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Managing Conflict of Interests in Public Sector: Legal Framework & Compliance

Explore the legal framework and compliance requirements for managing conflict of interests in the public sector, focusing on the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau in Latvia. Learn about asset declarations, online access to databases, administrative liability, and new challenges in corruption prevention. Understand the purpose of corruption risk management and how to implement effective measures.

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Managing Conflict of Interests in Public Sector: Legal Framework & Compliance

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  1. Management of conflict of interests in the public sector Aivars Rapša Representative of The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau 29.11.2018.

  2. Legal framework of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau In accordance with the Law On Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau The Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau (KNAB) is the leading specialized anti-corruption authority of Latvia. Its aim is to fight corruption in a coordinated and comprehensive way through prevention, investigationandeducation. 16years

  3. Eternal engine of anti-corruption

  4. The law “On Prevention of Conflict of Interests in Activities of Public Officials” (1) The law “On Prevention of Conflict of Interests in Activities of Public Officials”1 (adopted in 2002). Purpose of the law is: to ensure that the actions of public officials are in the public interest, toprevent the influence of a personal or financial interest of any public official, his/her relatives or business partners upon the actions of the public official; to promote openness regarding the actions of the public officials and their liability to the society; to promote confidence of the society regarding the actions of public officials. 1 The Law in is available: https://likumi.lv/ta/en/en/id/61913-on-prevention-of-conflict-of-interest-in-activities-of-public-officials

  5. The law “On Prevention of Conflict of Interests in Activities of Public Officials” (2)

  6. The law “On Prevention of Conflict of Interests in Activities of Public Officials” (3)

  7. Asset declarations for public officials A public official is obliged to specify following information: relatives; other positions that the public official holds in addition to the position as a public official; the immovable property; commercial companieswhose shareholder, stockholder or partner he/she is; transport registered and owned by the public official; all kinds of income earned during the reporting period; cash or non-cash savings if their amount exceeds twenty minimum monthly wages (20 x 430 EUR = 8600 EUR); transactions performed by the public official if their amount exceeds twenty minimum monthly wages; the amount of debt of the public official which exceeds twenty minimum monthly wages; loans granted (total sum) if the total amount of such loans exceeds twenty minimum monthly wages; if the public official is a beneficial owner of an object or a part of it, capital shares, stocks and other financial instruments owned by another person.

  8. Onlineaccess to database of assets declarations of public officials Detailed information on public officials Possibility to detect situations of conflict of interests Possibility to analyze and compare declarations from previous years Possibility to detect other administrative violations

  9. Administrative liability

  10. Informing society about violations After the administrativedecision regarding a violation has entered into force the following information are posted on the Bureau’s website: • the given name, surname and position held by a public official; • the legal norms of the Law which has been violated; • the essence of the violation and time of commitment thereof; • the decision taken; • the date entering into force of a decision and of execution thereof. Information are available on the website for one year from the day when the decision has been executed.

  11. New challenges According the guidelines for the corruption prevention and combating Y2015–Y2020 and Operational Strategy of the Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau Y2018–Y2019, Bureau has already done and will continue to transfer the prevention of conflict of interest of public officials and control of restrictions and prohibitions imposed on public officials from external control to institutionalinternal control.

  12. Institutional internal control 17.10.2017. 31.01.2018.

  13. What do we expect?

  14. Purpose of the corruption risk management to create a controlling environment, that decreases or prevents violations of norms of the law “On prevention of conflict of interest in the activities of public officials”; to identify possible risks of corruption, which may result in damage to the institution; to implement appropriate measures to reduce (or prevent) corruption risks; revise the identified corruption risks and evaluate the effectiveness and usefulness of the measures to reduce (or eliminate) identified corruption risks; reduce (or eliminate) possible risks of corruption and promote the proper use of personnel, financial and material resources; monitor the implementation of a specified measure to reduce (or eliminate) corruption risks.

  15. How to start?

  16. 1. Identify and evaluate functions (tasks), areas or processes which may have major corruption risks:

  17. 2. Apply existing control mechanisms, identify the risks of corruption, evaluate the probability and impact on occurrence, and resulting consequences:

  18. 3. Identify positions exposed to corruption risks:

  19. 4. Define and implement anti-corruption (corruption risk) measures:

  20. Thank you for your attention! Corruption Prevention and Combating Bureau CitadelesStr. 1, Riga,LV-1010, Latvia Phone: + 371 67356161www.knab.gov.lv/en e-mail: knab@knab.gov.lv

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