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Doe data explorer

Discover the reasons behind the reorganization of OSTI's data discovery tool, DOE Data Explorer, and explore the new features and functionalities it offers for browsing and finding DOE research data. This demonstration highlights the hierarchical, interrelated, and customizable nature of the tool, along with the introduction of a mid-tier data product type.

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Doe data explorer

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Doe data explorer Updates and Demonstration Sara Studwell, Product Manager studwells@osti.gov

  2. Why reorganize OSTI’s data discovery tool? DOE Data Explorer – search tool for discovering DOE research data • Feedback from lab workshops and meetings with data researchers • Provide a more intuitive way to browse/find data • Hierarchical • Interrelated • Customizable

  3. Need for a new data product “type” • Originally Data Collections and Datasets • Need for mid-tier “type” to group related datasets • data Project • data Collection • Dataset • Thought experiment  published in Data Science Journal  now must execute!

  4. A “New” DDE

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