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The General Directorate of Social Assistance of Bucharest Municipality. E. A. Sarbu Head of Department for the Relation with the Civil Society. Bucharest is…. the 6th largest capital of the European Union; the capital city and the largest city of Romania;
The General Directorate of Social Assistance of Bucharest Municipality E. A. Sarbu Head of Department for the Relation with the Civil Society
Bucharest is… • the 6th largest capital of the European Union; • the capital city and the largest city of Romania; • officially inhabited by 2.ooo.ooo people; • unofficially the city where about 3.ooo.ooo of people are living and working; • administrated by a General City Hall led by a General Mayor; • divided into six administrative districts, each one of them led by a distinctive District Mayor.
Demographics • 325.167 people are between the age of 0 to 19, representing approx. 17% of the total population of the Bucharest Municipality (source: Monthly Statistic Report, The Regional Directorate of Statistics of Bucharest Municipality, 2010). Table 1 – Stable population according to age groups and administrative districts, on July 2009. Source: Buletin Statistic lunar (Monthly Statistic Bulletin), The Regional Directorate of Statistics of Bucharest Municipality, February 2010
Formal education • At national level - The Ministry of National Education elaborates, coordinates and applies the national policy in the field of education. • At the level of each county and in Bucharest - the school inspectorates are coordinated by The Ministry of National Education. The school inspectorates are acting for implementing the educational policy in the undergraduate institutions (kindergartens, schools, high schools etc.). • At the level of the local authorities - The Education Department establishes, maintains and develops contacts, collaborates with the institutions and NGO-s from the field of education, in order to correlate the local programs and initiatives with the national programs, curriculum and policies.
Social services. Who we are? • At the level of Bucharest the social assistance services are assured by: • The General Directorate of Social Assistance of the Bucharest Municipality; • The specialized services at the level of the districts; • The civil society. • The General Directorate of Social Assistance of the Bucharest Municipality ensures the application of the protection and social assistance measures for disabled people, elderly people, singles, family, child as well as for any other person in a situation of need, by specialized services for disfavored. • In the field of direct intervention, the General Directorate of Social Assistance of the Bucharest Municipality comes to meet the always changing needs by promoting and implementing the projects addressed to all the categories of social assistance beneficiaries. • The General Directorate of Social Assistance of the Bucharest Municipality’s activities aims at the development of a unitary, integrated social assistance services system for the individuals and families whose existence cannot be supported by their own means and/ or capacities.
General context - paying attention to the children’s needs • Contributing to the local infrastructure – all of the social actors: • In the last four years there where rehabilitated more than 400 playgrounds in all of the Bucharest’s districts. • New kindergartens were built, the old ones and many schools have been included in governmental or local energetic rehabilitation programmes, speed limiters were mounted in the educational establishments’ surrounding area in order to prevent traffic accidents. • Last, but not least, several centres of services for children with special needs were opened, in most of the Bucharest’s districts.
Project presentation • Project goal: informing, educating and raising awareness among the children regarding the rights conferred to them through national and international regulations. • Target group: children residing within Bucharest area, without any discrimination of race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other kind of persuasion, nationality, ethnic or social origin, financial situation, type or degree of disability, birth or acquired status, child training and development (or other type of) deficiency. • Activities of the project: aiming at promoting the children’s rights, the project has been conceived by focusing at four major categories: • Survival rights; • Development rights; • Participation rights; • Protection rights.
Project’s activities • Survival rights • A beautiful smile for children… Sometimes, we can do something about it!- the project facilitated children’s access to free dental care (medical treatment); World Day Against Child Labour (June 12th) • The Prince and the PauperCampaign- event organized by eight public institutions from local and central administration, together with an NGO (Save the Children Romania). It was addressed to the citizens who are offering money to the street beggars, encouraging them to remain in the street instead of accessing social services, getting a job and taking their children to school; • Conference – Say No to Beggars. • Development rights: • The International Day of Children Rights (November 20th) • Conference - Children’s Rights in Bucharest – Challenges and Perspectives; • The painting contest - in the 2007 and 2008’s celebrations, the children of Bucharest have had the opportunity to express their opinions about the way that the human rights are granted and respected in the city they live in; • Free access for all the children to cultural institutions and events like museums, theatres and circus; • Sweet surprises – were distributed to children all over Bucharest, together with the flyers containing the information regarding their rights and obligations.
Project’s activities • Participation rights: • The International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (June 26th) • this consisted in promoting the project in schools with the pupil’s participation in organizing the event; • the pupils also were invited to attend to the march against drug abuse and illicit drug trafficking, with the slogan „Bucharest, a city without traffic...of drugs“; • a summer camp - the children were trained there to become peer educators, to acquire necessary abilities for preventing drug abuse in their environment, but also skills for associative activities, project planning etc. Protection rights: The International Day Against Child Labour (June12th, 2007, 2008, 2009) - the children had the opportunity to participate in this event organized in the historical centre of the city: • information campaigns on the street; • conferences (2007, 2008); • creation workshops (2009) on topics like „School - child’s most useful work“, “Educated, not exploited children“, „Hands worked by playing“.
Coordination and information centre regarding the situation of the street children and drug consuming youths • the Green Line 0800.821.218 - opened in November 20th, 2007, as part of the Bucharest celebration of the International Day of Children Rights; • an active service, with call centre operators and street teams, within the „Coordination and information centre regarding the situation of the street children and drug consuming children” (CCI); • the target group - the children working and/ or living on the street, together or separated by their families: • families with children living on the street; • street children – permanently living on the street without any contact with their families; • children in the street - circumstantially living on the street, maintaining occasional contact with their families; • children on the street – they are daily on the street, sent by their families to earn money through various works, begging, or small thefts.
Multifunctional transition centre for people in emergency and homeless youth (18-26 years olds) • A project developed by the AMURT Association in partnership with The General Directorate of Social Assistance of the Bucharest Municipality. • The General Directorate of Social Assistance of the Bucharest Municipality offers, together with it’s partner, the following services and activities, grouped by three major fields: education, social and psychological area: • support for independent life (educational field); • professional orientation and integration (educational field); • emergency and temporary hosting (social field); • re-socialization (social field); • emotional support and motivational counselling (psychological field). • The target group of the project: the homeless youth and families on the street.
Day Centre for children with autism or autistic spectre disorders • aims to bring a significant contribution in solving the real issues faced by the disabled children; • promotes the development of a system of social services that is to be built through continuous consultation and participation of the local public administration and the civil society; • the objective of the project is to develop a primary social service (day centre) in the Bucharest city, for 30 children with autism or with autistic spectre disorders. • the beneficiaries will get professional support to: • develop their skills for an independent life; • support the families/ parents/ legal representatives of the autistic children; • develop the human resources with responsibilities towards the care and education of these children.
The Research Component“Youth in Europe” Programme • On September 2007 Bucharest Municipality started to cooperate with ECAD Association (European Cities Against Drugs) and also started implementing the “Youth in Europe” programme. • “Youth in Europe” is a four years programme (2006 - 2010) that aims to prevent drug consumption among the youth, and consists in performing a research about the European Youth’s lifestyle. • The programme coordinator is the President of Iceland, Mr. Olafur Ragnar Grimsson. • The long term approach is that the “Youth in Europe” programme will be continued by other programmes based on the research that has been performed in all of the partner-countries in the years of 2006, 2008 and 2010. • The “Youth in Europe” team of Bucharest Romania, performed the first research of the programme in 2008. As a result, a certain number of the projects afterly developed by Bucharest Municipality addressed the issues that were highlightened by this research.
The Follow UpProjects developed as a result of the YIE research • The Pilot Center for the Suicide Attempts Prevention of Kids and Teenagers; • Pilot Project for Social Reintegration Through Drama/ Theatre; • 1,2,3 Let’s Go!– Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle for the Children in Bucharest.
The youth selected admitted that… somebody told them that he/she was thinking about committing suicide - 37,8% one of their acquaintances or anyone else they are familiar with at any time have tried to commit suicide – 23,1% one of their friends or someone else close to them at one time have tried to commit suicide - 19,2% they have thought about committing suicide? - 15,8% they seriously considered to commit suicide at least once - 5,6% they have told anyone, at least once, that they were thinking about committing suicide - 13,5% they have had an attempt to commit suicide at least once - 5,6% Prevention centre for suicide attempts amongst children and teenagers
Prevention centre for suicide attempts amongst children and teenagers • The Green Line 0800.080.100 - opened in November 2009 as part of the Bucharest celebration of the International Day of Children Rights; • An (inter)active service that represents a premiere in the field of mental health in Romania, established by The General Directorate of Social Assistance of the Bucharest Municipality and the Prof. Dr. Alexandru Obregia Psychiatric Hospital; • This type of service meets the European standard regulations and the current Romanian law of mental health; • The centre has three aims: • primary prevention, accomplished in the family, through education of the parents; • secondary prevention, achieved among the children with high risk – suicidal thoughts and ideas, depression, borderline, etc.; • tertiary prevention, achieved among the children with suicide attempts. • Our institution is involved in supporting the green line component, dedicated to this target group – children and teenagers.
The Pilot Project of The Social and Professional Reintegration Through Art and Drama (source: The Youth in Europe – Bucharest Report 2008, The General Directorate of Social Assistance of the Bucharest Municipality, 2008) • The youth selected don’t… • Go to the theatre - 60,5%; • Go to the library - 58,9%; • Go to the classical music concerts - 73,1%; • Go to other types of concerts - 44%; • Go to different places where they can hear live music - 41,1%; • Go to the museums or art galleries - 60,6%; • Go to the sports events - 42,3%.
The Pilot Project of The Social and Professional Reintegration Through Art and Drama • The project’s objectives are: • the development of some efficient socio-cultural patterns for social rehabilitation; • creation of a frame that will insure the promotion of the backstage professions; • providing free access to cultural education for the disfavoured categories within Bucharest city area. Its idea is to educate the children/ youth from disfavoured families, using alternative methods like offering alternative means of leisure activities; The aim of the project is to promote a pattern of social reintegration through art and drama in Bucharest city;
Sports &/or exercise • The selected youths makes sports/ exercise… • Almost every day - 17,4%; • 4-6 times per week - 8,1%; • 3 times per week - 12%; • 2 times per week – 29,3%; • Once a week - 14,5%; • Almost never - 17,2%.
1, 2, 3… Let’s Go! Promoting a Healthy Lifestyle for the Children in Bucharest • The project’s goal is to educate and acknowledge the children (5 to18 years old) in Bucharest about the multiple benefits of a healthy food and lifestyle where the adequate meals for children are combined with sports and exercise. • Project’s activities are based on interactive learning modules – the information is presented in a playful way, integrating many jokes and a lot of fun: • The Info-Mobile - road show: modern trucks and two floors buses (London-type) will spread the information through downtown, parks and schools; • The Info-Stand: children and parents will receive information packs, brochures, coloring books etc. about healthy food and lifestyle; • The Puppet Show - addressed to children aged 5-10 years, it will promote a healthy eating; • Trainings and/ or refresher courses.
To be continued… The School is on Your Side – the project aims to bring a significant contribution into the field of preventing the school abandonment and failures. Learning to be free - the project aims to increase the protection factors and to diminish the influence of the risk factors for teenagers. Day Care centers for your child (1-4 years) - the project has been built on the basis of the need for community care services for children and education and also for employment, especially amongst women. AbilITies for a better future - the project’s goal is to increase the opportunities for social and professional integration of disadvantaged youth, through the acquisition of computer literacy skills and socio-cultural activities.
Conclusions Major advantages of the project: 1. The large involvement of different social groups in the planning and execution of the project: children, medical doctors, teachers, social services personnel, cultural institutions employees, NGO members and volunteers. • The methods we’ve decided to use in this project allowed the children to express their oppinion regarding the rights they have (by the drawing contest); • Active and public participation in meetings and marches for reaffirming some of the objectives of our institution (protection against drug trafficking and consumption prevention); • Creative expression of some ideas (children have been participating in creative workshops on the street, in order to get the public attention to a sensitive topic like children exploitation through work); • Artistic performances (classical music concerts, athletic performances); • Involvement in creative activities in the summer camp and the possibility to develop the necessary skills in order to prevent drug consumption between equals. 2.Our department for child protection become an important binder for all the other attending institutions with responsibilities in the field, assuming it’s strategic role in order to promote childrenrights in Bucharest, the capital city of Romania. 3. Theexpenses are minimal, but the impact is a major one for the local community.
Thank you! We are waiting for you in Bucharest, the European capital city where probably everyone knows that there are… No kids without rights!