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Aleida Ferreyra Democratic Governance Community of Practice - COP Mexico DF, Mexico

Guide to best practices to promote youth political participation in the electoral cycle – October 2012. Aleida Ferreyra Democratic Governance Community of Practice - COP Mexico DF, Mexico Oct. 16 – 17, 2012. October2012. Structure and approach of the Guide. Legal Framework.

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Aleida Ferreyra Democratic Governance Community of Practice - COP Mexico DF, Mexico

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  1. Guide tobestpracticestopromoteyouthpoliticalparticipation in the electoral cycle – October 2012 Aleida Ferreyra Democratic Governance Community of Practice - COP Mexico DF, Mexico Oct. 16 – 17, 2012

  2. October2012 Structure and approach of the Guide Legal Framework Stages of the electoral cycle Pre-Electoral Period Electoral Period Post-Electoral Period MONTH/ YEAR

  3. October 2012 Legal Framework Posible Strategies • Line up theminimumageto vote and to be elected • Identify legal barriersforyouthparticipation • Facilitateregistration of youthorganizations • Supporttheprocess of dialogue and consultationwithyouthaboutthe legal framework. • Undertakediagnosticsurveysonthe legal framework, and ifnecessary, considerreforms of the legal framework • Identifylawsthathavepromotedthepoliticalparticipation of youngpeople • Considerquotasforyouth • Providetechnicalassistancetonationa and local governments MONTH/ YEAR

  4. October2012 PRE ELECTORAL Period PosibleStrategies(1) • Foster continuallyyouthparticipation and civiceducationin schools and universities. • Design training programslikesuch as youthleadersincubators • Supportcommunitydevelopment and volunteeringorganizationsledbyyoungpeople and aimedtoyoungpeople • Provide flexible support, withfewbarriers, toacesstoinnovatives and small-scaleyouthprojects • Closethe digital gap throughmobilephones and radio MONTH/ YEAR

  5. October 2012 PRE ELECTORAL Period Posible Strategies (2) • The use of on-line platforms for knowledge sharing and for network building among politically active youth • Foster affirmative action measures within political parties • Support the development of strong the political parties youth wings • Provide training for young members of political parties within a multiparty environment • Address separately, the needs of training and tutoring of young women MONTH/ YEAR

  6. October 2012 ELECTORAL Period Posibles Strategies • Ensureyouthparticipation in allstagesof theeducationcampaignsthataddressconstituent. • Implementmethodsand strategieson multimedia traingintoto capture youthattention. • Includeyouth in advisorycouncils of theelectioncommisions as agentes de casillas and electionobservers. • Develop online interactivetoolsforyoungvoters. MONTH/ YEAR

  7. October 2012 POST-ELECTORAL Period PosiblesStrategies • Ensurethatyouthvoices are heard at theparliament and thegovernment. • Facilitatenationalcouncils and/oryouthparliaments. • A calltoyoungpeopletovisitnationalparliaments. • Initiateinternshipsschemesforstudents in theparliament. • Train and supportforyoungmembers of parliaments. • Initiate and supportyouthcouncils at the local level. MONTH/ YEAR

  8. October 2012 C Consideraciones Finales • Use a rights-basedapproach and preventactivitiesthat are merelytokenistic and pseudo-participative. • Includecomponents of directconsultation, participationprocessledbyyoungpeople and/or in collaborationwith, and emphasizeonlearningthroughpractices and approachestopracticewhatitpreaches. • Accomplishminimunstandardsforpoliticalparticipation of theyoungpeople. • Includethedevelopment of capacitiesboth of individuals and of theyouthorganizations and fosterappropiateenvironments, preferablymutuallyreinforced. • Should be basedon a precise knowledge of thecurrentsituation of youthwithin a particular context. MONTH/ YEAR

  9. THANKS! Aleida Ferreyra Electoral Policy Specialist Democratic Governance Group, BDP, UNDP Email: aleida.ferreyra@undp.org Tel: +1 – 646- 781 -4344Electoral systems and processes

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