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Advantages of owning poultry

If you are thinking of doing a start-up business, without much hassle or capital then you can start a poultry business. Many assume that the poultry business might be challenging to do but it actually has several advantages. <br><br>https://theomnibuzz.com/make-a-smart-decision-to-choose-the-best-poultry-farm/

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Advantages of owning poultry

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  1. Advantagesofowning poultry If you are thinking of doing a start-up business, without much hassle or capital then you can starta poultry business. Many assume that the poultry businessmightbe challenging to do but it actually has several advantages. The demand for Hereford cow or broiler chicken in the USA is unimaginable. The demand always surpasses the needs. Soif you decide toget into thisbusinessyouwillbeprofitable. Poultry farming is quite profitable in the sense that it gives a good return for the money invested, the time and energy spent on it, and the labor used. Some of the benefits brought by poultryfarming: • Itrequireslesscapitalinvestment than raisingotheranimals.Itonlyrequires approximately Rs 10,000/- on fixed capital and raises about 100 chickens. This means thatsmall,marginalfarmersandevenagriculturistscanstartfarmingonasmall scale. • While chickens usually start laying eggs between 8-10 weeks,broilers can besold after6weeks, atwhichpointtheywillreach1.25kg.

  2. The intergenerationalgapisverysmalland thereforeyieldscanbeincreased prodigiously in a short period of time. The feed consumption of broiler chickens is relativelyverylowwhileitproducesthemaximumamountoffeedforus. • Poultry has the ability to use a large number of by-products such as bran, and low- grade grains,forfeedingtheanimalsthussavingthecost ofthepoultryowner. • Poultry production is a constant source of income. It is not seasonal and can generate income for the whole year. While chickens lay eggs in 6-8 months, broilers only take 6-10 weeks to generate income. Meat, eggs, feathers, and manure from chickens and broilers areallmarketableandgenerateincome. • Small-scale poultry production requires minimal space and can be kept even in the backyards of houses. Poultry production requires very little water for drinking and washing. One liter of water is enough for 5 birds per day.Poultry manure is rich in nitrogenandorganicmatter,soitisconsideredavaluablefertilizer.Birdfeathersare • alsousedtomakepillows,newfurniture,andjewelry. • Poultry offers good opportunities for full-time or part-time employment for farmers. Poultry owners usually put out products such as articlebroiler chickens for saleand Hereford cow for saleastheyarehighindemandfortheir nutritiouslevel and tastiness. Of all the edible meats, chicken has the lowest fat content. It can also be cookedin itsownfat and doesn'tneed anything from theoutside.Poultry meat contains more protein and essential amino acids than other meats and is relatively low incholesterol. • Thus you can see the numerous advantages that a poultry business can provide without much- investing capital and one can open a poultry farm if they have a backyardin theirhouse or rentaplaceatavery lowcostasthemaintenanceforpoultryanimalsisnotvery high. Read farm/ More: https://theomnibuzz.com/make-a-smart-decision-to-choose-the-best-poultry-

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