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Army Research Office Dr. Kurt Preston DEPSCoR Tri-Service Program Manager

North Dakota EPSCOR Conference. Army Research Office Dr. Kurt Preston DEPSCoR Tri-Service Program Manager. Briefing Outline, Cheese Analogy. Researchers & Administrators want to know: Cheese? – Is someone serving Cheese? Who’s serving Cheese? Where is it? What Flavor is it?

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Army Research Office Dr. Kurt Preston DEPSCoR Tri-Service Program Manager

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  1. North Dakota EPSCOR Conference Army Research Office Dr. Kurt Preston DEPSCoR Tri-Service Program Manager

  2. Briefing Outline,Cheese Analogy • Researchers & Administrators want to know: • Cheese? – Is someone serving Cheese? • Who’s serving Cheese? • Where is it? • What Flavor is it? • How much of it is there? • What are the chances that I can get some of it? DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt

  3. FY 00 Federal 6.1 Obligations ($10B) to Universities & Colleges Who is serving cheese? DoD DoE NIH NASA NSF Other $653M $485M $5,991M $520M $2,129M $244M DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt Updated 7/06/02, KT Source: Federal Funds for Research and Development, FY00, NSF 02-321

  4. Research, Development,Testing & Evaluation • 6.1 Basic Research • (is of Primary interest to Universities = Cheese) • … systematic study directed toward greater knowledge or understanding of the fundamental aspects of phenomena and of observable facts… It includes all scientific study and experimentation directed toward increasing fundamental knowledge and understanding in those fields of the physical, engineering, environmental, and life sciences related to long-term national security needs. It is farsighted high payoff research that provides the basis for technological progress. Basic research may lead to: (a) subsequent applied research and advanced technology developments in Defense-related technologies, and (b) new and improved military functional capabilities in areas such as communications, detection, tracking, surveillance, propulsion, mobility, guidance and control, navigation, energy conversion, materials and structures, and personnel support. • 6.2 Applied Research • … systematic study to understand the means to meet a recognized and specific national security requirement. It is a systematic application of knowledge to develop useful materials, devices, and systems or methods. It may include design, development, and improvement of prototypes and new processes to meet general mission area requirements. Applied research translates promising basic research into solutions… The dominant characteristic is that applied research is directed toward general military needs with a view toward developing and evaluating the feasibility and practicality of proposed solutions and determining their parameters. Applied Research precedes system specific research. Program control of the Applied Research program element is normally exercised by general level of effort. • 6.3 Advanced Technology Development • 6.4 Demonstration and Validation • 6.5 Engineering and Manufacturing Development • 6.6 RDT&E Management Support • 6.7 Operational Systems Development S&T RDT&E DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt Source: FMR, http://www.dtic.mil/comptroller/fmr/02b/Chapter05.pdf 7-08-02

  5. Science and Technology Budget 1978 - 2002 FY 03 Constant Dollars $M 6.3 Advanced Technology Development 6.2 Applied Research 6.1 Basic Research Budget Year DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt 7-06-02

  6. FY00 FY99 FY98 FY97 Basic ResearchUniversity Funding Snapshot Dollars in $M DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt Source: Federal Funds for R&D NSF Report #02-321, & others updated 7/02/02, kt

  7. DoD Basic Research Budget FY 00 DoD 6.1 Obligations to Universities & Colleges How much DoD basic research cheese? $653 Million DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt Source: Federal Funds for Research and Development, FY 00, NSF 02-321 Updated 7/06/02, KT

  8. DoD Percent of Research # FY00 DoD % of all Federal... Aeronautical Astronautical Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Metallurgy & Materials Civil Engineering All Engineering Mathematics Computer Science All Fields of Research 00 Research 38% 14% 81% 71% 36% 35% 39% 15% 35% 13% Federal Research @ U’s 52% 28% 68% 67% 37% 14% 33% 14% 37% 7% DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt updated 8/02/02, KT Source: Federal Funds for R&D, NSF Report #02-321

  9. Sources for DoD Basic Research Funding(where is the cheese, all over ?) • No Single Point of Entry for DoD Research Funding • Locate All Possible Interested Parties Through – • U.S. Army Research Office: • http://www.aro.army.mil • Army Medical • http://www-usamraa.army.mil • http://mrmc-www.army.mil • Office of Naval Research: • http://www.onr.navy.mil • Air Force Office of Scientific Research: • http://www.afosr.af.mil/ • Missile Defense Agency: • http://www.acq.osd.mil/bmdo/bmdolink/html/bmdolink.html • Jurgen Pohlman, (703) 697-3577, juergen.pohlmann@bmdo.osd.mil • Defense Advanced Projects Agency: • http://www.arpa.mil/ FY 2003 DEPSCoR Competition deadline 24 OCT 02 BAA Announced: CBD, Army (ARO), Navy (ONR) & Air Force (AFOSR) Home Pages More URLs in the “Notes” View DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt updated 7/05/02, KT

  10. Part I AREAS OF RESEARCH INTERESTS A. ARMY RESEARCH LABORATORY-ARMY RESEARCH OFFICE Chemistry Electronics Environmental Sciences Life Sciences Materials Science Mathematical and Computer Sciences Mechanical Sciences Physics U. S. DEPARTMENT OF ARMY ARMY RESEARCH LABORATORY TO INCLUDE ARMY RESEARCH OFFICE COMPUTATIONAL AND INFORMATION SCIENCES DIR. HUMAN RESEARCH AND ENGINEERING DIR. SENSORS AND ELECTRON DEVICES DIR. SURVIVABILITY/LETHALITY ANALYSIS DIR. VEHICLE TECHNOLOGY DIR. WEAPONS AND MATERIALS RESEARCH DIR. BROAD AGENCY ANNOUNCEMENT FOR CONTRACTS, GRANTS, COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS, AND OTHER TRANSACTIONS DAAD19-00-R-0010 JULY 2000 - FY 2003 ISSUED BY: U. S. ARMY RESEARCH LABORATORY U.S. ARMY RESEARCH OFFICE P. O. BOX 12211 RESEARCH TRIANGLE PARK, NC 27709-2211 5.2 . Mechanical Behavior of Materials. The program on Mechanical Behavior of Materials addresses the fundamental relationships between the structure of materials and their mechanical properties as influenced by composition, processing, environment, stress state, and loading rate. The objectives of the subfield are to provide structural materials with improved mechanical properties and quantitative models for predicting both the response and the remaining useful life of a material. Major thrusts include the development of new strengthening, plasticity and toughening mechanisms for preventing or retarding fracture; especially at large strains (1000%) and high strain rates (to 106/sec). New knowledge is sought concerning fundamental deformation processes in materials including: load transfer, fatigue, creep, transformation toughening, superplasticity, and shear localization………… Technical Point of Contact: Dr. David Stepp, e-mail:steppd@arl.aro.army.mil, (919) 549-4329 Cheese flavors = Answers on the Internet http://www.aro.army.mil (pick Annual BAA) BAA Solicitation DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt updated 7/05/02, KT

  11. DEPSCoR = Dry Sweet Ricotta • Objectives • Eligibility • Historical Performance • Changes in FY03 DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt

  12. Objectives of DEPSCoR Improve Capability Through Research Grants & Graduate Student SupportAll Geared Toward Infrastructure Building • As Defined in Legislation- • Enhance the capabilities of institutions of higher education [universities] in eligible States to develop, plan, and execute science and engineering research that is competitive under the peer-review systems used for awarding Federal research assistance; and • Increase the probability of long-term growth in the competitively awarded financial assistance that universities in eligible States receive from the Federal Government for science and engineering research. Ultimate Objective is: Successfully Compete in Full and Open Research Competition DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt updated 7/05/02, KT

  13. DoD Eligible DoD Graduate HI VI PR EPSCoR State Committees AK FY 2003 Competition ME VT MT ND SD ID WY NE NE WV NV KY KS SC OK AR NM AL MS LA 04-09-01 DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt updated 5/17/02, KT

  14. DEPSCoR Grant Amounts New Floor for 03 DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt Updated 5/16/01, KT

  15. Changes in FY03 3 Main Changes for FY03 • Floor on DoD request - $500K minimum • State submission reduced - 10 projects • Primary Evaluation Criteria added– Support to Building State Infrastructure DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt

  16. Growth from DEPSCoR • Strategic Focus by State Committees • Diversify Funding Sources • Substantial Research Outside of Sheltered Competition • Focus • Relevant Research • What’s the potential payoff for the Warfighter • Quality Proposals • Establish Contacts with the Component Scientists • Blind Proposals are a shot in the dark • Establish valuable Collaborations • Best available within State/Nation DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt updated 7-08-02, KT

  17. Summary • Cheese? – Is someone serving Cheese? - Yes • Who’s serving Cheese? DoD does, as do others. • Where is it? Basic Info on the web. • What Flavor is it? Engineer flavored, mostly. • How much of it is there? ~ $ 16 M DEPSCOR • What are the chances that I can get some of it? • Relevant Research, Quality Proposals, • Establish Collaborations DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt

  18. Back Up Slides BACK UPSLIDES 5-20-97 DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt

  19. Research Perspective The DoD Perspective: • Significant Pressure on Research DoD Budget • War on Terror, is not new, just better recognized. • We have a responsibility to tools for • S&T is the Future – seeking incremental and leap-ahead progress • Stable S&T Funding, efficient and effective execution are KEY DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt 7-08-02

  20. Elements of the DoDBasic Research Programs (1) • MURI: Multidisciplinary University Research Initiative program • Designed to address large multidisciplinary topic areas representing exceptional opportunities for future DoD applications and technology options. • ~25-40 awards/yr. ~$500K-1M/yr. (3 yr effort +2) • Funding – $15-25M/yr. • DURIP: Defense University Research Instrumentation Program • http://www.afosr.af.mil/oppts/afrfund.htm#research • Provides resources for major equipment purchases for basic research • Funding - ~45M in FY02, ~$50K - $1M/award (avg. of ~$213K) • FY03 Closes 8/22/02 • DEPSCoR: DoD Experimental Program to Stimulate Competitive Research • http://www.aro.army.mil/research/ • Stimulates competitive research in selected states (and Puerto Rico) that have not traditionally received large Federal research awards • ~18 States plus PR & US Virgin Islands • FY03 Closes 10/24/02, Awards will average >$500K/each + cost match/ 3 yr effort DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt Updated 7-08-02, KT

  21. Elements of the DoDBasic Research Programs (2) • HBCU/MI Infrastructure • http: www.aro.army.mil/research/ • By the Services & OSD intended to assist developing infrastructure • Funding ~15-24M/yr, Awards range from $50-500K/yr for 1-4 year efforts • FY03 anticipated in Oct, 2002, will close 8-10wks later • GICUR: Government/Industry Co-sponsorship of University Research • Funds U.S. university consortia to conduct long range basic research critical to both public and private sectors. • FY02 Funding ~$9M • Congressionally Directed • Announcements on the websites of the service(s) executing the program(s) • Other Authorized/Appropriated programs and projects as directed by Congress • Competitively awarded • FY02 $xxx through OSD for DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt Updated 7-08-02, KT

  22. Elements of the DoDBasic Research Programs (3) • SBIR • http://www.acq.osd.mil/sadbu/sbir/ • DoD's SBIR program funds early-stage R&D projects at small technology companies -- projects which serve a DoD need and have the potential for commercialization in private sector and/or military markets. • Twice yearly competition (FY2002.2 – Post 5/1/02, Open 7/1/02-8/14/02) (FY3003.1 – Post 10/1/02, Open 12/2/02-1/15/03) • Phase I – 60K-100K/6 mos.(~15% of submissions) • Phase II – 500K-750K/2 yrs. (~40% of Phase I awards) • Phase III – Co-funding – private sector & gov’t • STTR: Science Technology Transfer • http://www.acq.osd.mil/sadbu/sbir/ • Similar to SBIR but funds cooperative R&D projects involving a small business and a research institution to create an effective vehicle for moving research ideas to the market, where they can benefit both private sector and military customers. • Annual Competition (FY03 - Post 1/2/03. Open 3/3/03-4/16/03) DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt Updated 7-08-02, KT

  23. Elements of the DoDBasic Research Programs (5) • Summer Faculty: High School and University Faculty programs • http://www.aro.army.mil/research/index.htm • Opportunities for university and college faculty members to perform research at defense facilities during the summer months. Faculty members Competitively selected for placement at laboratories and centers that share their research interests to collaborate on existing technical projects or start new short-term efforts. DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt Updated 7-08-02, KT

  24. Elements of the DoDBasic Research Programs (4) • NDSEG:National Defense Science and Engineering Graduate Fellowships • http://www.asee.org/ndseg/html/preface.htm • Early career awards for study and research leading to doctoral degrees in mathematics and physical, biological, ocean, and engineering sciences (~senior Undergrad, 1st year grad, field-change-start-overs). U.S. Citizens & Nationals (native residents of a possession of the United States such as American Samoa ) • 36 Month Fellowships, ~200/yr., pays for Tuition & fees + stipend of ~23K-25K/yr. • Anticipate closing January, 2003 • YIP:Young Investigator Program • http://www.onr.navy.mil/sci%5Ftech/industrial/yip%5Fannounce.htm • This award recognizes the finest scientists and engineers who, early in their research careers, show exceptional potential for leadership at the frontiers of scientific knowledge. The award includes a three-year, $300,000 research grant. • FY03 Closes ~November, 2002 • PECASE: Presidential Early Career Award for Science and Engieering • A select subset of YIP, several researchers receive the prestigious PECASE each year (+2 yrs./~100K.yr.). DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt Updated 7-08-02, KT

  25. Strategic Research Areas · Biomimetics—research to develop novel synthetic materials, processes, and sensors through advanced understanding and exploitation of design principles found in nature. · Nanoscience—research to achieve dramatic and innovative enhancements in the properties and performance of structures, materials, and devices that have controllable features on the nanometer scale (i.e., tens of angstroms). · Smart Materials and Structures—research to demonstrate advanced capabilities for modeling, predicting, controlling, and optimizing the dynamic response of complex, multielement, deformable structures used in land, sea, and aerospace vehicles and systems. · Information Technology (IT)—research to provide fundamental advances enabling the rapid and secure transmission of large quantities of multimedia information (speech, data, images, and video) from point to point, broadcast, and multicast over distributed networks of heterogeneous communications, command, control, computers, intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance (C4ISR) systems. · Human-Centered Systems—research to develop advanced systems that can sense, analyze, learn, adapt, and function effectively in uncertain, changing, and hostile environments in achieving the mission. ·Compact Power—research to exploit new concepts to achieve significant improvements in the performance of compact power sources and power consuming devices through fundamental advances relevant to current technologies. DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt From the DRAFT FY2001 Basic Research Plan updated 5/16/01, KT

  26. NIH NIH Federal Research $ in Selected Disciplines FY00 Obligations Dollars in M Engineering Science (6.1 + 6.2 Funding) DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt Source: Federal Funds for R&D NSF Report #02-321 updated 7/05/02, KT

  27. PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS • UNIVERSITY RESEARCH INITIATIVE (URI) • Multidisciplinary URI (MURI): Multidisciplinary university teams, long-term, major topics of joint interest, $1M/YR • Augmentation Awards for S&E Research Training (AASERT): Awards to DoD principal investigators for support of graduate students to work on DoD research projects (3YR awards) • Defense University Research Instrumentation Program (DURIP): High end instrumentation for universities (up to $1M) • HISTORICALLY BLACK COLLEGES/UNIVERSITIES & MINORITY INSTITUTIONS (HBCU/MI) • Research, instrumentation, centers, mentoring ($13M) • GOVERNMENT/INDUSTRY COSPONSORSHIP OF UNIVERSITY RESEARCH (GICUR) • Potential New Start Program • Multidisciplinary university-based program jointly funded by government and industry 5-20-97 DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt

  28. DEPSCoR Eligibility Criteria • Must be a State* • Must have an NSF State EPSCoR Committee • Must meet qualifying formula: • Calculation is run annually - Source for data is the most recent NSF Publication, • Federal Science and Engineering Support to Universities, Colleges and Nonprofit Institutions • Must demonstrate commitment to developing R&D and improving S&E research and education at IHEs Sa < (Na/50)*.6 Where: A States average DoD R&D obligations for last three data years = Sa The National average DoD R&D obligations to IHE for last three data years = Na * Authorization language defines “State” as: State of the United States, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, and the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt 7-08-02

  29. DEPSCoR Authorization Legislation • Authorization from PL103-337, as amended • Secretary of Defense shall conduct … DEPSCoR • Objectives • Enhance the capabilities of institutions of higher education [universities] in eligible States to develop, plan, and execute science and engineering research that is competitive under the peer-review systems used for awarding Federal research assistance; and • Increase the probability of long-term growth in the competitively awarded financial assistance that universities in eligible States receive from the Federal Government for science and engineering research. • Activities • Research grants • Financial Assistance for Graduate Students • Eligibility • States designated by DUSD(A&T) • Formula - Sa < (Na/50)*.6 • States with NSF established State Committees • Demonstrated commitment to developing research base and improving science and engineering research and education programs at IHE 5-20-97 DEPSCoR OSD Research Workshops.ppt

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