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Learn about the impact of stress evaluations, effective coping strategies, and how to prioritize tasks using the prioritization matrix. Take control of your stress response and improve your well-being!
“It’s not stress that kills us, it’s our reaction to it” Hans Selye Image source: https://www.habitsforwellbeing.com
“It’s not stress that kills us, it’s our reaction to it” Hans Selye Image source: https://www.habitsforwellbeing.com
The situation in not threatening Stressor/ Threat Primary evaluation We don’t perceive stress The situation is threatening Reaction to stress Secondary evaluation We are not capable to handle the situation We can handle the situation Consequences Distress Eustress
Provoke loss /make us harm Threatening Provocative PRIMARY EVALUATION
Coping strategy: • Problem – oriented ex. Make steps to resolve the problem; confronting it • Emotion - oriented ex. Isolation; avoiding; procrastinating; secundary EVALUATION
Find your stressors and effective ways to cope with them - remember that you can learn to control stress because stress comes from how you respond to stressful events. COPING STRATEGIES
Keep a positive attitude – sometimes the way you think about things can make all of the difference. COPING STRATEGIES
Be active regularly –helps your body more easily fight stress because it is fit. Eat well-balanced meals ; Rest and sleep - your body needs time to recover from stressful events COPING STRATEGIES
Better time management and controlof your time–it allows you to control better the things that are happening to you; COPING STRATEGIES
Quadrant I – important deadlines with high urgencyThe first quadrant contains tasks and responsibilities that need immediate attention. Quadrant II – long-term development and strategizingThe second quadrant is for items that are important without requiring immediate action. Covey points out that this quadrant should be used for long-term strategizing. Quadrant III – distractions with high urgencyThe third quadrant is reserved for tasks that are urgent, without being important. Covey recommends minimizing or even eliminating these tasks as they do not contribute to your output. Delegation is also an option here. Quadrant IV – activities with little to no valueThe fourth and last quadrant focuses on tasks and responsibilities PRIORITISATION MATRIX
Learn to relax – ex. deep breathing, muscle relaxation and meditation Amy Lukowski, PsyD (February 2015). COPING STRATEGIES
One phrase that I will take home with me today The thing I liked most about today One suggestion for the trainer My wow-moment today was …. The activity I liked most One coping strategy I can apply from now one What I like most about Dublin until now Would you change something to make today’s class better? Was the content useful for you? What I like most about the group The feedback plane