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Aggetivi - Adjectives

Aggetivi - Adjectives. Uso e Concordanza Use and Agreement. Aggetivi: Che sono?. Adjectives describe nouns: In Italian, adjectives must agree with nouns in both gender and number For descriptive adjectives in Italian there are two patterns: Four form adjectives Two form adjectives.

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Aggetivi - Adjectives

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  1. Aggetivi - Adjectives Uso e Concordanza Use and Agreement

  2. Aggetivi: Che sono? • Adjectives describe nouns: • In Italian, adjectives must agree with nouns in both gender and number • For descriptive adjectives in Italian there are two patterns: • Four form adjectives • Two form adjectives

  3. Four form adjectives • End in –o in the masculine singular form alto, vecchio, caldo, piccolo, nuovo, italiano M. Sing. alto M. Pl. alti F. Sing. alta F. Pl. alte

  4. Two form adjectives • End in –e in the masculine singular form elegante, verde, canadese, intelligente M. Sing. verde M. Pl. verdi F. Sing. verde F. Pl. verdi

  5. Some rules • If describing a mixed gender group of people, animals, objects, use masculine plural: Francesca e il suo ragazzo sono simpatici. • Adjectives that end in –one or –ona pluralize to –oni and –one, respectively. Lui è un chiacchierone. Lei è una chiacchierona. • Adjectives that end in –ista stay the same for M & F Singular, but pluralize to –isti or –iste. Franco è un barista. Laura e Sonia sono bariste.

  6. Some rules • Just like with nouns, when you pluralize an adjective ending in –go, you add an h: Lungo, Lunghi; Lunga, Lunghe. • Adjectives that end in –co are just weird: sometimes they add an h, sometimes not. Memorize them  Pubblico, pubblici; Pubblica, pubbliche. Simpatico, simpatici; Simpatica, simpatiche. Poco, pochi: Poca, poche. • Adjectives ending in –io pluralize by dropping one i Il dottore è vecchio. I dottori sono vecchi. La nonna è saggia. Le nonne sono sagge.

  7. Buono • Buono (good) has the following forms: M. Sing.Vowel buon M. Sing. Cons. buono M. Plural buoni F. Sing. Vowel buon’ F. Sing. Cons. Buona F. Plural buone

  8. Grande • Grande (big, large) has the following forms: M. Sing.Vowel gran M. Sing. Cons. grande M. Plural grandi F. Sing. Vowel gran’ F. Sing. Cons. grande F. Plural grandi

  9. Bello • Bello (beautiful, nice) has the following forms: M. Sing.Vowel bell’ Plural bei M. Sing. Cons. bel Plural bei M. Sing. S+cons bello Plural begli F. Sing. Vowel bell’ F. Sing. Cons. bella F. Plural belle

  10. Colori • Here are the colours in Italian: Bianco Nero Grigio Rosso Arancione Giallo Verde Azzuro Blu Porpora Viola Rosa Marrone

  11. Descrivi i peperoni

  12. Descrivi i fiori

  13. Descrivi i gente

  14. Descrivi i gente

  15. Descrivi i regali

  16. Descrivi le macchine

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