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LAMI meeting

Updates on LAMI-LIAM, language survey in migration context, VIME Project, future plans, actions, European literacy framework, toolkit context. Collaboration with ALTE for UN 2030 agenda. Expert revision, translation, piloting phases. Dissemination, new language versions, synergy with other projects discussed.

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LAMI meeting

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Presentation Transcript

  1. LAMI meeting Salamanca, 22 November 2018

  2. Agenda • LAMI-LIAM: update (Lorenzo) • Survey on language and KoS requirements within the migration context (Bart) • VIME Project (Ina) • LAMI in the next future (Jane): • Topics and format • Contribution for Madrid 2020 • AOB

  3. 3 Actions • European survey • European Literacy Framework • Toolkit

  4. Context • The survey is: • Organized in close co-operation with ALTE • Embedded in the CoE contribution to the United Nations 2030 agenda, namely Goal n. 4

  5. Expectedresults • Identification of best practices • Stimulation of critical reflections • Formulation of evidence-based policy recommendations

  6. Whatwe’llneed • 1 Expert in LT for revision (Spring 2019) • Translation/adaptation in different languages (second half of 2019) • Piloting phase (2020)

  7. 57 tools in 7 languages (English, French, Dutch, German, Greek, Italian, Turkish) www.coe.int/lang-refugees

  8. Implications • Dissemination activities (14 NGOs/ 8 countries) • Implementation: • New language version (Albanian, by the end of 2018) • New tools for YAL? (2019) • Sinergy with other projects

  9. AOB?

  10. Next meeting • Where: Klagenfurt • When: Mid-Feb (14 or 15)

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