Religion vs. Evolution debate 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
What do you think? • In groups of 3 • You are an alien with a mission • You need to draw up a character profile of a human being to help aliens understand what it means to be human • Which sources of information would you use to gather data and to make judgments? • How would you verify your findings? • What would you report to your fellow aliens back on the mother ship? 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Let Us Analyze Our Findings • (Individually) On the bottom of the page please finish the following statement (2mins.) A human is….. • We are going to develop a Master List of our findings 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Where Do We Turn ? • Where do we turn to become informed about the basic traits of human beings? • Science (Anthropology) • Media • Our experiences/ other ppl. • Philosophy 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
What is Anthropology? • The science that studies the origin, development and customs of human beings. • Asks such questions as: • How is a human different than other living creatures? • Where did we come from? • How do we humans get along with other human beings? 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
As Catholics we turn to.. • Our Faith= God!! • Scripture • Catechism of the Catholic Church 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Science and Creator • http://www.sermonspice.com/videos/3889/genesis--apollo-8-christmas • Science and Catholicism do not collide • God is truth • All truths lead to God • Scientific truth leads to God 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
“Christian faith respects scientific research for the explanation it tries to give of the process by which the cosmos appeared in time” (Christ and Culture, p.8) 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Science and Creator cont’d • Christian faith goes even further • *When Catholic Christians look at creation we see and celebrate the work of the creating God *(Christ and Culture, p.8) 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Welcome • http://www.sermonspice.com/videos/2847/god-of-wonders 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Creation vs. Darwinism • Pope John Paul II has recognized the validity of teaching Darwin’s theory of evolution (K. Davis, 2001, p. 48) • “If the human body has its origins in living material which preexists it, the spiritual soul is immediately created by God.” (Pope John Paul II) 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
What’s the Point of the Creation Stories? • Two important points: • God is the Creator • Humans have a special relationship with God 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Creation Story • Creation story found in the book -“Genesis” • The word Genesis means “ the book of generation or production” • What?? Two chapters tell different creation stories?? 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Two Different Versions Telling the Same Story • Genesis Chapter 1 & 2 differ. How so? • Chapter 1: • God creates the heaven, earth, light, land, sun, moon, stars and animals • Man and woman are created at the same time (both in the image of God) 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Genesis Chapter 2 • Genesis 2 account: • The institution and sanctification of the Sabbath • Man was created out of the earth • A description of the garden of Eden • The creation of woman out of Adam’s rib (Woman is a special grace) 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
One of the Stories Must be Wrong? • Two accounts written to present the same story • Chapter 1: Priestly account • Chapter 2: “Yahwist” who lived around 950 BC • Both points of view provide us with important information • Example: Car crash? 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
What Does Scripture Say about Humans? • The story of Genesis is not a story of an original couple but of every man and woman • Draws a picture of the way God had intended humans to be – without faults 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Quote of the Day • Listen to this song!! • How did this song make you feel? • Which verse struck you and why? 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
What Does Scripture Say about Humans? • Find a classmate who likes the same flavor of ice cream • Each person needs a Bible • Find and read Genesis 2: 4-24 • Try to find the four major traits of humans that are discussed in the passage Duration: 7 minutes 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Four Major Traits • Humans are a creation of God • Humans are a mixture of earth and divine breath • Humans are good • Humans are male and female 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Humans are a creation of God • Human beings are the outcome of the desire of God • God formed us • God gave us life, our desire for one another, and our ability to speak • Creation is a GIFT 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Humans are a mixture of earth and divine breath • God formed human beings out of the earth • God breathes into the human being the breath of life • We are drawn to the earth and yet to what lies beyond us • We are an incarnation (embodiment) of the Divine 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Humans are good • God is good and declare all of creation good • Of all creatures, only humans enter into dialogue with God • Our goodness lies in our ability to respond to God’s goodness 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Humans are Male and Female • As male and female we are the image of God (one is not more than the other) • Adam says “This at last is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” • Eve when she gives birth to a son “I have produced a man with the help of the Lord” 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Humans are Male and Female • Before their disobedience Adam and Eve did not feel ashamed in their nakedness • Adam and Eve were in communion with one another before sin causes their division 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Catholic Christians Use the Catechism of the Catholic Church • CCC: Is the official compendium of the Catholic Church (a summary of the Catholic Church’s teaching)- looks at 4 areas of Catholic life: • Major beliefs of our faith tradition • Celebration of the Christian mystery • How Jesus intended for us to live in our relationships with others • Christian prayer 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
The Dignity of the Human Person CCC § 1700 • Refer to handout • On your own, read the section regarding the Dignity of the Human Person found within the Catechism • Underline important information • On a sheet of paper identify the 7 human characteristics • Duration: Approx. 7 mins. 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
7 Human Characteristics • Created in the image & likeness of God • Called to happiness and holiness • We are rational and free • We are moral beings • We have passions/feelings • We possess a conscience • We are able to sin 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
REWIND –P.E.C. • Are human beings somewhat divine? Why or why not? • What changes occur after Adam and Eve eat the forbidden fruit? • What are the four human traits that are discussed in Genesis 2? 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Created in the image & likeness of God • What does this mean? • Out of all creatures only humans can know and love God • Only humans are called to have a relationship with God • We crave this relationship ~ seed 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
2. Called to happiness and holiness • What does this mean? • The desire for happiness comes from God which draws all people to the One • He alone can fulfill this desire and provide us the answers 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
3. We are rational and free • We are able to understand the world around us (that has been created by God) • By free will, we can direct ourselves to our true good • Freedom: • Allows you to shape your own life • Makes us responsible for our actions • More good we do the freer we become 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
4. We are moral beings • We can act with intent; animals act out of instinct • We can intend to act morally • For an act to be morally good: • We have to choose to do what is good • Our reason for doing it must be good • Circumstances of the act must be good 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
5. We have passions/feelings • Feelings are a gift from God: • Example: feeling of being in love • Our highest passion is the passion of love because we are attracted to what is good • Love is the first step that you take towards the good 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Today’s Menu • Get a taste of: • Great parable • Main Course: • Finish the 7 characteristics of humans • Complete long answer exam question • Group work • Begin exploring relationships • Dessert: • P.E.C. 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
6. We possess a conscience • Jimmy the Cricket is present within everyone (not just Pinocchio) • Our conscience allows us to do good and it is where we hear His voice • It is where God speaks to us • It allows us to know what’s right 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
7. Humans are able to sin • We can choose good or evil • God has called and left a message…but its up to us to call him back • When we fail to love God and others we sin • Happens when we are to attached to THINGS Ex.) $$$, our own beauty, our positions, others? 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Task: “What Does it Mean to be Human?” ~ Article • Read an article that discusses the religion vs. science debate regarding humanity • Demonstrate an understanding of human traits 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Long Answer Exam Questions • Answer question 15 of your long answer and the following questions: • What is the Catechism of the Catholic Church? • What is sin? • Once we have answered the questions we will break into groups of 3 to discuss our answers 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Bicentennial Man (1999) • Robin Williams • Reflect on the question: • Is Robin William’s character human? Why or why not? • Answer on paper then we’ll share 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007
Quote of the Day~ Journey Journal • Catholic school graduates exhibit a wide variety of qualities that will not only help them in their careers but also in their family and community lives.Joe Baca (American Democrat) • Do you agree with this statement? Support your answer.(Ex. Which qualities?) • Has attending a Catholic school influenced your life? Support your answer. 1.a What Does it Mean to be Human? Created by M.Cuglietta, 2007