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Abstract. U.S. schools are unique in the variety of teaching methods and curricula used for teaching science. Freedom to choose pedagogies and materials are most often vested with the classroom teacher. Because of this natural variation, we have utilized epidemiological methods to mine the backgroun
1. 1 Separating Facts From Fads: The Evidence That Educators Need for Effective Science Instruction and Policy Decisions Philip M. Sadler, Ed.D.
Director of Science Education
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics
F.W. Wright Senior Lecturer
Harvard University Department of Astronomy
2. Abstract U.S. schools are unique in the variety of teaching methods and curricula used for teaching science. Freedom to choose pedagogies and materials are most often vested with the classroom teacher. Because of this natural variation, we have utilized epidemiological methods to mine the backgrounds of college students taking introductory science courses for predictors of performance and persistence while controlling for demographic differences. In surveying thousands of students in randomly selected introductory college biology, chemistry, and physics courses across the U.S., we have put to the test educators' beliefs about the kinds of preparatory experiences and key resources that predict successful performance in college science. I will report on our findings on the value of lab experience, technology, demonstrations, content coverage, block scheduling, class size, Advanced Placement courses, Physics First, project work, and mathematics preparation. We have also gauged the effectiveness of classroom instruction at the middle school level, examining the role of teacher subject matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge on student gains. Of particular interest is teacher awareness of common student misconceptions and how differing forms of assessment play out in the measurement of students' conceptual understanding. Confronting the Math and Science Challenge, East Tennessee State University
3. What is so important about science and math? Basis of economic prosperity and national security
Knowledge acquired over very long time periods
Lots of variety in the educational system
Small hot house studies are over-generalized
Preparation for success in college gate-keeper courses
4. Sadlers Conundrum Teachers Claim:
I prepare students well for success in their next course.
Students are not well prepared for success in my course
5. Questions that motivated this study Why do we teach science?
6. Questions that motivated this study Why do we teach science?
What do teachers believe works best for preparing students for later study in science?
7. With limited time and money, where do you put your resources? Advanced Placement
Block scheduling
Labs and demonstrations
Instructional practices Technology
Facts vs Concepts
Physics First
Teacher Knowledge
8. Questions that motivated this study Why do we teach science?
What do teachers believe works best for preparing students for later study in science?
What evidence do teachers have about what works?
9. FICSS: Factors Influencing College Science Success $3M, 4-year IERI (Inter-agency Educational Research Initiative) study
Investigate the kinds of high school experiences that best prepare college students for:
introductory courses in biology, chemistry, or physics
Drawing hypotheses from teachers, professors, and researchers
Sample of 18,000 college students at 55 randomly chosen colleges and universities
10. Is Advanced Placement the Answer?
11. What the public hears It is better to take a tougher course and get a low grade than to take an easy course and get a high grade.
Clifford Adelman, Senior Research Analyst, U.S. Dept. of Ed.
12. Surprise! AP students often take introductory college courses in science
13. Accounts for half of the observed higher grades
14. Difference in Performance in 102 for Students Who Took AP in High School
15. Conclusions AP students do earn somewhat higher grades in college science
Partial proxy for demographic, general scholastic performance, math preparation
Will not make up for poor earlier preparation
AP exam performance alone is not sufficient support for advanced standing in college
Retaking intro courses benefits AP students
16. Block Scheduling
17. Block Scheduling 1/2 schools use block scheduling
Allows more flexibility
longer labs
team teaching, fieldwork
peer tutoring
18. Block Scheduling Little difference in teaching approaches that are associated with increased learning
Hence, no significant difference in overall effectiveness
A students +1pt, C students -1pt
19. 19 Changing the Order:Physics First
20. Testing the Physics First Hypotheses Taking more physics will have a positive impact on later learning in chemistry
Taking more chemistry will have a positive impact on later learning in biology
Control for covariates: SES, verbal and prior achievement
21. Mathematics Effect
22. Physics First Taking courses in the same science helps later
No cross-disciplinary effect seen in science
Support for strong math preparation
4 years in HS
To pre-calculus or calculus
23. Technology
24. Background In 1997, the Presidents Council of Advisors on Science and Technology issued a report to President Clinton that widespread federal support should be given to school districts to catalyze and continue instructional technology proliferation in US public schools
This report resulted in the formation of the e-Rate Program that subsidized technology infrastructure improvements in US public schools
PCAST also cited the dearth of research on best practice in instructional technology use and implementation, and noted that research in this area should be supported
25. Background All totaled, 65 research articles in major peer-reviewed science education journals with 73.8% of these research studies reporting positive outcomes
None with sample sizes greater than 500 students (can not be considered nationally representative)
46 articles did not provide enough information for effect sizes to be calculated, with 28 articles that were purely qualitative studies
12 articles employed a pre/post test design, but did not include a comparison group
Meta-analysis, Effect Size:
0.74 SD for all studies
0.26 SD for well-controlled studies
26. Success in First Semester Science Major uses of technology in high school science
Computer: graphing and writing
Probes: for taking data automatically
Simulation: genetics, mechanics
Internet: web research and animations
27. Success in First Semester Science Major uses of technology in high school science
Computer: graphing and writing
Probes: for taking data automatically
Simulation: genetics, mechanics
Internet: web research and animations
Biology 2683 students at 29 colleges/univ.
Chemistry 3417 students at 31 colleges/univ.
Physics 1792 students at 37 colleges/univ.
28. Three Discipline Summary, N>7000
29. Research Findings indicated that high school science Instructional Technology use was either not significantly or negatively associated with Introductory College Science Performance as measured by final course grades
On average, technology implementation does not appear to improve student learning in science
30. 30 Pedagogy and Curriculum
31. 31 Pedagogy and Curriculum
32. What Appears to: Help:
Often Analyzed Pictures or Illustrations
Often Draw/Interpret Graphs by Hand
Emphasis on quantitative problems
Labs Addressed Students Beliefs
More prediction, less demo discussion
Testing for facts
Focus on key foundational concepts
33. The Impact of Coverage: Depth vs. Breadth
34. The Impact of Coverage: Depth vs. Breadth In teaching my high school science course so that students are well-prepared for college science, I make sure that we cover:
All the major topics so that students are familiar with most terms and concepts
A few key topics in great depth so that students have mastered a essential foundational concepts
35. The Impact of Coverage: Depth vs. Breadth
36. Conclusions Pedagogy makes a difference
Labs that address student ideas
Labs with simpler procedures
Demonstration with prediction
Integrating mathematics, especially graphing
Coverage makes a difference
Key topics and concepts
Avoidance of covering everything
37. 37 How effective are we at teaching foundational concepts?
38. Confronting the Math and Science Challenge, East Tennessee State University Psychological Foundations The unlearning of preconceptions might very well prove to be the most determinative single factor in the acquisition and retention of subject-matter knowledge.
David Ausubel 1978 Some of the philosophy that undergird my beliefs:
David Ausubel
Karl PopperSome of the philosophy that undergird my beliefs:
David Ausubel
Karl Popper
39. 5-8 Physical Science: Transfer of Energy Electrical circuits provide a means of transferring electrical energy when heat, light, sound, and chemical changes are produced.
40. Student Preference
41. 5-8 Physical Science: Motions and Forces The motion of an object can be described by its position, direction of motion, and speed. That motion can be measured and represented on a graph.
42. Which answers do your students give?
43. Teacher Content and Predictive Knowledge
44. HS Chemistry
45. HS Physics
46. Relationship between Teacher and Student Knowledge
47. Comparison of HS Chemistry Teacher PCK and SMK
48. Comparison of HS Physics Teacher PCK and SMK
49. Yearly Classroom Gain in Middle School Physical Science Courses, N= 172 teachers
50. Confronting the Math and Science Challenge, East Tennessee State University What do we know about conceptual understanding? Misconceptions often unchanged after taking science.
Necessary step in learning
The standards are hard to master.
Teachers are knowledgeable (with some prominent holes in content), but this does not assure student learning.
Teachers do not know their students misconceptions, but should.
51. Patterns in Professional Development Data
52. Which factors predict teacher content knowledge of the curriculum concepts? Grade level
Years Teaching
Years Teaching science subject
Certification in the science subject
Degrees (BS, BA, MS, PhD)
Grad Courses taken in domain
Professional development in science teaching/content
53. Interaction of Years Teaching Subject and Certification
54. 2-Week Institute
55. 2-Week Institute
56. 1-Week Astronomy Institute
57. Comparison of 2 MSP Institutes
58. Patterns in Professional Development Some teacher content weakness at all grade levels: weakest at MS levels
Content knowledge grows very slowly for the non-certified teacher
Professional development can make a difference in teacher content knowledge
Length of program
Focus on content knowledge at grade level vs. science apprenticeships
Activity-based vs. project-based differences
Must evaluate the fulfillment of goals
Content knowledge at higher levels does not translate to knowledge at lower levels
59. Conclusions
60. Separating Facts from Fads AP is valuable for advanced students, but not a replacement for college
Block scheduling is not helpful unless pedagogy changes
Changing course sequence does not aid preparation
Increase math requirements and integration
Technology use must be targeted, should not replace skill development
Classroom pedagogy
More: math, prediction, discovery labs, testing facts
Less: teaching facts,validation labs, lab prep
Coverage: fewer topics, more time on misconceptions and key concepts
Professional Development:
teachers must know both science content and student misconceptions
targeted to content at grade level.
61. Publications to date 1997-The Role of High School Physics in Preparing Students for College Physics. The Physics Teacher.
2001- Success in College Physics: The Role of High School Preparation, Science Education.
2001- Gender Differences in Introductory Undergraduate Physics Performance. Int. Journal of Science Education
2005- Factors influencing success in introductory college chemistry. Journal of Research in Science Teaching
2006- Breaking from Tradition: The Unfulfilled Promise of Block Scheduling, The High School Journal
2006- Factors Influencing College Science Success, Journal of College Science Teaching
2006- High school chemistry content background of introductory college chemistry students and its association with college chemistry grades. Journal of Chemical Education.
62. MOSART Websitewww.cfa.harvard.edu/smgphp/mosart
63. Annenberg Channel
64. Acknowledgments Co-investigators: Matthew Schneps, Roy Gould, Robert Tai (University of Virginia)
Project Manager: Hal Coyle, Gerhard, Sonnert, Michael Filisky
Survey Staff: Jamie Miller, Nancy Cook Smith, Cynthia Crockett, Marc Schwartz (McGill), Annette Trenga, Bruce Ward, Bruce Gregory
Video Staff: Yael Bowman, Toby McElheny, Nancy Finkelstein, Alexia Prichard, Alex Griswold
Graduate Students: Zahra Hazari, John Loehr
Elizabeth VanderPutten, Janice Earle, Joyce Evans, Barry Sloane, Larry Suter of the National Science Foundation,
Marcus Leiberman, Responsive Methodologies
Financial support
Harvard Graduate School of Education, NSF, DoEd, NIH, Annenberg/CPB Foundation.
Center for Astrophysics
Irwin Shapiro, Susan Roudebush, Judith Peritz.
65. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation, National Institutes of Health, U.S. Department of Education
66. Harvard-Smithsonian Center for AstrophysicsScience Education Department
60 Garden Street, MS-71
Cambridge, MA 02138
Phone: 617-496-7598
Fax: 617-496-5405
Email: psadler@cfa.harvard.edu