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Workshop on “Building a Professional Civil Service in Kosovo” 26-27 June 2008 – Pristina

Workshop on “Building a Professional Civil Service in Kosovo” 26-27 June 2008 – Pristina. Recruitment, Promotion, Mobility and Performance Appraisal Standards for a Professional Civil Service. Julio Nabais OECD/GOV/SIGMA. Overview. Common aspects Recruitment Promotion Mobility

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Workshop on “Building a Professional Civil Service in Kosovo” 26-27 June 2008 – Pristina

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  1. Workshop on“Building a Professional Civil Service in Kosovo”26-27 June 2008 – Pristina Recruitment, Promotion, Mobility and Performance Appraisal Standards for a Professional Civil Service Julio Nabais OECD/GOV/SIGMA

  2. Overview • Common aspects • Recruitment • Promotion • Mobility • Performance appraisal

  3. 1. Common Aspects

  4. Basic Conditions for a Good Public Management System • A well structured system (clear missions; clear roles; organisation; working conditions; etc.) • Good management capacity (legal framework; management tools; accountability; result-oriented; etc.) • Qualified and motivated staff (well recruited; trained; fair salaries; committed; etc.)

  5. Saying it differently… Hardware + Software + Heartware

  6. A professional civil service must be: • Merit-based • Loyal (mainly regarding the Constitution and the law) • Impartial • Honest • Transparent • Client-oriented • Accountable

  7. 2. Recruitment

  8. Main Principles for Recruitment: • Right to equal access [no discrimination] • Merit [the best candidate] [competition through fair and transparent procedures]

  9. Equal access vs. Merit Career-based system competition based on knowledge/qualifications Position-based system competition based on competences

  10. General guarantees for a merit-based system of recruitment • Open competition • Public announcement (official gazette; newspapers; electronic publication; etc.) • Neutrality of the recruitment committee • Objectivity of criteria and transparent procedures • Right to be appointed / contracted • Right to appeal (judicial review)

  11. Some “exceptions”… • Elected officials • Political advisers • Positive discrimination • Internal mobility

  12. A special case:senior managers • Are systems converging? • A hybrid system (political / administrative trade-off) • A priority and relevant issue everywhere… • …but still a sensitive issue (how to manage it?)

  13. Recruitment of contractual staff • Permanent staff • Following similar rules and procedures as for CS or • More flexible schemes, ensuring public announcement, fairness, transparency, appeal rights • Under fixed-term contacts • Flexible schemes, ensuring public announcement, fairness, transparency, appeal rights …in any case, it is public employment!

  14. Other relevant issues to be considered • Centralisation / de-centralisation • Specialisation • Independence • Quality • Costs • Responsibility • Planning • Internal / external • Promotion / Mobility/ redundancy / refreshing / new competences • Budget savings • Quality • Monitoring system • e-Recruitment • General and specific requirements • Probationary period / training

  15. 3. Promotion

  16. Promotion vs. Salary Progression

  17. Promotion in career-based systems • The same basic principles as for recruitment • Right to career development • Equal opportunities • Open competition (usually, only internal competition) • Public announcement • Objectivity in the selection procedure • Right to appeal • Methods • Tests • CV scrutiny • Training • Interviews • Requirements • Seniority • Performance appraisal • Training

  18. Promotion in position-based systems • In principle, “promotion” as a concept is not used (no right to “career” development) • When used, almost the same basic principles as for recruitment • Equal opportunities • Open competition (could be internal and external) • Public announcement • Objectivity in the selection procedure • Right to appeal • Methods • Tests • CV scrutiny • Training • Interviews • Requirements • Seniority / professional experience • Performance appraisal • Training

  19. 4. Mobility

  20. Different Meanings & Possibilities • Voluntary / compulsory • Temporary (secondments) / definitive (transfers) • Inter-professional / inter-departmental • Between different levels of administration (central, regional, local) • Geographical mobility – incentives • International mobility • Mobility management: • Central capacity • e-mobility

  21. Important for… • Adjusting the working force in PA • Avoiding / reducing redundancy • Reducing budgetary costs • Developing career possibilities • Increasing competences • Improving performance • Fighting against corruption • Personal & family reasons • …

  22. 4. Performance Appraisal

  23. Performance Appraisal Objectives • For the organisation • To improve overall effectiveness • To improve HRM • To motivate staff • To assess training needs • For the employee • Information on how his/her activity and behaviour are perceived by the organisation (feedback) • To improve communication with his/her superiors • To assess his/her potential and capacity / need for improvement (strengths & weaknesses) • Opportunity for rewards

  24. Main Principles and Guarantees • A right(employee) & a duty(managers) • Linked to theestablished (agreed…) objectives • Participation • Fairnessandobjectivityofthecriteria • Structured(dueprocedure)and regular (yearly, every 2 years,…) • Right to appeal • Consequences: • Rewards (careerandrankadvancement; bonuses; …) • Penalties (careerdelayed; no bonuses; dismissal; …) Performance appraisal & Performance-relatedpay

  25. Main risks to be considered • Poor quality of the legal framework • Politicisation / patronage • Weakness of the HRM system (rules; co-ordination; needs; training; monitoring; etc.) • Lack of capacities/ competences to manage processes (recruitment and promotion; performance appraisal; mobility; etc.) • Weakness of the control system (administrative & jurisdictional) • Lack of attractiveness

  26. Thank you Falemenderit shumë XBAЛ A ЛEПO

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