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Photosynthesis and Cell Respiration

Photosynthesis and Cell Respiration. Dra. Paulina Trigo Espejel Life Sciences TEC-CEM Sep. 2011. Remember ?. Ability to generate work. Remember again ?. ¿ Why is energy stored ?. Autotrophs. Heterotrophs. Which fuel do living beings use?. Adenosine. Ribose. Phosphate Groups.

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Photosynthesis and Cell Respiration

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  1. Photosynthesis and Cell Respiration Dra. Paulina Trigo Espejel Life Sciences TEC-CEM Sep. 2011

  2. Remember? Abilitytogeneratework

  3. Rememberagain? ¿Whyisenergystored? Autotrophs Heterotrophs

  4. Which fuel do living beings use? Adenosine Ribose Phosphate Groups ADP &ATP are likethebatteries of thecell. ATP isusedfor active membranetransport

  5. Research! • Findotheractivities in which ATP isrequired. Write as many as you can onthisclasssummary.

  6. Photowhat? Photosynthesis Process Autotrophs + CO2 + H2O = Energy + O2 Remembercarbohydratefunctions? * Onyourbook look forthe general formula forphotosyntesis.

  7. Whatdoesphotosynthesisneeds? • Water • CO2 • Light • chlorophyll-------- Chloroplasts Pigments: Do youknowanyotherpigment?

  8. A Chloroplast?!!!!¨*¨¨¨¨ • Wherephotosynthesistakes place • Cointainstilakoidswhichorganizephotosystems. • Theyalsocontainchlorophyll Nambetheparts of thechloroplast.

  9. Calvin Cycle Light depndent reactions Solar ATP Stroma NADPH membranes High energy CH’s ATP NADPH O2 Chloroplasts Howdoesphotosyntesistakes place? Photosynthesis includes Takes place uses uses Takes place in produce produce from

  10. NADP? • Try tosayit’snameveryfast Transportstwoelectrons and a hydrogen High energy! This can free energyobtainedfrom NADP. NADPH

  11. Wasn´tthere a light dependentreaction???? Mentionthedifferencesbetweenphotosystems I and II Describe whathappens in eachstep.

  12. Whichwastheonethatdidn´trequire light? CO2 Enters the cycle Energy enters New 6 carbon molecules A 6 carbon sugar is produced Alsocalled Calvin Cycle Carbohydrates

  13. Caloriesmakeyoufat? • A calorieistheenergyrequieredtoheat 1 g of water 1 oC Justforfuncheckthelabelsonwhatyoueat and try to figure outhowmanycaloriesyoueat. Calories in foodlabels are referred as a C thisactuallymeanskilocalories.

  14. How do human beingsgetenergy? Glucose Krebs Electron(transport) Glucolysis Alcohol or Lactic acid Fermentation Whatwouldhappenifinstead of freeingenergy in a controlledwayitwasreleasedsudedenly and uncontrolled?

  15. Gluco…what????.... Gluco Lysis 6 carbonssugar Divide, destroy Thisprocess consumes 2 ATP’sbut produces 4. Italso produces NADH

  16. Krebs Cycle (citricacid)

  17. Electrontransportchain Electron Transport Hydrogen Ion Movement Channel ATP synthase ATP Production

  18. No oxygen!!!! Sportsmen produce largeamounts of lacticacid, research and findouthowtheeliminateit.

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