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hep-ph/0405052. SUSY Spin Measurements with ATLAS. So … is it really supersymmetry?. Alan Barr. “If it quacks like SUSY …”. “What else could it possibly be?”. “Don’t be so sure … ”. (S)particle reminder. SM. SUSY. “Left squark” = scalar SUSY partner of left quark.
hep-ph/0405052 SUSY Spin Measurementswith ATLAS So … is it really supersymmetry? Alan Barr “If it quacks like SUSY …” “What else could it possibly be?” “Don’t be so sure … ” UK ATLAS Physics
(S)particle reminder SM SUSY “Left squark” = scalar SUSY partner of left quark quarks (L&R)leptons (L&R) neutrinos (L&?) squarks (L&R)sleptons (L&R)sneutrinos (L&?) Spin-1/2 Spin-0 AfterMixing Z0W± gluon BinoWino0Wino± gluino BW0 Spin-1 4 x neutralino Spin-1/2 gluino ~ h0 H0 A0 H± H0H± ~ 2 x chargino Spin-0 Extended higgs sector (2 doublets) UK ATLAS Physics
[RPC SUSY] 1-year low-lumi mSUGRA reach • Sparticle decays generate: • Missing ET (LSP) • Jets (squarks/gluino) • Leptons (sleptons) • “If we see these at LHC we have discovered SUSY” • Not necessarily… Gaugino mass term (GeV) Plot by D. Tovey Scalar mass term (GeV) UK ATLAS Physics
Universal Extra Dimensions Cheng, Matchev “How to get fooled at the LHC” hep-ph/0205314 • TeV-scale universal extra dimension model • Kaluza-Klein states of SM particles • same QN’s as SM • mn2 ≈ m02 + n2/R2 [+ boundary terms] • same spin as SM • KK parity • Lightest KK state stable, and weakly interacting • 1st KK mode pair-produced • First KK level looks a lot like SUSY Radius of extra dimension ~ TeV-1 KK tower of masses n=0,1,… Dubbed “Bosonic Supersymmetry” UK ATLAS Physics
UED KK spectrum Cheng, Matchev hep-ph/0205314 Example decay spectrum 1st excited KK level (example masses) Stable lightestKK particle(weakly interacting) After adding boundary terms -> SUSY-like spectrum Need to measure spins! UK ATLAS Physics
SUSY decay chain Spin-0 • Use mSUGRA LHC point 5 as example • Well studied in context of sparticle masses • Nice leptonic signal at LHC Spin-½ Spin-½, mostly wino Spin-0 Spin-½, mostly bino Final state = jet + l+ + l- + ET ( + decay of other sparticle) UK ATLAS Physics
Spin projection factors P In rest frame of with +ve z-axis aligned with qL S Approximate SM particles as massless -> okay since m « p UK ATLAS Physics
Spin projection factors P In rest frame of with +ve z-axis aligned with qL S Σ=0 S Spin-0 Approximate SM particles as massless -> okay since m « p UK ATLAS Physics
Spin projection factors In rest frame of with +ve z-axis aligned with qL θ* p S Approximate SM particles as massless -> okay since m « p UK ATLAS Physics
Spin projection factors P In rest frame of with +ve z-axis aligned with qL mql - measure S Σ=0 θ* p S S Spin projection factor Spin-0 Approximate SM particles as massless -> okay since m « p UK ATLAS Physics
lnearq invariant mass (1) Back to backin 20 frame nearlepton quark Probability l+ θ* Phase space χ20 l- Phase space -> factor of sin ½θ* Spin projection factor in |M|2: l+q -> sin2½θ* l-q ->cos2½θ* m/mmax = sin ½θ* UK ATLAS Physics
lnearq invariant mass (2) (Lepton from 2 decay only – not directly measurable) 0 1 0 1 squarkdecay anti-squarkdecay l+ l- l+ l- Obvious asymmetry! Opposite asymmetry! -> if same # squarks as anti-squarks effect cancels UK ATLAS Physics
How to measure? • lnearq shows nice charge asymmetry • Excellent probe of spin of • Experimental problems in measurement: • Can’t tell near lepton from far lepton • Plot l+q and l–q instead -> contributions from both near and far • Can’t tell quark jet from anti-quark • Sum of q and q-bar is measurable • pp collider -> get squark asymmetry from PDFs UK ATLAS Physics
Production asymmetry qg -> squark + gluino x1 and x2 sampled by MC Valence quarks Peak near 0.1, 0.1 Parton distribution functionhas more q than q-bar for Bjorken x ≈ 0.1 -> pp collider produces more squarks than anti-squarks UK ATLAS Physics (Twice as much for our point)
Parton Level l- l+ spin-0=flat Chargeasymmetry Experimentally measurable-> q and q-bar -> near and far leptons difference/sum Shape indicates that20 is spin-½ UK ATLAS Physics
After detector simulation (ATLFAST) Change in shape due to charge-blind cuts l- parton-level * 0.6 Events spin-½ Charge asymmetry, spin-0 l+ detector-level Invariant mass -> Charge asymmetry survives detector sim-> Same shape as parton level (but with BG and smearing) UK ATLAS Physics For cuts see C. Lester thesis
Cross-check • Monte Carlo is HERWIG (6.5) • Can turn off spin correlations • distribution for “scalar 20” • consistent with flat • not consistent with spin-½ 20 of previous page (linearly increasing) No asymmetry if spincorrelations turned off spin-0=flat spin-½ -> spin-0 -> production asymmetry UK ATLAS Physics
Further evidence - slepton spin Straightline distn • Dilepton invariant mass. • “Right-handed” slepton • l+ and l- are right handed • might expect pronounced spin effects (as for lq distributions) • none because slepton is scalar • Scalar particle carrying lepton number • sounds like a slepton to me! (phase-space) Back-to-backin slepton frame Shape after different-family subtraction UK ATLAS Physics
Conclusions • Method for measuring spins of SUSY particles at the LHC • Measure l±q invariant mass distributions • equivalent to angular distributions in • Look for lepton charge asymmetry • Requires initial asymmetry in squark vs anti-squark production • valence quarks in PDFs at x ~ 0.1 • Measure spin-½ nature of 20 • Also spin-0 slepton from mll • Should be enough to kill “straw man” e.g. universal extra dimensions UK ATLAS Physics