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< University Name >. TÜRKSAT Model Satellite Competition 201 9 P reliminary Design Review (PDR) Outline Version 1 . 0. < Your Team # > Your Team Name Here. Contents. The table of contents with main headings and subheadings sh all be prepared
<UniversityName> TÜRKSATModel SatelliteCompetition2019Preliminary Design Review (PDR)OutlineVersion 1.0 <Your Team # > Your Team Name Here
Contents The table of contents with main headings and subheadings shall be prepared The preparerof these headings can be specified Whenthetemplateis converted to PDF, the table of content list can be clickable and pagenumberwith the headingshall be correct
Team Organization • Single slide listing the team members and their roles • Team members shallbe specified in which class • Team members can take on more than one task in project planning • Organization chartcan be designed in a unique way orin a format such as the following Sample
Acronyms • Provide a list of acronyms used throughout the presentation • During presentations in teleconference, do not read through these acronyms
Systems Overview <Preparer Name(s)Here>
Mission Summary • Basic missions shallbe specified • Include any external objectives relevant to the design • Personal • Laboratory • Room/Class • Sponsor etc.
The priority of the requirements specified in the competition guide must be «High». In accordance with these requirements, the team can create its own requirements. Theprioritylevel is: «High», «Medium», «Low» System Requirement Summary Acronym(s)shallbe used for requirements. Verification of the requirement; If inspection can be done by eye and hand, «Inspection» can be marked. Verification of the requirement; If the produced system (or subsystem) can be done by clearly showing that the design is made, «Demonstration» section can be marked. Verification of the requirement; If it can be done with theoretical or empirical evaluation, «Analysis» section can be marked. Verification of the requirement; If assessment can be observed by testing, <<Test>> section can be marked. Page can be used more than one to beyour tables understandable and organized. • Systemrequirements are specified on this page. • These requirementsshall be shownon the table. • The purpose of the table is to demonstrate the team understands the system-levelrequirements(requirements for analysis, inspection, testability, demonstration, and other relevant (sub-upper-equivalent) requirements). • A requirement in the table is "Basic requirement", "Team Requirement", etc. shall be stated in the comment/description.
Determination of Model Satellite Design • Present model satellitedesignsconsidered(Show at least two designs) • Present criteriasfor final selection • Include discussion of why the design was selected • Drawings of the design shallbe added. (CAD drawings)
SystemConceptOperation • The operation steps of the flight modulemissionshallbe specified. • Ascentand descentprocess • Recoveryand examination of data • Post-missionprocess • Specifyhow the processes will be operated bytheteam(Teammembers' tasks shallbe specified) • Diagramsare good way to present the process.
Physical Layout • Demonstratephysical layout of selected model satellitedesign • Components(Container, Sciencepayload, Mechanisms) • Dimensions (Height and Diameter of Model Satellite) • Relevant configurations(Mountingcomponent, Seperationmechanism, Exploded model) • Dimensions and positions of electronic components • Specify a detailed idea about Model Satellite design.
Model SatelliteCompatibility • Comparison between specified dimensions in the CompetitionGuideand dimensions of owndesign. • Indicate: • Dimensionsof the container(External dimensions) • Model Satellite Dimensions • Dimensions specified in the CompetitionGuide
Sensor Subsystem Design <Preparer Name(s)Here>
Sensor Subsystem Overview • Sensors decided to use shallbe specifiedin a table . • In the table; • Include type & modelsof the selected sensors. • Include brief discussion of what the sensors are used for
The priority of the requirements specified in the competition guide must be «High». In accordance with these requirements, the team can create its own requirements.Theprioritylevel is: «High», «Medium», «Low» Sensor Subsystem Requirements Acronym shallbe used for requirements. • Sensor subsystemrequirements are specified on this page. • These requirementsshallbe shownon the table. • The purpose of the table is to demonstrate the team understands the requirements(requirements for analysis, inspection, testability, demonstration, and other relevant (sub-upper-equivalent) requirements). • For the better progress of the project, the basic requirements can be divided into sub-headings. • A requirement in the table is "Basic requirement", "TeamRequirement", etc. shallbe stated in the comment/description. Verification of the requirement; If inspection can be done by eye and hand, «Inspection» can be marked. Verification of the requirement; If the produced system (or subsystem) can be done by clearly showing that the design is made, «Demonstration» section can be marked. Verification of the requirement; If it can be done with theoretical or empirical evaluation, «Analysis» section can be marked. Verification of the requirement; If assessment can be observed by testing, <<Test>> section can be marked. Page can be used more than one to be your tables understandable and organized.
GPS Sensor Trade and Selection • GPS sensorsthat can be used in the designed Model Satelliteshallbe compared in a table in this slide • Inthetable: • Sensor specifications • Dimensions andWeight • Price • Indicate which sensor is selected and reasons for selection • Indicate how totrade the GPS sensor.
Pressure Sensor Trade & Selection • Pressuresensors that can be used for receiving the altitudedata shallbe compared in a table in this slide. • Inthetable: • Sensor specifications • Dimensions andWeight • Price • Indicate which sensor is selected and reasons for selection • Indicatehow totrade the pressuresensor.
Temperature Sensor Trade & Selection • Temperaturesensorsthat can be used in the designed Model Satelliteshallbe compared in a table in this slide. • Inthetable: • Sensor specifications • Dimensions andWeight • Price • Indicate which sensor is selected and reasons for selection • Indicatehow totrade the temperaturesensor.
Power Voltage Sensor Trade & Selection • Powervoltagesensorsthat can be used in the designed Model Satelliteshall be compared in a table in this slide. (If the team make their own design, details of their design will be included.) • Inthetable: • Sensor specifications • Dimensions andWeight • Price • Indicate which sensor is selected and reasons for selection • Indicate how totradethepowervoltage sensor.
Auto-GyroSensor Trade & Selection • Auto-Gyrosensorsthat can be used in the designed Model Satelliteshall be compared in a table in this slide.(Compareat leasttwo sensors) • Inthetable: • Sensor specifications • WorkingPrinciple • Dimensions and weight • Price • Indicate which sensor is selected and reasons for selection • Indicatehow totrade the Auto-Gyro sensor.
Camera Trade & Selection • Camerathat can be used in the designed Model Satelliteshall be compared in a table in this slide.(Compareat least twocameras) • Inthetable: • Cameraspecifications • Dimensions andWeight • Price • Indicate which camerais selected and reasons for selection • Indicatehow totrade the camera.
Descent Control Design <Preparer Name(s)Here >
Descent Control Overview One slide providing an overview of the container and science payload descent control system(s) Include overview of the selected components anddesign necessary. Include diagrams outlining descent control strategy for various flight altitude ranges.
The priority of the requirements specified in the competition guide must be «High». In accordance with these requirements, the team can create its own requirements.Theprioritylevel is: «High», «Medium», «Low» Descent ControlSubsystemRequirements Acronym shallbe used for requirements. • Descentcontrolsubsystemrequirements are specified on this page. • These requirementsshall be shownon the table. • The purpose of the table is to demonstrate the team understands the requirements(requirements for analysis, inspection, testability, demonstration, and other relevant (sub-upper-equivalent) requirements). • For the better progress of the project, the basic requirements can be divided into sub-headings. • A requirement in the table is "Basic requirement", "Team Requirement", etc. shall be stated in the comment/description. Verification of the requirement; If inspection can be done by eye and hand, «Inspection» can be marked. Verification of the requirement; If the produced system (or subsystem) can be done by clearly showing that the design is made, «Demonstration» section can be marked. Verification of the requirement; If it can be done with theoretical or empirical evaluation, «Analysis» section can be marked. Verification of the requirement; If assessment can be observed by testing, <<Test>> section can be marked. Page can be used more than one to beyour tables understandable and organized
ContainerDescent Control Strategy • Describe the descent control strategy and specifywhatneedsto be tradedforthisstrategy. • Includedetailssuch as; • Indicate how to mountand seperatethe passive or active descentcontrol system • Pre-flight test evaluation
SciencePayloadDescent Control Strategy • Describe the descentcontrol strategy and specify what needs to be tradedforthisstrategy. • Includedetailssuch as; • Indicate how to mount and seperatethe passive or active descent control system • Pre-flighttest evaluation
Descent Rate Estimates • Present descent rate estimates for the following Model Satellite configurations • Model Satellite (Container+ SciencePayload) rate beforeseperation • Containerrate after being released • SciencePayloadrate following separation from the Container • Indicate calculationsused • Indicate assumptions in calculations.
Mechanical Subsystem Design <Preparer Name(s)Here >
Mechanical Subsystem Overview • One slide providing overview of the mechanical subsystem; • Majorstructural elements • Materialselection • Connection components • Interface definitions • Include science payload and containerstructuralappearance.
The priority of the requirements specified in the competition guide must be «High». In accordance with these requirements, the team can create its own requirements.Theprioritylevel is: «High», «Medium», «Low» Mechanical Subsystem Requirements Acronym shallbe used for requirements. • Mechanicalsubsystemrequirements are specified on this page. • These requirementsshall be shownon the table. • The purpose of the table is to demonstrate the team understands the requirements(requirements for analysis, inspection, testability, demonstration, and other relevant (sub-upper-equivalent) requirements). • For the better progress of the project, the basic requirements can be divided into sub-headings. • A requirement in the table is "Basic requirement", "Team Requirement", etc. shall be stated in the comment/description. Verification of the requirement; If inspection can be done by eye and hand, «Inspection» can be marked. Verification of the requirement; If the produced system (or subsystem) can be done by clearly showing that the design is made, «Demonstration» section can be marked. Verification of the requirement; If it can be done with theoretical or empirical evaluation, «Analysis» section can be marked. Verification of the requirement; If assessment can be observed by testing, <<Test>> section can be marked. Page can be used more than one to beyour tables understandable and organized.
SciencePayloadMechanical Components Selection& Layout • The design of the system isdecided; • Indicate designof mechanicalcomponents • Identify mission and location of components
SciencePayloadMaterial Selection Specifythe materials to be used in the production of mechanical components Describewhere the materialshall be used Specify connectioncomponents Describelocationof connectioncomponentsin the design
ContainerMechanical Components Selection& Layout • The design of the system is decided; • Indicate design of mechanicalcomponents • Identify mission and location of components
ContainerMaterialSelection Specify the materials to be used in the production of mechanical components Describewherethematerialshall be used Specify connectioncomponents Describelocation of connectioncomponents in the design
Container and SciencePayloadInterface • Explain separationmechanism of containerand sciencepayload. • Indicate how to mount these two parts of the modelsatellite. (Easymountingdesign is recommended) • The connection and separation mechanismshallbe clearly indicated; • The operation of the mechanisms shallbe shown in diagrams. • The separation mechanism shallbe shown using visuals from different angles. • The working principles of the separation mechanism shallbe explained.
Strengthand Sustainability Electronic component mounting methods Electronic componentbatteryenclosures(protect the mechanism from outside environment and prevent damage to the environment) Ensuring the safety of electrical components connections Connectionsof mechanicalparts Easy installation and removal of sub-systems Specify requirements for G shocks and crashes Indicate how to test strengthagainstG-shock and crash Solutions should be developed to prevent shock and vibration. Strengthagainst shock forces should be shown.(Specify how to analyze and interpret the containerand sciencepayload.)
Mass Budget • Table(s) providing the following: • Mass of each component • Mass of each structural element • Sources/uncertainties – whether the masses are estimates, from data sheets, measured values, etc. • Containerweight • Sciencepayloadweight • Total mass (Container + SciencePayload)
Communication and Data Handling (CDH) Subsystem Design <Preparer Name(s)Here >
CDH Overview The elements of the CDHsubsystem and the relationships between them shallbe shown in a diagram. Communication protocols ofthe sensors, other electronic components and communication module shallbe indicatedon the diagram.
The priority of the requirements specified in the competition guide must be «High». In accordance with these requirements, the team can create its own requirements.Theprioritylevel is: «High», «Medium», «Low» CDH Requirements Acronym shallbe used for requirements. • CDH requirements are specified on this page. • These requirementsshall be shownon the table. • The purpose of the table is to demonstrate the team understands the requirements(requirements for analysis, inspection, testability, demonstration, and other relevant (sub-upper-equivalent) requirements). • For the better progress of the project, the basic requirements can be divided into sub-headings. • A requirement in the table is "Basic requirement", "Team Requirement", etc. shall be stated in the comment/description. Verification of the requirement; If inspection can be done by eye and hand, «Inspection» can be marked. Verification of the requirement; If the produced system (or subsystem) can be done by clearly showing that the design is made, «Demonstration» section can be marked. Verification of the requirement; If it can be done with theoretical or empirical evaluation, «Analysis» section can be marked. Verification of the requirement; If assessment can be observed by testing, <<Test>> section can be marked. Page can be used more than one to beyour tables understandable and organized.
Processor Selection and Trade • Inthecomparisonchart; • Include processor rate • Include data interfaces (typesI2C, SPI etc.and numbers) • Operating voltage and current • Memory units and sizes • Physicalsize and weight • Price • Indicate which sensor is selected and reasons for selection • Indicatehow totrade the processor.
Memory UnitTrade & Selection • Inthe comparisonchart; • Communicationinterface • Operating voltageandcurrent • Memory unitandsize • Physical size andweight • Price • Indicate whichmemoryunitis selected and reasons for selection • Indicate how totradethememoryunit.
Real-Time Clock Thecorrecttime data(Day/Month/Year– Hour:Minute:Second) will be addedto the telemetry data duringmission. Indicate how toobtain Real-Time Clock data (Hardware or Software) Show at leasttwodesigns
Wireless CommunicationConfiguration We recommend that you prepare the prototype of the wireless communication and start testing early! • Describe whichcommunicationmodule(s) will be used • Theprotocolstructure of radiomodule and how toconfigure it shall be shown (mod,address,etc.) • How toprovidetransmissioncontrol? • Whatare the workingphases of communicationsystem and how do theyoperate?
SciencePayloadAntennaTrade & Selection Antennaselectioncriteria Antennarangeandpatterns Show at leasttwochoices Indicate selectedchoice and reasonsforselection
Telemetry Format • It is mandatory to follow the sequence determined in the telemetry format section of the competition guide. The telemetry data to be recorded at the ground station shall be created in excel format with table and headings • Transmission rate of package and how tosendthemshall be specified • How will the data be formatted • Size,format, description and an example of each data should be specified in the table.
Telecommand • 5-digit passwordinformation (e.g. X123C) definedforeachteamwill be sent as telecommand at the time of flightfromthegroundstationinterface. Thesciencepayloadshallsavethepasswordtothe SD Card. • Describeworkingprinciple. • IndicatePasswordinformation panel on groundstationinterface. • Show blockdiagram of theprocessfrompasswordentry on thegroundstationtosavingthepasswordtothe SD Card in thesciencepayload.
ElectricalPower Subsystem (EPS) Design <Preparer Name(s)Here >
EPS Overview Batteries, regulators and switches shall be shown in a diagram with descriptions.
The priority of the requirements specified in the competition guide must be «High». In accordance with these requirements, the team can create its own requirements.Theprioritylevel is: «High», «Medium», «Low» EPS Requirements Acronym shallbe used for requirements. • EPS requirements are specified on this page. • These requirementsshall be shownon the table. • The purpose of the table is to demonstrate the team understands the requirements(requirements for analysis, inspection, testability, demonstration, and other relevant (sub-upper-equivalent) requirements). • For the better progress of the project, the basic requirements can be divided into sub-headings. • A requirement in the table is "Basic requirement", "Team Requirement", etc. shall be stated in the comment/description. Verification of the requirement; If inspection can be done by eye and hand, «Inspection» can be marked. Verification of the requirement; If the produced system (or subsystem) can be done by clearly showing that the design is made, «Demonstration» section can be marked. Verification of the requirement; If it can be done with theoretical or empirical evaluation, «Analysis» section can be marked. Verification of the requirement; If assessment can be observed by testing, <<Test>> section can be marked. Page can be used more than one to beyour tables understandable and organized.
ElectricalBlockDiagram (1/2) • Power connections shall be shown in a detailed schematic; • All major components shall be shown • Requiredvoltagesshall be specified